Why do people still talk about Gaza occupation, when there hasn’t been for a long time. The Gazans have had a lifetime to make a beautiful State for themselves, but Hamas and the Palestinian Authority stole all the money and resources for themselves to build weapons to kill Jews. They couldn’t even supply themselves with electricity and …
Why do people still talk about Gaza occupation, when there hasn’t been for a long time. The Gazans have had a lifetime to make a beautiful State for themselves, but Hamas and the Palestinian Authority stole all the money and resources for themselves to build weapons to kill Jews. They couldn’t even supply themselves with electricity and clean water. They relied on Israel, and still voted overwhelmingly for Hamas. They’ve lived by the sword and now they can die by the sword!
Why do people still talk about Gaza occupation, when there hasn’t been for a long time. The Gazans have had a lifetime to make a beautiful State for themselves, but Hamas and the Palestinian Authority stole all the money and resources for themselves to build weapons to kill Jews. They couldn’t even supply themselves with electricity and clean water. They relied on Israel, and still voted overwhelmingly for Hamas. They’ve lived by the sword and now they can die by the sword!