
It will take a while but I think the CCP is in its last stages. The Chinese are fully capable of being free citizens in a free country, Taiwan and Hong Kong has proven this. I wish the best for them.

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Meanwhile, Biden Administration silent on these protesters, careful not to upset the CCP. Too busy fighting that proxy war with Russia to keep corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs free.

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Poking the bear or the panda in the eye really sells to the US elites, paying big dollars for support. Author leaves out nasty riots by recent immigrants in Belgium, Holland and other Euro last week, like above coinciding with soccer. More importantly, like US media, the author leaves out the Taiwan US-backed secessionist movement party, lost in a landslide November 26 (unlike the DNC controlled US elections that take months).  The mainland-friendly KMT, or Kuomintang, won overwhelmingly while the leader of US backed President's secessionist party stepped down from party leadership.

All above buried in US media.

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'Since Tiananmen, there’s been a pretty straightforward trade-off in China between the state and the 1.3 billion human beings it presides over: You let us do whatever we want, and in exchange, you get rich (or, at least, richer).' This is what is known as a Deal With The Devil.

The United States, in the wake of Tianamin Square, served as the leading enabler of this poisonous situation. Our version of it is: 'You (the CCP) can do whatever you want to anyone, and in exchange, we get to have nice toys like iPhones and laptops (like the one I use to type this comment), and we get to at least feel richer because of all those 'cheap' goods.

We are in the early stages of the Devil coming to collect--that creature always does, you know.

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Canadian legacy media journalists would call them far right“ freedumb” fighters. God bless the Chinese people.

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Thank you Miss Simone for your galvanizing report. It reminds me of 1984 and Ayn Rand ‘s We the living .

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Free speech is contagious.

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It seems to me they care so deeply in their goal of a perfect society managed by their comrades it has blinded them to the obvious fate of even their own such as Cuomo, Elon, and anyone who strays from the prescribed narrative.

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I stopped reading with the derogatory "CCP" reference which China haters love to throw around.

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"True, the country has seen relatively few Covid deaths...." I don't believe this for one second.

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You can't live a life of purpose without freedom. The CCP recognizes this, which is why the drones tell people to "control their yearning for freedom"

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We actually won our revolution; Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, took his toys and went home. The succeeding generations, the legacy generations if you will, have failed most of the first principles that underpinned our revolution. So yes, we must keep trying.

T. Reid has the more likely recent Chinese history in another comment. Oddly, Sun Yat Sen ended up eventually opening China to more outside influence, where as Mao cut it off ( except for USSR).

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Oh...of course HE did.

But good were done with the "does not imply" nonsense.

Gave his right-wing/anti-abortion buddies a "heads up" so they could coordinate response. Not complicated.

Now....stop talking about the articles....and deal with the letter written to Roberts:

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I thought you were talking Hobbs not Hobby Lobby?

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There are more brave people in Shanghai than there are in New York City. Or perhaps the police in New York City are more tyrannical the those in Shanghai. Worse could be said of small-town America where people mask-up, self-lockdown and beg for the poison Covid jabs.

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No nation on Earth has ever had the amount of societal surveillance and control structures in place as China has today. What alternative is there in China to the CCP? It's not like there is an opposition party. Are the KMT going to come back from Taiwan and run the place?

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