
Is the Free Press turning into a tabloid? I came looking for insight into the Hitler salute by the man with Trump's ear, Elon Musk. So far, I've read about trans culture wars, fashion faux pas, and the Free Press social leaps. When the President's confidant and one of the world's most powerful men outside of government announces his fealty to Hitler and Nazism, what periodicals can the Free Press' Fashionistas refer me to? I'm trying to figure out if the country my father came to to escape pogroms and which he fought for to save Democracy in WWII is safe for Jews.

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The chummyness (is that even a word) between the politician/powerful and the media is a huge problem. I thought that the Free Press was a breath of fresh air, but between their more and more one-sided coverage and this latest ridiculous display, I am not so sure anymore.

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Over one million subscribers! TFP is a force to be reckoned with. Why? Because it’s not full of the same old💩. And thank the gods for that! 🙏

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What’s with the sudden admiration for Ted Cruz?

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Congratulations on your success in establishing TFP as the future of journalism. To those suspicious of your team's presence, note that all press is covering the inauguration, as they should, regardless of who's going into office. All Americans should cheer for the success of the country and expect our journalists to look at everything and be involved so that they can report in a balanced way, as objectively as possible. Thank you, TFP team, for all that you do - this subscriber is very happy!

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An inauguration party is not a good look for an outlet promising to cover DC with independence and fearlessness. Co-sponsoring with Musk’s personal worldwide communication platform doesn’t help.

I really value the FP’s free-thinking take on many issues, but let’s see some serious reporting over the coming weeks and months to assure readers that you don’t mind not getting invited to Beltway cocktail parties.

The new administration is already taking a piss on democracy by pardoning violent insurrectionists. This is not a moment for chumminess with the powers that be.

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Party pooper! 😜

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The pardons are terrible.

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I disagree. I don't see them as celebrating one party over the other. They are celebrating the American system of government and the transfer of power. It's a unique American experience and we all need to set aside our allegiance to our "Tribe" and celebrate the great country we are blessed to live in.

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Free Press = Fox News

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Bari has her tongue so far up D Trumps asshole it comes out his mouth.

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Wow! TFP has come a long way in just a few short years! I proudly can say I’ve been along on this journey since Bari published her resignation from the NYT and started her Substack blog, Common Sense.

May TFP act as a model for how true journalism is done.

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Can’t wait for more of your self-congratulatory reporting on how important you are and how much access you have. I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to write something critical about our new oligarchy. Just like Donald Trump you forgot how you got where you are and have decided to throw your hat in with the billionaires.

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Maybe find someone to report on how things actually work in DC—in Congress, for a start.

Get someone to decode the House and Senate rules and explain the outward appearances vs the actual games that are being played. Show us so-called democracy in action! Help us understand why the WaPo once called Senator Byrd one of the most powerful Senators in Washington due to his “mastery” of the Senate Rules.

Tell us the names of people actually writing major legislation—we know it’s not the Representatives we elected. They generally aren’t even given time to read major bills before a vote is taken. Why is this the process, and who keeps it that way?

Tell us about how our own House Members hold ~365 fundraisers per year just to generate funds for reelection, and how an occasional $500 contribution at a luncheon can get a staffer to at least return a call.

Tell us about party discipline, and about how “plum” committee assignments and chairmanships are handed out for loyalty (such as always voting as the party tells you) and in exchange for “dues” (contributions to House or Senate leadership party PACs) assessed based on the expected “fund raising value” conferred by the committee assignment.

Tell us about the many ways in which our elected representatives are compensated, legally and illegally, for political favors.

Explain why former Members and former staffers seem to be the preferred lobbyists—is it just because they know the players (and maybe their weak points) or is it also (or only) because ex-Members and ex-staffers in lobbying posts are walking billboards for the post-elective-office career “you too can have if you ‘play ball’” like they did while in office.

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Now that was a hot ticket!

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We're going to need more pictures. Preferably of Douglas Murray.

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A little worried this delightfully small scale pub is going to move uptown.

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Yuck. Talk about a "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" look and feel, as the new media journos cozy up to the new celebrity and power broker class.

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Don't let it get to your head.


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Too late :/

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