Good for you all!! If I wasn’t 85 years old I’d be sitting on your front porch until you let me in to work. The truth is, that now I’d have problems getting up off the porch. :-) it’s great to know that the future of real journalism is in such hands. You’ve got a follower (and commenter) for as long as I can. What’s appropriate to end this with? I know: bon voyage!

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Same view as many of you...I wish the five interns well. But why are all from coastal elite schools? TFP very much seems like a PLU organization of coastal center left thinkers. Note to TFP: the Indiana University - Bloomington Media School has 2500 students enrolled as majors. Might one of them qualify next intern cycle? And how about one, just one writer who is a true conservative? Is there not room at TGP for people who are from different backgrounds and parts of the country?

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The article says they want the next group to include smaller colleges and non-college goers! I think this program bodes well for properly trained future journalists, thank you!

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How come i am not reading about non ivy league employee/interns. There are intelligent journalists and thinkers outside of the cloistered ivy league walls.

Are there?

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I should be impressed that you "employ" folk taught at the colleges that are the problem in the parts of the country that are the problem? Sod off.

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Nice article. Consider adding the perspective of some kids from our state universities.

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To whomever does the hiring at TFP, please watch Bari's discussion at the All-In Summit this past week. Maybe watch it twice and then pull out the needle....

With that said, welcome to the new fellows. You have an opportunity to make a difference, but get out of your academic echo chambers.

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These all sound like amazing young people. However, I would love to see you expand beyond the Ivies + Stanford. There are smart, hard-working kids everywhere. Your readers don’t care about a pedigree.

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So which wiz kid is in charge of banning commenters? Then explain your standards of what hurts someone’s precious feelings. As it is now, your like the other news media, subjective standards and opinions.

Which means you are driving customers away!

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Kim Kardashian???

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Sorry for my fat finger. Needless to say, they washed out. Bosses were mean to them. So sad. When Chrysler went bankrupt Lee Iacocca told Wall Street, “At the end of the day, what have you built?” Financing is the easy part. How about some ND grads?

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Bari, as a Libertarian OG from Honestly start, please stop with the coastals. Take a look at what Walter Kirn is doing with his paper. Tell me his writers can't write. I grew up in the manufacturing sector of the Midwest. We would get Ivy Leaguers trying to cut the mustard

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The bios of these young writers show that they are intelligent people that think outside the box and who work incredibly hard. Not content to sit in their basements and play video games or voice their discontent on social media , they are actively pursuing the path of truth. More power to them! I’m also excited to see that the Free Press is actively recruiting other writers that have not chosen the university path to a journalism career. I look forward to reading the work of even more people who exhibit real diversity ( of thought ). This is why I subscribe to the Free Press.

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Ivy school = hyper-developed kid from top 5% of the socioeconomic pile. Of course there are exceptions.

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It appears that almost all of the interns are Ivy League graduates or students. What is your process for hiring interns?

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My only wish is that the fellows are not just left leaning but practice information curiosity that is non biased, that is willing to dig into both sides and even make them uncomfortable in covering.

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