So in 2022 the number of people identifying as Christian had dropped to 64%, from the 1972 figure of 90%. From my Jewish point of view it always puzzles me how Christians can stop calling themselves Christian any time they want, but Jews don’t have that option. A Jew is a Jew, even someone like Benjamin Disraeli, who was baptised as a child, was regarded as a Jew. Jewish people, even atheist or anti-Zionist Jews, have to cope with Jew-hatred every time the goyim need a scapegoat.
With regard to the debate moderated by Bari ("Do we need a religious revival?"), it was enlightening and very entertaining. That said, I'm thoroughly puzzled as to how the audience in Austin, TX reached its conclusion regarding which side prevailed. I must say I vigorously disagreed with the "verdict" (which, in the interest of not creating a "spoiler alert," I won't disclose). But kudos to BW and TFP for putting this on. Highly recommended listening.
The verdict was already announced in TFP's initial reporting of the debate. IMO the result was just typical of what happens in Oxford-style debating when one side of the issue starts with an overwhelming majority of audience support (the only way to go is down).
What would be better in terms of seeing which team did a better job would be posing questions that have close to an initial 50/50 split in audience opinion. But, of course, such a topic would not provide the same level of provocativeness (can I say that?) for selling tickets to a publicly held debate.
I don't believe rational Canadians are worried at all about the U.S. coming for our land. Here's what I predict: the midterms will slay Trump's Republicans, as happened before. The Republicans will return to work hamstringed. The pendulum will swing Left at the next general election. Trump will go golfing for the rest of his life. As an aside, Israel has been given carte blanche in the meantime, and I'm very happy about that.
“These procedural arguments suggest a legal team determined to fight tooth and nail for a not guilty verdict.”
Mr. Page, do you find the behavior of Mr. Mangione’s legal team unusual or objectionable? If you were a defendant in a criminal prosecution, wouldn’t you want “a legal team determined to fight tooth and nail for a not guilty verdict”?!? Isn’t this what defense lawyers are supposed to do?
I know you are young and have much to learn, based on some of your other opinion pieces. But know this: even if Mr. Mangione is found guilty by a jury of its peers, it is imperative that his legal counsel: (i) ensure that the police follow the rules and respect his constitutional rights, and (ii) do everything in their power to cast reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case.
If it turns out that “a guilty man goes free because the constable blundered,” so be it. If we allow cops to cut corners in his case, they will do likewise when they come for you and me.
Yeah, he's going down like the Boston Marathon bomber in spite of the best defense money can buy. Good riddance to his anti-social ass. To me, the most intriguing thing about his case is how a guy like Mangione (with so much to lose) can make such an idiotic mistake with his life. It reminds me of OJ Simpson, i.e., that he should be sentenced for the crime of stupidity more than anything. Having sincere feelings about wanting to kill the CEO of United Healthcare is one thing, actually doing it (and paying the consequences) is so different.
In OJ's case, he did avoid criminal conviction for the murders on a fluke verdict, but still basically threw away a dream existence because he was jealous over his ex-wife's (and mother of his children) activities. However, it's unlikely Mangione's team will be as lucky with a jury, it'll be more like Tsarnaev.
I am not even going to read the article about Canada. These people also believed everything their government told them about Covid. They were the most controlled people in the world during covid outside of blue states in the US. I am sure there are some very independent thinking Canadians (the Truckers for instance) out there and I applaud them. But to honestly think the US has time to "invade" them and make them the 51st state which would completely upset our congress with overly progressive representatives, it's time to get a new hobby.
The left approving of murdering an innocent father in the name of out of control health care costs is a chilling warning. The killing of the kulaks and killing of the elders and the landlords by communist brain washed youths was a creep not an overnight shift. Do not tolerate the opinion to keep the peace- speak out before it's too late.
I occasionally check out the ask Canada sub reddit, and it's amazing that you see Canadians there who are genuinely convinced that Trump will invade Canada. I laughed and laughed at first, now I just shake my head sadly
" response to the Ivy League university’s continuing to allow trans athletes to compete in women’s sports..."
No. The problem was that they continued to allow males in women's sports.
Trans-identified women and girls ("trans men" and "trans boys") already compete in women's and girl's sports, and they can continue to do so because they are female. Trans-identified men and boys ("trans women" and "trans girls") may not, because they're male.
Accuracy matters. No one is barring women from women's sports just because they claim to have deep down boy feelings.
If Canadians are preparing for an invasion that is a good thing. Their military is so weak as to be almost useless. Their dependency on America for their defense is a major part of the problem, just as NATO depends on the U.S., Canada could not protect themselves from any one of the Mexican cartels, let alone from a real army.
