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Is there some meaning behind the red icon next some of the comments? Is that a like button?

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If you’re referring to the heart, it turns red when you like a comment. The number of readers who also liked the comment is also displayed. Replies go under the comment, although in long threads with a lot of replies, it can be hard to distinguish where your reply will end up.

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Attack jury, dismiss verdict...wtf? The party that refuses the election results is now rejecting courts and juries...imagine that! I wonder why they haven't gone after Pence? OH, WAIT, he might not be a criminal.

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OMG!!!!! Max Blumenthal is Sidney Blumenthal’s son???? Why didn’t I know that???? I donated to him when he criticized Ukraine. After he blathered on about how bad Israel was I started to have my doubts because he was vehement in his support for the Palestinians. It all makes sense now. Boy do I feel like an idiot!

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We do not need a vaccine for skin cancer. Almost all skin cancers are basal cell cancers which are not deadly AT ALL. Read the Midwestern Doctor. He gives the facts on Dermatology & skin cancer. Like always, follow the money.


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I hope TFP isn’t censoring comments. I protested the NYT censorship of comments…had a chat CS say that “maybe my comments weren’t worthy”. Unless there is a level of violence or obscenity…mine had neither…I think you have to allow free comments.

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No, they don’t. Freedom of speech does not include private businesses like TFP. Many online sites do not allow any comments at all. They can ban, censor, allow or only allow some comments. But they are under no obligation to allow comments if they don’t want to deal with them. With private enterprise, commenting is a privilege, not a right.

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You may be legally correct but if TFP censors comments then they won’t have my support.

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“Hunter Biden is the flip side of Donald Trump.” ???

Mr. Nocera, sir, do you think we are idiots?! Or are you just shilling for the Democrats, again, with no serious reporting for the other half of American voters?

To even try to convince us Trump’s case (all of them!) are “not weaponization” of the legal system is absurd. And, that these two cases can compare, is asinine!

Do I understand you write for The New York Times (same company that forced a resignation from Bari)? If so, I shouldn’t be in surprised reading your article today.

Alvin Bragg, like Letitia James, CAMPAIGNED on “getting Trump!” Their YouTube videos are STILL available to watch! Not to overlook the fact that the DA and JUDGE are Democrat donors! And the Jury are from Blue State New York! Do you honestly expect us to believe there was NO BIAS against Trump … the # 1 political rival against Biden??

Do you honestly see Hunter’s trial as based on “his prominence.” Is Hunter running for office of President? Or are you just suggesting his trial is meant to hurt Biden in the election? And why would you suggest that?

The Democrats swore they censored any mention of Hunter’s laptop because it was “Russian disinformation,” but just like Hillary screeching, “Russia, Russia, Russia and Trump STOLE my election,” turned out it was just Democrat propaganda!

I could go on, but I’ve probably said too much (hoping TFP doesn’t censor ME!), so one last comment.

I’ve yet to hear you, or any Democrat, highlight, “A Obama appointed Judge,” yet you NEVER fail to point out, “A Trump appointed Judge.” Why is that?

Biden trotting out Hollywood Has Been De Niro to campaign for him, in front of the Courthouse, verified what we already knew. The Democrats are making it crystal clear they are using Banana Republic tactics to take Trump down!

This is shameful and will go down in history!

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Excellent commentary!!! You nailed it. And to answer your question: yes, they absolutely think we are idiots and worse. And I am idiot enough to pay them. Not for much longer.

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Good point about judge nominations. I too have never heard who appointed who, other than Trump.

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Joe Nocera, are you serious?? the “two cases”

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"The underlying truth is neither party wants to do anything to fix this problem in any systemic way—the Republicans, because this is an issue they simply cannot wean themselves off of, or the Democrats, because they’re ideologically opposed to any policy that whiffs of anti-immigration. And so, our forever war over the border continues"

Oh, Peter, what has happened to you? This is nowhere near the truth. The underlying truth is that the Democrats are hell bent on mass immigration until they get a permanent electoral majority. They know that the one way to win elections when most people hate you is to replace them with different people. This has nothing to do with ideological "opposition to any policy that whiffs of anti-immigration."

