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In the past few years, we have seen an unprecedented slide in student performance. The pandemic didn’t help.

What also didn’t help was teacher’s unions protecting bad teachers, confusing 8-year-olds about what gender they were, expending great effort in some districts to rename schools honoring Lincoln after irrelevant people, and selecting completely pointless causes, such as defending terrorist groups.

At what point does Randi Weingarten have the humility to recognize that she is an utter failure, who shouldn’t be drawing a paycheck for any reason.

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The AFT is slowly killing the goose that lays the golden egg. With the atrocious academic performances of the students, and the leftist ideology and indoctrination going on, parents are getting fed up. School choice is slowly working its way across the nation.

They claim to care about students yet do boot demand safe, orderly schools and academic rigor of any kind.

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The AFT has made a huge mistake — by throwing all their money and votes to the Dem party they have politicized their Union, and encouraged it being seen as an extension of the Dem party. And what happens if the GOP sweeps the House, Presidency, and Supremes? Well, we are about to find out.

Seems like the teachers are about to be taught a very painful lesson of what happens when you take sides in the culture wars.

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Teachers unions are a plague on education. Here in Pennsylvania they hold immense power. Shapiro campaigned on school choice only to be bulled and extorted by the teacher’s union that if he signed the bill, they would not support him (donate 7+ digits) in future political campaigns. He did what all career politicians do— he accepted the terms and sold out his voters and the children of PA.

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Abolish public employee unions. The government has no profit incentive like companies to counter union demands. This union is just another arm of the leftist socialist anti American terror supporters

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To be fair, teachers unions have done so much to improve our public schools, we can only hope they will extend their expertise to international politics.

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My grandfather was a coal miner and the first treasurer of his local union back in the 1930s. It was always my understanding that a unions main objectives were better working conditions, wages and benefits. Before he died, over 20 years he expressed disappointment into what Unions had evolved into, and I believe if he were alive today those feelings would be exacerbated at the continued persistence of unions to enter into political debates that have nothing to do with the overall objectives listed above and only alienate members and fan the flames of negative opinion toward the institution with regard to the American public and maybe a reason why polls are starting to suggest that Americans are siding against their progressive agendas that focuses more on social issues and less on the teachers ( Hart Research poll May 2022) Maybe teachers would be better served by electing leaders that focused on their well being as opposed to political issues like the Israel/ Hamas conflict.

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Any teachers who support these resolutions have demonstrated incompetence to understand complicated geopolitical issues and should be removed from their jobs. Hamas has admitted to using schools, hospitals, and homes to store weapons and hide in tunnels beneath them, and put children in harm's way by using them as lookouts. Even desecrating dead bodies by hiding explosives in them. They are the ones teachers should be passing resolutions against.

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Ms. Weingarten is the wife of Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum the rabbi emeritus of Beit Simchat torah, founded as a refuge for gay Jews who felt unwelcome in other congregations and wanted to be identify as Jews. The Rabbi always opens with the congregation invites anyone and everyone to "pray" ? From atheists to pro hamas anti Zionistis....all welcome.

So I'm wondering how Ms. Weingarten navigates so obtusely the AFT. No I dont want hamas next to me when I pray or when I study or anthing. In fact I don't want hamas on my subway ride,....here' s your chance to take you and your keffiyah off the E Train......mf.s.....I go to to the UFT site to see if Ocasio Cortez is now setting the curriculum. I'm a member. I regret that I didn't make some work of Jewish interest part of my teaching. I taught Mango st. the Harlem Renaissance, Miguel Street, Things Fall Apart.....but there is no work I know of that I could assign for Jewish studies. The Chosen? In fact I've never read it. Holocaust lit? Maus was available. So now hating Jews, hating Israel and demonizing zionism is mainstreamed....I intend to do what little I can as UfT member retired.....to fight this garbage. I attended the Modern Arab Novel conference for teachers at NYU ....led by an Israeli...ANOTHER excuse for demonizing Zionism. SHAME. I told the Israeli so at that time.

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They will sink with their ideological lead weights, the Dems, and become irrelevant. Randi should pay attention to biden. she's heading down that same road. I once helped create a new national union. A controllers union within 6 years of the firing of 90% of the working controllers and the decertifying of PATCO. I know what it is like to lose touch with the base. The left is crumbling, remember how gleefully just last year the Dems were about the Repubs speaker fiasco? Has that worm turned or what. The biggest difference is, and this is huge, Trump isn't saying squat. None of the Republicans are. If Trump can learn to be silent when it advances him and his party, flying pigs are out there somewhere.

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I would say that the U.N.'s approach to educating children is a better example of the aforementioned "scholasticide." Also, included under the umbrella of that term is what's happening in many public schools right now.

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I am astounded by the hubris of this bunch of school teachers. They haven't figured out how to get kids back to grade-level math and reading post-COVID, yet they feel competent to pick sides and issue resolutions on a decades long conflict in another part of the world. This agenda is every bit as inappropriate as putting the Bible and the 10 Commandments back in the classroom.

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Me: I will never teach in a public school.

Public school teacher friends: But we have a union!

Me: precisely.

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I am not sure private schools are necessarily better if you followed the goings on at Dalton (NYC) and Grace Church School (NYC).

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Private schools are as susceptible to edu-bull as public, but on this particular matter, my school has a 43% Jewish student body. We don’t subscribe to this brand of ignorance, and on the occasions when a teacher or staffer has tried to promote it, they have learned their lesson swiftly and decisively.

But also, the teachers unions are bad for schools, and there should be no public sector unions. You don’t get to collectively bargain away the money of people who aren’t at the negotiating table.

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Natasha Hausdorff, the UK-based Jewish barrister who is one of the most brilliant and articulate pro-Israel advocates around (she and Douglas Murray overwhelmingly won the recent Munk Debate in Toronto with Mehdi Hassan and Gideon Levy on the question of Is "Anti-Zionism the same as Anti-Semitism?") has just given an extremely well-reasoned and forceful interview against the rampant media and academic vilification of Israel which should be required viewing by the members of the American Federation of Teachers (and everybody else on the planet): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wrhzDBvhEc

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She’s excellent.

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I am certain Albert Shanker wouldn't recognize the Union he had propelled to prominence. Randi Weingarten, the Shanker heir, could not shine his shoes. She has lost total control of this gagle of anti semites. Her weakness and woke servitude has been apparent throughout her entire tenor. When are the members of the UFT that call themselves "Teachers" going to ply their craft to themselves and root out the amoral woke coruptors amongst their membership.

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Interesting that dissenting opinions among teachers must be circulated anonymously.

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As a teacher of 30 years, I am endlessly embarrassed by some of my colleagues. They’re fools and they make the rest of us look bad. Given the state of most schools in the US, can you PLEASE just do your job?

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Indoctrination is their job. They are leftists for the most part, and like any religion, proselytizing is the life blood of the movement.

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