Israel should do what it thinks best. Full stop. The United States can whine about it or not. Meanwhile, how many wars has the US fought in the name of freedom of the seas? I can think of: the naval war with our erstwhile ally, France, in the 1790s, the actions against the Barbary Pirates (shores of Tripoli, no?), the War of 1812, the Great War, after Germany re-started unrestricted sub warfare. Why do I mention this? The US has now two carrier groups in the Middle East. I assume elements of Delta Force and or the US Navy Seals are there or could be sent there. The Navy is reacting defensively to attacks on US warships. It is time to open the Red Sea lane to Suez by employing whatever force is necessary against the other Iran proxy, the Houthi, which occupies part of Yemen and has blocked effectively international commerce by the most direct route between the Pacific and Europe.

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Is it possible that while the US is saying one thing, we are privately supporting Israel’s counteroffensive? We are saying a lot of things publicly, but at the end of the day the Israelis seem to be mostly ignoring it and continuing their campaign against Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. Perhaps this is the balance required by the unwritten rules of international foreign policy. We can’t appear to be publicly supporting a large scale Israeli offensive in the Middle East, while privately we are okay with Israel’s actions.

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Stop saying "Biden did this and Biden did that" Biden has done nothing other than parrot the message from the cabal that runs the administration and would continue to do so under Harris-Walz should the electorate be so uninformed as to make that choice.

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Why should Israel take a dependency on the US possibly giving them the nod to finish the fight?

Is Iran asking the US for permission? When they go against the desires of the US are there real consequences? No.

So why should Israel, our ally, force itself to heel?

Israel must finish this fight!

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The answer is simple: the US is where the armaments come from. Without US made munitions Israel is in trouble.

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“The win is there if the President takes it”, REALLY? I have a better question. Who’s actually running the government, Blinken, Sullivan, Obuma, Harris (I’m joking) or any of the other administration clowns? I can’t imagine four more years of this dystopia. Reality Check: THERE IS A PRESIDENT IN NAME ONLY!

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Iran knows that once its proxies are neutralized, the next target will be the sites in which it is developing its nuclear capabilities. Hence, they are throwing everything they can muster up at Israel now. Under Biden, Iran has been allowed to increase its daily oil production from 400k barrels per day to ~3M barrels, giving it the money it needs to support those proxies and also Russian ambitions in Eastern Europe. If he had been allowed to do so, Biden would've released billions in frozen assets to Iran. Thankfully, Congress nixed that. The fact is that the Biden administration's policy of containment through appeasement has been a failure. Let Israel do the job our feckless, spineless leaders are unable to do.

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Ely you can’t make up your mind who the bad guys are. EVIL IS EVIL OK? Obama has been an antisemite and surrounded himself with antisemitic Jews. Littered his cabinet with Iranians who are also in Biden’s cabinet. Israel is in big trouble and so is the rest of the world if Harris-Walz win!!!

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I've always wondered about Obama.

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I got a good laugh when I read that sentence in which Harris claimed to have "studied" maps. That was a good one.

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“Well, some people don’t have maps..”

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Forget Winken Blinken and Nod. Obama is running this administration by proxy and he is a not well closeted AntiSemite. Biden for all intents is a dead man walking and Harris is a laughing buffoon. Into this vacuum comes our genius of foreign affairs Barack Hussein to right the Ship of State. Israel unleashed could take out Iranian Atomic aspirations but that would make Obama look like the foreign relations soft touch that he is and always was. Hopefully Jerusalem is now starting to chart its own course for it's future security.

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Biden and his Iran supporters have humiliated America and literally got Israelis killed. They’re clearly the worst imaginable government leaders in our history. At least Lloyd Austin said we will help, no limits. And after Biden said no more troops Austin sent 4,500. As for Blinken ignore the propaganda laden filth he belches.

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"So why not give Israel the green light and help it defang the chief cause of regional instability, the Iranian regime?" IMO, it is because this conflict involve "The Jews", pure and simple.Oh, and Israel has no oil, so we need to pander to the oil containing countries, just in case we need it someday. But it just wouldn't "look good" if the anti-semitism extant in the ranks of our government found itself on full display. (I might also add that we are talking about a very small minority of both the world and the US population, while Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world behind Christianity. What is the old adage? There is safety in numbers?). IMO, same thing is true for Europe.

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Same is true for our counterparts in Europe.

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Why not use the Iranian attack to let Israel destroy Irans nuclear capability if they can. Also take out their Oil industry while they are at it. Iran is Mordor here so go to the source and kill it.

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I suggested the United States send Israel the terrorist list of people who have killed Americans. They seem able to take care of this where our government does nothing. My favorite example has always been the 31 Americans murdered on 10/7.

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Biden, Blinken, Sullivan and Harris (sort of), etc must project to the world a US posture that peace, stability, and protection of innocent lives is a key imperative in any view of global events. Ditto the European Community. But while projecting the overriding goal of peace as soon as we can get there, the administration has also been steadfast in its support of Israel. Yesterday from Biden, "Make no mistake, the United States is fully, fully supportive of Israel".

Iran's attack/response to Israel's systematic dismantling of the capabilities of its proxies removes any doubt that Iran has a vested interest in these terror groups/armies and a militant position that any attacks on Hezbollah and Hamas are attacks on Iran. This seems to be a line ... Equipping these groups to keep fighting vs directly attacking Israel. And likely a very big mistake on Iran's part.

So, as much as at any time in recent history, the door seems fairly wide open for Israel to launch a seriously punishing and disabling blow on Iran. Nuclear facilities? Maybe, but I think the thought of opening that Pandora's box gives even Israel pause.

Expect the usual (perceived) outward hand wringing from the US and international community as well as pleas to find peaceful solutions. But, with the exception of going after the nuclear facilities, I would expect the current administration to continue to green light Israel to do what they feel they must do and provide the capabilities to do so.

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Actually they should destroy the power plants, ports and nuclear facilities and kill every mullah they can locate. That’s defeat of Iran. Yeah, they’ll all suffer, but they are an enemy nation, so let it burn.

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The Biden/Harris Administration's policy seems to be to reduce US involvement and commitment in the Middle East. Maybe that's wise, maybe not. Either way, the result will be you're not going to have much influence over what comes next. Are we comfortable with that?

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Israeli destruction of Iran’s missle and drone supplies and factories will have the ancillary benefit of helping Ukraine as Iran is a supplier of this tech to Russia.

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