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Biden’s border “fix”: Joe Biden has finally done what he pledged he would never do: close the border to migrants.


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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Re Story #2/10 where Biden said that there's "every reason" to conclude that Bibi is prolonging the Gaza war for political reasons. Most of what Biden says that lacks credibility (or frankly reason), but this assertion was particularly rich given the story 'on our radar' that spoke of Biden's 'here comes the election' executive order that (theoretically) allows for (some) illegal aliens entering at the southern border to be ejected from the country without further assessment of their status.

IDK if he is clueless, or simply doesn't care.

(Edit for typo.)

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About the Biden admin border disaster, this statement is incorrect: "Biden could have issued his executive order on day one of his administration, in January 2021."

All Biden had to do was NOT repeal / replace / reverse existing Trump admin executive orders. All he had to do was not screw things up in Jan 2021, which he and Mayorkas happily bragged about doing.


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It was clear from day one of Biden that anything Trump had to be abandoned ASAP regardless of the impact to the country.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

It’s amazing how legacy media and others, seemingly even here at TFP, can’t acknowledge that Trump had it right and Biden intentionally broke it to the great detriment of our nation.

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Even after 3 1/2 years of an open border allowing millions in. Even after the democrats themselves started to openly complain about the sheer numbers of illegal immigrants showing up in their sanctuary cities.

Bottom line is that the mainstream media hates Trump and refuses to acknowledge anything he did in a positive light.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6

In the U.S. federal government, the legislative branch (congress) makes the laws, and the executive branch (the president) is supposed to execute the laws. The President of the U.S. (POTUS) has wide discretion in how the laws are executed/enforced. Though technically unconstitutional, in reality, he also has wide discretion in which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore. This makes the POTUS a VERY powerful position even before considering the availability/control of vast federal law enforcement resources, the ability to issue executive orders (that apply only to federal government departments/employees), veto power over proposed legislation, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

The issue that matters to many U.S. citizens is illegal immigration and border security. Border security responsibility is ultimately that of the POTUS, not congress. With essentially the same laws and resources, the previous POTUS was able to provide reasonably good border security (based on the numbers of illegal immigrants gaining entrance to the country), while the current POTUS has not.

The “claiming asylum” part of current immigration law, which has been in place since the Reagan administration, is being allowed to be exploited, and it should be changed. It has been much more of a problem under the current POTUS versus the previous POTUS because of policy differences.

During the Trump administration those that would consider illegally entering the U.S. became aware that border security had been tightened, and if caught once in the U.S., they would be held until claims for asylum were reviewed. Those that did not have legitimate asylums claims (which was mostly the case) were immediately deported. Those priorities and policies by Trump minimized illegal immigration encounters.

During the Biden administration those that would consider illegally entering the U.S. became aware that border security would be lax and by simply claiming asylum, they would be released into the country. The vast majority of current asylum seekers do not have a legitimate claim and have no intention of showing up in the future for a review of their claim. These priorities and policies by Biden created the flood of illegal immigration encounters that have occurred and continue.

The Democrats realize they are in trouble with voters because of their poor performance regarding border security. They are trying to shift blame to the Republicans for not taking the bait of reforming immigration laws as the reason for their poor border security performance. The only way border security and immigration reform are related is that without border security, immigration laws (good or bad) have no value or meaning.

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I confess our border policies make no sense and seem to open the doors for foreign infiltrations. Also, one small note: it’s Commander-in-Chief.

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Thanks for the education. I will correct that in the comment.

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Spot on, sir! The contrast is night and day, and it's not Congress or The Republicans.

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Its Presidents!

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Bari et al: your resonse to Rainbow Medicine-Walker is gross. Figure your shit out.

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I am skeptical of Biden’s move to close the border - not that such a measure is essential.

Coming as it is prior to an election, I can’t help but think that if the Democrats are re-elected that they will quickly ignore enforcement of this legislation.

Like the progressive Liberal government here in Canada, the Democrats have little regard for the security of their respective countries when it comes to trading residency for votes and promoting global homogenization.

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“global homogenization”.

That’s what they are trying to do.

Undo in a few short decades what took evolution millions of years to accomplish.

