This is beyond horrific. How can anyone vote for a party that wants to keep the borders as they are and still sleep at night?

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This is terrible in every way, but sadly it is not new or unusual. The many cultures that promote female genitalia being butchered is closely aligned to this trend. The root? Religous fanaticism. Go back to the protestant reformation where Martin Luther (always portrayed as a hero) said, "if the wife refuses bring in the neighbor". Gandhi sleeping with a horde of naked young girls. The Islamic fantasies of paradise being populated by young virgins. Religous fanatics usher in these abuses, and did I mention the thousands of abusive RC priests covered for by their corrupt religion? Point is this is not a new or unusual problem, though it is a vile and contemptible one.

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This puts my stomach in a huge knot. We as Americans are allowing and even making this tragic situation so much worse than it needs to be. I pray Americans will begin to think more about the policies a candidate supports than the personality of the candidate. A candidates actions speak louder than their words.

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This was a really good story, but was Office of Refugee Resettlement contacted for comment? I dont recall seeing that in the piece but I might have missed it.

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Thank you for the reporting. I have heard stories but was not sure how real or accurate - great to see some real reporting, investigating, and researching the issue, then reporting on it. Very sad situation. I just can't imagine this is happening in such large numbers right here in USA.

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The political elites (ie, Democrats) will wring their hands and blame men generally for the trafficking while doing nothing because they need this situation to continue so that they can recruit Democrat voters with empty promises and create bad guys to blame. They will blame men generally because to call out immigrate gangs would be too “racist” for them.

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It so sad that few people in the US will read this great reporting. I would not be surprised if politicians were paid off to look the other way.

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The article mainly talks about minors and prostitution. Sex trafficking is a problem for girls over 18 too, and probably for grown women. We shouldn't neglect that.

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For an admin that supposedly cares so much about women and children, it's amazing how little they care about Afghan women and girls who now have fewer rights than a pigeon and certainly they don't care about sex trafficking of all these migrants (boys and men are victims too). Lets not forget that there are over 500k children who have been lost....literally LOST once in America. They claim to have empathy....really??? Btw- some of the squad have defended Hamas' brutality and rapes. Soooooo.....they care how? They care when?

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1 hr agoLiked by Madeleine Rowley

Excellent reporting. This is why I support TFP.

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris really achieved quite a bit in promoting human suffering. An astonishingly productive team.

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They made all the women of Afghanistan suffer in just a few days. No relief in sight for them. Disgraceful!

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1 hr agoLiked by Madeleine Rowley

I am stunned. I am going to have to do a lot of deep thinking and rethinking. Seems to me they also need to go after the motels that are providing a room.

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You are so right. I thought the same thing: Why are motel owners allowing this awful practice. They must be profiting above and beyond the daily room rate!!!

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Forget the status quo embrace of fat and lazy behemoths like the Washington Post and New York Times. If Americans want to know what's going on in their backyards, read this comprehensive, shocking piece of enterprising journalism and support and encourage The Free Press with your subscriptions.

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What kind of monsters are closing their eyes to this?

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Over 300,000 children unaccounted for, lost into the US by the Biden Harris administration. Another 600,000 criminals including 15,000 murderers, 16,000 sexual offenders and another 1,800 charged with murders have all been released into the U.S. by Harris the border czar. Those are CBP stats. Yet people will vote for her. No one has yet as she never won a primary or garnered a vote. But the Dems call it democracy.

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