
Screw Sweeney. In today's world history actions are putting people at risk.

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I don't think he is doing anything wrong and I think he needs a better hobby.

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FYI: He can post the carbon emissions without physically tracking people, he chooses to leave the location in the data because he's an asshole. He's also not some poor lowly college student, he's a trust fund kid who takes private planes himself.

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Jeeze what a creep. You’re not allowed to stalk people’s movements and post them on social media. If this were done to private citizens it would be called stalking- why is it any different bc the people he’s stalking are celebrities? He’s going to get someone killed by a crazy person.

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Is it journalism or extortion, if he agrees to take the site down for gifts?

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So much vitriol in these comments. If you are so concerned about some kid tracking the activities of people you dont even know, ask yourself if you care about Google tracking your every move online.

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Honestly this kid sounds like scum. Just set aside political or philosophical discussions of free speech, the kid’s a jerk.

Good riddance to his “social media empire.”

Just thinking about the fact there are people like this kid out there gives me the creeps. Why would you care so much about other people’s personal business that you want to track their movements? Creepy, weird, scummy.

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“Why would you care?” Who knows. People magazine has been around for fifty years. Nobody seems to care that Google tracks your every move on the internet.

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Suzy Weiss and crew will turn on this kid once he sets his sights on Bill and Hillary or any of their hallowed Dems...

Sadly, reading the Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project (aka The Free Press) is a stark reminder that there are people in this world who not only believe that some people are better than others... they actually love it and so desperately want to be part of that group that they will kow-tow to anything...

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This is an interesting case to consider—the rich and powerful use privet jets the way normal people use cars, and I'd certainly be unhappy if someone was documenting my travel... even more so if some lunatics used the information to attack my child one day. On the other hand, the same way I wouldn't hold Musk personally accountable if the information shared on X was put to evil uses, I'm not sure it is fair to blame him when someone does the same with the flight tracking data.

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It's all relative. Is tracking Swift's jet newsworthy? Is Swift or Musk themselves newsworthy? If not (and I don't think they are) then it's harassment. And if they are, it's just more needless noise.

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I totally get the nerd factor of doing what Sweeney is doing,but the choice to post it publicly is another thing altogether. Regardless, laws aren't ethics. I'm not an attorney, but even if his endeavor is lawful, it is also unethical. I don't get the point. Then again I don't really care how others are living their lives or where popular people are at a given moment. The whole thing feels like entropy to me.

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Imagine for one moment if Taylor Swift took a commercial flight… The entire airport would shut down. If she boarded a flight, every single person would want a selfie with her. If you think this is false, you are deluded. It would be a huge security risk for her and her team. People who bag on her for flying private are completely unrealistic about what Taylor flying commercial would entail. You do not want one of the most famous people on the planet causing massive delay and distraction at a commercial airport. Every part of the system would grind to a halt.

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Eleanor Roosevelt flew commercial. David Ben-Gurion flew commercial. If Swift flew commercial, it might create a few short flight delays. But VIP travel is part of what common carriers are for. A airline can minimize VIP travel by going all-coach.

If Swift flew commercial, fans would put her travel on the internet, just like Sweeney. But if she has a specific problem with Sweeney, going commercial is a better idea than trying to stop his speech acts.

As for judging Sweeney, the Musk flip-flop suggests this is a borderline case for free speech. But I’m on the free speech side of the border.

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You are 100% correct in your analysis. But I don't think that is the issue here. I think the issue is that Taylor and people like her like to deride others for their ecological "sins". I think if Taylor Swift would just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SING then there would be no issues. But she can't. She MUST virtue signal. And so, since she MUST do this, then it also stands to reason that we plebs MUST likewise call her out for being an annoying attention whore who should SHUT THE FUCK UP...

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This dude's only crime is annoying rich, powerful people who bitch about everyone else dooming the planet while they trot around the globe in their multi-million dollar private planes. I don't give a damn how many "carbon credits" Taylor Swift buys. Free speech is free speech, and this information is publicly available. No need to carry water for billionaires just because they're a little inconvenienced by a college student.

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There's lots of shit you're legally permitted to do but you're still an asshole for doing it. Posting real time information on famous people so weirdos can harass their families is something that makes you an asshole.

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Anyone can track any aircraft at any time on Flight Aware. In fact, Monkey Works will tell you a lot more than that.

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The only possibly positive or constructive outcome from Sweeney’s endeavor is to point out how much carbon Taylor Swift’s private jet is spewing into the atmosphere.

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Social parasite.

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