What could go wrong ?

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"The underlying truth is neither party wants to do anything to fix this problem in any systemic way—"

—Peter Savodnik

Thanks for this Bull Shit Peter. While most Republicans ARE wind gaugers, Trump wants to fix the problem. AND... one of the first bills passed by this GOP house (May, 2023) did address the sieve at the border.

RE Grayzone: "Blumenthal’s own checkered journalism career shows there are plenty of Americans who are willing to defend the most indefensible tyrants out of only their conviction. —Eli Lake"

During the French revolution they were Jacobins... Dictators posing as communists, socialists. They're here today. Only their birthdates have changed.

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Bull Shit is correct.

That border bill allowed 5,000 crossings per day.

Not acceptable.

It moved the jurisdiction of court oversight from border states to Washington DC.

Not acceptable.

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Seems like there is a TFP storm brewing. Between the new censorship policy - ahem, comment "guidelines" and the deep throat blow job Joe Nocera gave to the DNC this morning trying to justify the Trump persecution, the hoi polloi are grabbing their metaphorical pitchforks.

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Comments say as much about the author of the comment as they do about the subject, something worthwhile for all to note.

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True, they certainly do. That said, I know what's been said about me, the basket of deplorables clinging to my guns and religion.

And I'm ok with all of that (even though I'm an atheist).

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

I'm an atheist

Oh no! Sorry to hear that! You do you, but yeah...sad. There are so many things that speak to intelligent design! Life, even just the existence of our planet, contains so many wonderous and yes, miraculous, aspects. To not be able to see and appreciate the intelligent design therein has always seemed to me to be like a form of blindness. So yeah, sad.

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In addition to liking comments that are thoughtful, well-analyzed, cogently argued and temperate in tone, I have come to really appreciate comments that are presented with subtlety and understatement, qualities that, unfortunately, seem to be very sorely neglected in American discourse. One of the things I have liked so much about TFP is that there are many commenters here whose communications are not lacking in any of these qualities, and they are a pleasure to read.

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Hear hear

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

the deep throat ....Joe Nocera gave to the DNC this morning

Yikes. Come on now. That's a bit rough. I mean, surely we will all benefit from SOME level of keeping comments clean. I would prefer it to be voluntary, sure. But if people won't refrain from making gross comments like the one above, and TFP doesn't require a certain level of decency, I fear we will all end up swimming around in a cesspool first thing in the morning.

This comment is made by someone who sings along to some rap songs, so don't get me wrong. Like I'm all up tight or something. But there definitely is a time and a place.

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Yeah, that was a little bit my attempt to see how far they'll take this new censorship gig...

I think it's accurate though (and not too out of line, given the other article about "fetish gear" in books for school libary's). In his partisanship, Nocera totally overlooks the role Bragg has as prosecutor overlooking actual *REAL* crime while at the same time, bringing this sham trial. That doesn't even begin to touch on his role charging people like the bodega worker who was attacked by a customer/criminal.

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Weird...I didn't get a notification that you replied. I only went back to this thread because I saw a typo in my comment after receiving a notification that someone had liked it. Seems odd. How was I supposed to know you answered me?

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They can walk and chew gum at the same time.

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No, the mention of fetish gear wasn’t to advocate for it. Librarian didn’t toss a book about fetish gear into a kids library to see how it would go.

That’s not how the court system works. Bragg picking up a trial on Trump doesn’t stop prosecution of an assault on a bodega worker.

The Free Press has also concluded coverage criticizing the trial. The vital point of critical thinking is we don’t all agree and we read dissents.

It’s just “hoi polloi”. Hoi is the direct article in Greek so the hoi polloi is redundant.

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I undertand the article re: fetish gear, I was making the comparison with my BJ comment.

RE: Bragg picking up Trump doesn't stop prosecution of an assault on a bodega worker - In that situation, the worker was the one who was being tried. Bragg has taken to trying to convict the victim for defending themselves.

Also, I'm used to having my grammar corrected, but not in Greek. Thanks for the clarification.

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"Also, I'm used to having my grammar corrected, but not in Greek. Thanks for the clarification"


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