Trump, as always, simply stated the obvious, Canada would be better off as our 51st state then they are as an independent nation. Whether he was being facetious or for real only he knows; however, no matter what direction Canadians take will be better than what they have now, which is a dictatorship where the Canadian people aren't sure that they can withdraw their hard earned money from the federally controlled Canadian banks. Just look at what happened to The truckers who protested the overreach by government during Covid.
Yes, in fact, Hell Yes, Canadians would be better off as our 51st state. But, they will probably opt to remain one of the British Commonwealth nations because what the heck, they can depend on America to protect them because the British Commonwealth countries combined don't have a much better military than does Canada. They all rely on the U.S.A. for their protection.
As someone with republican leanings I want no part of Canada as the 51st state, a country where the "Progressive Conservative Party" is the equivalent of middle of the road Dems here, and the liberals are basically AOC
"Do People Want to Believe They’re Being Lied To?"
Many do. Also many people expect to be lied to and will punish a candidate for not lying sufficiently to earn their vote. Too many voters need to be lied to for a) so a candidate can win, b) telling voters the whole unvarnished truth will scare them so badly they will vote against you.
TFP - you’re not a scrappy start up anymore. You, yourselves, bragged about getting 1M+ subscribers before the new year. You, yourselves, bill this publication as an alternative to NYT, WaPo, LAT, etc. It’s easy enough to call BS on the legacy media, but more and more of the content here is fringe and irrelevant. I subscribe to TFP because I want objective reporting on the important things going on in the world, not to get articles about a few wacko girls who have the hots for a murderer or tortuous profiles about a google programmer that was unfairly fired almost a decade ago (and that’s just from this week). TFP- what is important to know about the world? If you think it’s moon landing truthers, then I need to shop around for a new publication.
I enjoyed the Danmore piece a lot, and ignored some others. Do you read every single article of your favorite newspaper or magazine? I don't, nor do I expect that every single article in anything I subscribe to will be to my interest
The Canadian left is loony.
Mr. Mangione will be very popular in prison among his fellow inmates.
You (and he) can take that however you would like.
So in 2022 the number of people identifying as Christian had dropped to 64%, from the 1972 figure of 90%. From my Jewish point of view it always puzzles me how Christians can stop calling themselves Christian any time they want, but Jews don’t have that option. A Jew is a Jew, even someone like Benjamin Disraeli, who was baptised as a child, was regarded as a Jew. Jewish people, even atheist or anti-Zionist Jews, have to cope with Jew-hatred every time the goyim need a scapegoat.
A war with Canada? Please find something worth our time. This reporting is beyond stupid.
Another very weak Front Page. We gotta get the interns to stop writing such weak drivel. Very disappointing.
With regard to the debate moderated by Bari ("Do we need a religious revival?"), it was enlightening and very entertaining. That said, I'm thoroughly puzzled as to how the audience in Austin, TX reached its conclusion regarding which side prevailed. I must say I vigorously disagreed with the "verdict" (which, in the interest of not creating a "spoiler alert," I won't disclose). But kudos to BW and TFP for putting this on. Highly recommended listening.
The verdict was already announced in TFP's initial reporting of the debate. IMO the result was just typical of what happens in Oxford-style debating when one side of the issue starts with an overwhelming majority of audience support (the only way to go is down).
What would be better in terms of seeing which team did a better job would be posing questions that have close to an initial 50/50 split in audience opinion. But, of course, such a topic would not provide the same level of provocativeness (can I say that?) for selling tickets to a publicly held debate.
I don't believe rational Canadians are worried at all about the U.S. coming for our land. Here's what I predict: the midterms will slay Trump's Republicans, as happened before. The Republicans will return to work hamstringed. The pendulum will swing Left at the next general election. Trump will go golfing for the rest of his life. As an aside, Israel has been given carte blanche in the meantime, and I'm very happy about that.
“These procedural arguments suggest a legal team determined to fight tooth and nail for a not guilty verdict.”
Mr. Page, do you find the behavior of Mr. Mangione’s legal team unusual or objectionable? If you were a defendant in a criminal prosecution, wouldn’t you want “a legal team determined to fight tooth and nail for a not guilty verdict”?!? Isn’t this what defense lawyers are supposed to do?
I know you are young and have much to learn, based on some of your other opinion pieces. But know this: even if Mr. Mangione is found guilty by a jury of its peers, it is imperative that his legal counsel: (i) ensure that the police follow the rules and respect his constitutional rights, and (ii) do everything in their power to cast reasonable doubt on the prosecution’s case.
