Thank for your brave reporting, Madeleine. The party of women has opened the floodgates to exploitation. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Will share this far and wide. The responses from Democrats are too predictable - this is misinformation and you are racist.
Thank for your brave reporting, Madeleine. The party of women has opened the floodgates to exploitation. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Will share this far and wide. The responses from Democrats are too predictable - this is misinformation and you are racist.
Yuri — When Biden kicked over Afghanistan, 16 million women and girls were reduced to a status just above domesticated animals.
We’ve seen just how much interest that event has engendered in the Democratic Party and the corporate media; that is to say, zero. For the Dems to pay attention, Afghan women would have to be registered to vote in Pennsylvania.
It is worse than that. A family of upper-middle class flaming liberals told me few months ago: we need more immigrants. It sounded more like a recitation of some sermon than any serious conviction. An immigrant myself who never got a penny of government support, very carefully and poliitely i gave them an example from my experience with the immigrants milking the system. The woman got very tense and cut me off, saying that we will never agree on immigration.
The Dems want to legalize prostitution. They believe that it would stop the exploitation by pimps and sex traffickers. But this is wrong. Prostitution is exploitative by definition. Nobody chooses to be a prostitute out of their free will. There is always some level exploitation in it because nobody wants to do this job, just some feel like they have no other choice.
President Trump's name appears TWICE in this article. But the phrase "President Trump is right" appears ZERO times. Before Trump joined in 2015, this was a non-story. All conservatives have been maligned for caring about this issue and the people at places like the Free Press have been first in line to malign, condemn and offer smug indifference to these realities.
Dear Bari. I learned my lesson from my last 30day suspension! I don;t give a shit about these kids unless they're Jooz!
Shame on you for "reporting" this Madeleine! Shame on you! Don't you know that articles like this will only serve to inspire people to vote against team Blue?
Go Kamala... right, Bari! That's the only team for me! Abortion! Abortion! Abortion! Dead fetal tissue is the best tissue of them all!
The Democrat response to this will be that we need to keep doing the exact same thing, except even harder, but then also “Surge more resources!!” to the border.
AKA create a bunch of parasitic jobs for all of their useless Democrat friends that we sent to college to study communist horseshit.
Yes, but how can we expect the Biden/Harris administration to know which of the illegals they are letting across the border are gang members or traffickers? For example this article has the photo of one such trafficker that slipped through the cracks:
I got kicked off for 24 hours for describing Islam for what it really is, a brutal, racists, terror cult and for debunking the left wing myth that "vast majority are peace loving."
I said, if this is so, how come the vast majority hasn't stopped the "tiny" brutal minority for participating in mass murder, like 9/11.
Apparently, the snowflake woke censor can't stand offensive reality and censored me. We all know how reality offends them and makes them feel unsafe.
You know for that comment it’s back to the doghouse for you. I did enjoy the Polecat and Kevin back and forth while it lasted. It’s like when Captain American and Ironman teamed up. 🇺🇸
Thank for your brave reporting, Madeleine. The party of women has opened the floodgates to exploitation. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Will share this far and wide. The responses from Democrats are too predictable - this is misinformation and you are racist.
Yuri — When Biden kicked over Afghanistan, 16 million women and girls were reduced to a status just above domesticated animals.
We’ve seen just how much interest that event has engendered in the Democratic Party and the corporate media; that is to say, zero. For the Dems to pay attention, Afghan women would have to be registered to vote in Pennsylvania.
It is worse than that. A family of upper-middle class flaming liberals told me few months ago: we need more immigrants. It sounded more like a recitation of some sermon than any serious conviction. An immigrant myself who never got a penny of government support, very carefully and poliitely i gave them an example from my experience with the immigrants milking the system. The woman got very tense and cut me off, saying that we will never agree on immigration.
The Dems want to legalize prostitution. They believe that it would stop the exploitation by pimps and sex traffickers. But this is wrong. Prostitution is exploitative by definition. Nobody chooses to be a prostitute out of their free will. There is always some level exploitation in it because nobody wants to do this job, just some feel like they have no other choice.
President Trump's name appears TWICE in this article. But the phrase "President Trump is right" appears ZERO times. Before Trump joined in 2015, this was a non-story. All conservatives have been maligned for caring about this issue and the people at places like the Free Press have been first in line to malign, condemn and offer smug indifference to these realities.
Dear Bari. I learned my lesson from my last 30day suspension! I don;t give a shit about these kids unless they're Jooz!
Shame on you for "reporting" this Madeleine! Shame on you! Don't you know that articles like this will only serve to inspire people to vote against team Blue?
Go Kamala... right, Bari! That's the only team for me! Abortion! Abortion! Abortion! Dead fetal tissue is the best tissue of them all!
Delenda EST
Here he is again. Back at the usual pastime of hating the world that is apparently ruled by Bari Weiss (?). Way to go mate.
My comments are about the story (even if peripherally). Yours are about me. Pathetic, insipid and uninspired. 孰為如多知乎
Only because it's way too obvious that you're just a troll and you're here to stir trouble. Keep on keeping on my guy ✌🤣
You know nothing about me.
It's almost as if not having law and order is bad.
All is fair in love and securing a new pool of Democrat voters.
The Democrat response to this will be that we need to keep doing the exact same thing, except even harder, but then also “Surge more resources!!” to the border.
AKA create a bunch of parasitic jobs for all of their useless Democrat friends that we sent to college to study communist horseshit.
This country is doomed.
You are back! Were you banned again for a couple weeks?
My second consecutive 1 month ban. I’m going for the three-peat!!!
Why did they ban you?
I called Kamala some names related to sexual promiscuity.
Yes, but how can we expect the Biden/Harris administration to know which of the illegals they are letting across the border are gang members or traffickers? For example this article has the photo of one such trafficker that slipped through the cracks:
Nice of them to wear visible gang tattoos so we know who they are.
That had to be a tough call. She looks so nice.
Yeah, you'd think that those who look like this would be pretty low hanging fruit to just arrest and deport on sight. Or better yet, not let in.
They are the party of covert feminized sociopathic narcissists. That group includes a lot of men, but way more women.
I’ve started referring to their parasitic theatrical empathy as (D)empathy.
Kev, welcome back from exile. We have missed you.
I wonder how long it will take before the Gestapo sends you back to the Gulag.
(that’s Nellie and Bari kicking me into the ocean again because I criticized criminal aliens and their communists overlords)
I got kicked off for 24 hours for describing Islam for what it really is, a brutal, racists, terror cult and for debunking the left wing myth that "vast majority are peace loving."
I said, if this is so, how come the vast majority hasn't stopped the "tiny" brutal minority for participating in mass murder, like 9/11.
Apparently, the snowflake woke censor can't stand offensive reality and censored me. We all know how reality offends them and makes them feel unsafe.
You know for that comment it’s back to the doghouse for you. I did enjoy the Polecat and Kevin back and forth while it lasted. It’s like when Captain American and Ironman teamed up. 🇺🇸
I just assume that I’m gonna be put in time out for 24-72 hrs days every two or three weeks.
🎵The migrants on the bus go to your town, to your town, to your town. The migrants on the bus go to your town, all the live long day🎵
🎵The Democrat Migrants take dumps outside, dumps outside, dumps outside. The Democrat Migrants take dumps outside, and then they rob your store🎵
🎵The Communist Lady says we can’t go back, can’t go back, can’t go back. The Communist Lady says we can’t go back, and now your country’s gone🎵
Make sure to vote for Kamala on Abortion Day 2024. Otherwise Trump will invade your bodies and set your birth control on fire.