I know how to solve this problem, it's so easy! Let's just pretty-please Iran to stop the fearsome terrorist groups--Hamas and Hezbollah, among others--it funds and directs in the Middle East! Then let's ask Iran to stop sending assassins to the United States to kill Americans! Of course Iran will help us--the ayatollahs are helpers, not haters, they said so, right . . .

Anyone who thinks this is a good strategy, raise their hand. Buelher? Anyone? Buelher?

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Thank-you, FP for this excellent and courageous journalism! Why do western journalists and politicians refuse to speak out against Iran, a country which sponsors terrorism and terrorizes it's own people. Stoning women who have been raped and throwing gays off buildings are not "cultural differences." We should not allow any members of the Iranian leadership into the US.

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Oh garshk, you young whippersnappers are all too young to remember, but this article harkens me back to my fading memories of the year 2022. Why, when I was but a lad myself, I do recall western liberals standing in solidarity with Iranian women who revolted against wearing the hijab, and against being brutalized and imprisoned by their tyrannical Muslim government. Things certainly took a left turn after the Jews got involved in the Iranian drama the following year, if my poor memory does not deceive me. But I'll admit I could be wrong on this. It was so uncharacteristic of progressives in those days to display any sort of hypocritical backsliding; in fact they would loudly denounce any sort of moral relativism. I'm sure I must be remembering the details wrong. It was so long ago, and I'm so old and decrepit now...

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At last, TFP is taking a stronger stand on terrorism and antisemitism. In the past their articles have been neutral. They report but don't take a stand.

Barry Goldwater said, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice." I say, "A strong stance against terrorism and antisemitism is no vice. It is a virtue." This is something the Dem/Soc Party won't do but they sure will hammer anyone who does.

Show some backbone and speak up FP! The MSM sure won't. In fact, they will do the opposite.

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No one is helping Trump. Is it hard to believe that they would want to kill Trump?

This is a crazed regime.

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All Free Press subscribers and readers should know that a vote for Harris-Walz is a vote for this lunacy to continue. I don’t love Trump but I can see that most decisions the Biden-Harris administration have made are completely contrary to western liberal values.

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I have said this before. "If we were really a moral country, we would cut off all ties to brutal regimes like China, Russia and almost all Islamic countries."

The left claims to be for women's rights and gay rights and are against slavery but give Islam a pass on these and other items, like terrorism. But the reality is they support all of these things. For instance, if I call Islamic countries misogynistic, gay murdering, terrorist supporting thugs, the left calls me an Islamophobe. My response always is, "Hell yes I am Islamophobe, and you should be one too."

The Dem/Soc not only did not criticize these brutes, they support them. Both the Messiah (Obama) and Biden unfroze billions of dollars of frozen Iranian funds and gave these billions to Iran, the biggest supporter of terrorism in the world.

Support terrorist and antisemitism, vote Dem/Soc.

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A great platform for a politician is to kick the UN out of NYC. It’s a worthless organization and tyrants shouldn’t be able to enjoy Manhattan.

The UN HQ should be setup in Sub Saharan Africa. Let all the fun anti-American soirées happen over there.

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I'm not sure I would inflict the UN on sub-Saharan Africa.

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Look, folx. We live in a post-modern world. This means “feminism” is boys becoming girls and invading their safe spaces, “reproductive rights” is killing babies, and Iran is a force for good, equality, and peace in the world. Got it?

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Don't forget Boy Scouts now accepting girls.

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If only a former NY cop were in the Mayor's office!!! Oh. Wait a minute. Wrong political party.

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ahhhh ha..You may be right!

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

To add to this reporting, very interesting story on Hezbollah's role in the international drug trade, along with the Venezuelan and other dictators of the world :


Also I have seen some reports from the social media that Lebanese Sunni Muslims and especially Christians are very hostile to Hezbollah and their supporters who fled north after Israeli strikes.

It is inconceivable that Western governments are embracing Iranian regime of thugs who don't even hide their hate for the West.

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It is inconceivable that Western governments are embracing Iranian regime of thugs who don't even hide their hate for the West...............You underestimate the self-loathing that exists in the West.

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The article seems to try to marshal public support against Iran on the grounds that they are involved in political assassination attempts. Isn't that what we pay CIA and such agencies untold billions to take care of? If the CIA (et al.) knows someone is plotting to assassinate someone under UA aegis for political purposes, they should kill them.

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Wrong. Iran assassinates dissidents, just like Putin does. CIA has nothing to do with protection of dissidents living in the US, it is FBI function. When ayatollah Khomeini issued fatwa against Salman Rushdi for his book ayatollah deemed offensive, it was British police protecting him.

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This article and these videos are crazy good!!! TFP is so uo and down, don’t get their rhythm, but I say more of this please…

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I do hate to be flip in comments so forgive me. But your colleagues at the Free Press are running cover for the current government who let these people in and allowed the situation in the middle east to get to where it is without 15 seconds at a serious negotiation table. The Free Press has sneered at the alternative to the current government and now are horrified at the current situation. I just don't understand. Please explain it to me.

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Yes! The only differential I can deduce is intentional brain washing. This would have been nearly impossible to do until the technology & heuristics & known algorithms. Amazon has its labels on united healthcare’s Medicare products & AARP is in concert — new world order— nah there have always been lunatic leaders but now they do it from their AI perches.

It’s not as if one can live without the internet- no

more opting out.

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Agreed. 100%. I simply cannot understand the thinking of our modern left wing. It would seem they are leading us down the path to national destruction. Why are they doing this?

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The only answer I can come up with is money and power. Power over what? A continent in ashes? Then it must be money and cover for heinous acts that they are being blackmailed with. And, while they are doing it their water carriers (read TFP, the NYT, etc.) are horrified that the bad men are coming to our shores. It's like reasoning with a 4-year old who isn't mature enough to see the direct consequences of their actions.

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Now go over to today's Jotting In Purple, get your revenge in the laughs.

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