If it turns out that “a guilty man goes free because the constable blundered,” so be it. If we allow cops to cut corners in his case, they will do likewise when they come for you and me.
Yeah, he's going down like the Boston Marathon bomber in spite of the best defense money can buy. Good riddance to his anti-social ass. To me, the most intriguing thing about his case is how a guy like Mangione (with so much to lose) can make such an idiotic mistake with his life. It reminds me of OJ Simpson, i.e., that he should be sentenced for the crime of stupidity more than anything. Having sincere feelings about wanting to kill the CEO of United Healthcare is one thing, actually doing it (and paying the consequences) is so different.
In OJ's case, he did avoid criminal conviction for the murders on a fluke verdict, but still basically threw away a dream existence because he was jealous over his ex-wife's (and mother of his children) activities. However, it's unlikely Mangione's team will be as lucky with a jury, it'll be more like Tsarnaev.
I am not even going to read the article about Canada. These people also believed everything their government told them about Covid. They were the most controlled people in the world during covid outside of blue states in the US. I am sure there are some very independent thinking Canadians (the Truckers for instance) out there and I applaud them. But to honestly think the US has time to "invade" them and make them the 51st state which would completely upset our congress with overly progressive representatives, it's time to get a new hobby.
The left approving of murdering an innocent father in the name of out of control health care costs is a chilling warning. The killing of the kulaks and killing of the elders and the landlords by communist brain washed youths was a creep not an overnight shift. Do not tolerate the opinion to keep the peace- speak out before it's too late.
Trump freezing UPenn $ = Doing the Lord's work. God bless. Keep it up.
I occasionally check out the ask Canada sub reddit, and it's amazing that you see Canadians there who are genuinely convinced that Trump will invade Canada. I laughed and laughed at first, now I just shake my head sadly
If we did it would make the six day war seem about 5 days too long
" response to the Ivy League university’s continuing to allow trans athletes to compete in women’s sports..."
No. The problem was that they continued to allow males in women's sports.
Trans-identified women and girls ("trans men" and "trans boys") already compete in women's and girl's sports, and they can continue to do so because they are female. Trans-identified men and boys ("trans women" and "trans girls") may not, because they're male.
Accuracy matters. No one is barring women from women's sports just because they claim to have deep down boy feelings.
If Canadians are preparing for an invasion that is a good thing. Their military is so weak as to be almost useless. Their dependency on America for their defense is a major part of the problem, just as NATO depends on the U.S., Canada could not protect themselves from any one of the Mexican cartels, let alone from a real army.
Trump, as always, simply stated the obvious, Canada would be better off as our 51st state then they are as an independent nation. Whether he was being facetious or for real only he knows; however, no matter what direction Canadians take will be better than what they have now, which is a dictatorship where the Canadian people aren't sure that they can withdraw their hard earned money from the federally controlled Canadian banks. Just look at what happened to The truckers who protested the overreach by government during Covid.
Yes, in fact, Hell Yes, Canadians would be better off as our 51st state. But, they will probably opt to remain one of the British Commonwealth nations because what the heck, they can depend on America to protect them because the British Commonwealth countries combined don't have a much better military than does Canada. They all rely on the U.S.A. for their protection.
As someone with republican leanings I want no part of Canada as the 51st state, a country where the "Progressive Conservative Party" is the equivalent of middle of the road Dems here, and the liberals are basically AOC
"Do People Want to Believe They’re Being Lied To?"
Many do. Also many people expect to be lied to and will punish a candidate for not lying sufficiently to earn their vote. Too many voters need to be lied to for a) so a candidate can win, b) telling voters the whole unvarnished truth will scare them so badly they will vote against you.
TFP - you’re not a scrappy start up anymore. You, yourselves, bragged about getting 1M+ subscribers before the new year. You, yourselves, bill this publication as an alternative to NYT, WaPo, LAT, etc. It’s easy enough to call BS on the legacy media, but more and more of the content here is fringe and irrelevant. I subscribe to TFP because I want objective reporting on the important things going on in the world, not to get articles about a few wacko girls who have the hots for a murderer or tortuous profiles about a google programmer that was unfairly fired almost a decade ago (and that’s just from this week). TFP- what is important to know about the world? If you think it’s moon landing truthers, then I need to shop around for a new publication.
I enjoyed the Danmore piece a lot, and ignored some others. Do you read every single article of your favorite newspaper or magazine? I don't, nor do I expect that every single article in anything I subscribe to will be to my interest