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Gee, and I thought the USA was founded primarily for religious freedom - any religion.

I don’t care which God you worship, if you obey the law, pay your taxes and raise your family to be productive members of society, who cares.

If any country needs to worry that Hindus and Sikhs will take over the country (from a political standpoint) it’s the UK. But that’s a self-inflicted wound that they’re going to have to deal with.

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There are always going to be some racists in the crowd.

Let’s see a speech and a prayer from a practicing Jew at the upcoming democratic shindig and let’s see if even the crowd is polite. For certain X will be full of calls for death to the genocide Jew.

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Easy for this writer to find a few idiots to cast Republicans as a whole as racists... Are there far right racists? Absolutely... But they were NOT at the convention nor are they supported by the VAST majority of Republicans.

Unlike the Jew hating PaLIEStian protesters of the LEFTIST DEMOCRAT PARTY

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That doesn’t seem to be the point the author is making, but rather the opposite: that even though there are social media haters, that is not everyone in the party.

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The U.S., unfortunately, has a lot of highly disturbed individuals and religious or ideological zealots. I wonder where they all hang out and get noticed- social media. In this country, can’t go into politics with thin skin, either party.

FWIW, I wished Trump had picked Ramaswammy as VP.

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Oh, look, another mainstream media-style piece in which a twitchy lefty lectures the rest of us because some obnoxious right-winger says something terrible on social media. Lazy. Get off of social media and perform journalism.

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Multiculturalism is just part of the story of the United States. Ben Franklin felt uneasy with Germans filling up the Pennsylvania Backcountry. Since then there have always been new waves of immigrants who made us stronger with new ideas/contributions. Nikola Tesla is just one example of one such immigrant. However, every new wave needs to accept and respect the American republican system and the civil rights of all Americans.

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What would the response be from fuentes if Usha was from a Muslim family and the kid was named Rahim? Or if she was black and the kid was named Rahim, or Rakim or Hakim ?

what if the kid was named Shlomo?'s going to be a brave new world isn't he writes most were perfectly respectful during the Sikh prayer. I'm always reassured when I see the Sikh symbol , the brass wristband from my Uber driver. No...we need good old American bronco rider names like Tide, or Cade, or Buck or Carson, or Canyon or .......or are those largely porn actor names?

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How many rocks did you have to turn over to find this 'hate'? Did you find it along side 'white supremacy is our greatest domestic threat'? Or Asian hate? Anyone can find anything they want to find if they look hard enough, especially scrolling around the toilet bowl of social media.

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Can someone please explain to me what "white identity" is, and why it needs to be supported more than any other identity? We are all Americans - there's your identity.

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Well they are horrible , those who spout such ugliness and they will always exist it seems, but they aren't the spirit of the party; that darkness is in sharp contrast to light and bright I saw on stage. Yes, Christianity was referenced multiple times, perhaps alienating to some, I hope however that the message of welcome prevails against this mean spiritedness . If #fight is our hashtag, we must fight against such ugliness as well. I am not going to allow the goodwill of so many at the convention to be spoiled by a bankrupt minority.

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Rupa, I am a big fan and follower of your work. These nativists are outliers.

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Ditto, except I'm surprised she didn't mention Ann Coulter, who told Ramaswamy she would not vote for him because he's Indian. He's also an American, you twit who still thinks she's twenty-one and acts like it. The line between her and the squad is hard to discern.

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Apparently this nativists have never read George Washington's letter to the Jewish Community of Newport RI.

"The citizens of the United States of America have a right to applaud themselves for having given to mankind examples of an enlarged and liberal policy—a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship.

It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support."

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There's anti-Hindu hate coming from both ends of the spectrum. Key difference is that what's coming from the right is widely condemned by most Americans. But what's coming from the far left is nefarious. It flies under the radar because its coming from other South Asians -- largely scholar-activists from the Humanities and Liberal Arts, and of course journo-activists in legacy media leading the charge attacking their own based on their grievances against India and a sloppy Marxist formula that views Hindus as majoritarian oppressors and everyone else from the region as oppressed. They seem to be under the delusion that they can somehow shift or impact politics in India overlooking the self-goal they score here in contributing to tropes of forever foreigner.

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Yeah these are the US-based journos who are convinced that India is trying to get rid of all of its Muslims and deny them rights while ignoring the fact that in Pakistan, non-Muslims are legally considered stateless people and that there are so many people in high positions in film, politics, and sports in India that are very clearly Muslim with no backlash for the last 30 years.

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Just wait until Supreme Court Justice Amul Thapar.

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Indian Americans are hard working people with good family values. We should welcome them because they also love USA!

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I was an early subscriber to the free press as it seemed less crazy than main stream media. It continually is moving back toward right bashing. What gives Barry? I didnt support you to build the new MSNBC?

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