
Dear Bari, important technical point now that you're a Radio Star. If you hadn't left the Times you would never have discovered you have that great voice. But when the conversation became rapid, about the time Michelle Obama's name came up, it became impossible for me to tell who was speaking, you or Sheryl. I spent 10 years at Columbia and Yale, and still couldn't tell. You both have melodic, youthful voices full of Ivy League pronunciations, polite classroom hesitations, which --for this Long Island Jewish boy-- were made all the more charming by a smidgen of girlish uptalk endings, and certain locutions inherited from our grandparents. Bari, I could listen to your voice all day, but please just say the other person's name from time to time?

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What are Ms. Sandberg's accomplishments that she rates a one-on-one interview with Ms. Weiss? There is a Proverb which applies to Ms Sandberg and all the wealthy such a the Jobs Widow, the Gates ex-Wife, Mike Bloomberg et al. "A Rich Man is wise in his own eyes"? Provers 28:11. The original Hebrew emphasizes "wise" by placing it at the beginning: "Hocham b'einav ish otsar"

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A nit to pick: It's inaccurate to say, as Sandberg does, that rape was "an accepted" part of war until the second Congo war. Yes, the UNSC specifically names sexual offenses as war crimes in 2000 and the ICC when formed two years later recognized these crimes explicitly as crimes against humanity and war crimes. But in terms of explicit mention, the ICC for the Former Yugoslavia in 1993 named rape and sexual violence as relevant offenses. And don't forget the Tokyo tribunal after World War II, where prosecutors successfully included, at length, evidence of sexual crimes as part and parcel of its crimes against humanity charges against wartime Japanese figues such as Tojo.

For the record.

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It's unfortunate that Ms. Sandberg doesn't see the connection between Joe Biden's policies and the tragic results, both at home and abroad. A vote for Joe is a vote for Hamas and Iran.

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Sandberg shouldn't be surprised that her Leftist clique denies the videos taken and broadcast by Hamas themselves. They (and she) have been ignoring objective truth for years. Obama's Iran deal was good for the US; men can be women; children are better off transitioning; Republicans oppress women; any woman can do any job a man can (except for the disproportionate numbers of chronic skeletal injuries in the Army and Marines); Russia, Russia, Russia; Hillary did not have classified information on her homebrew server; Hunter's laptop was Russian dezinformatsiya; Trump and all his supporters are racist; etc. All of these were snapped up like momma's cookies despite requiring rejection of objective truth. Sandberg is so brilliant, but she couldn't see that she was just going along with the crowd and not thinking for herself. Now she is in the crosshairs and she can't believe it. Welcome to ground zero. You've come a long way, baby.

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The Greyzone’s reporting refutes the allegations of mass rape on October 7. Compare to the discredited allegations of beheaded babies, babes in ovens and other salacious charges concocted in the fever dream of a disturbed settler.

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"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." James R. Schlesinger

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What are saying, exactly? Grey zone is not exactly a reputable news source to put it mildly

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You've come this far, Ms Sandberg, perhaps you'd be willing to go a bit further. What happened on Oct 7 didn't arrive from nowhere and the vicious antisemitism seen on the left is not a surprise to the many observers who were not under the spell of the progressive dogma. To pick just one voice, Mark Steyn has been writing about this for at least twenty years. Hamas terrorists may be vile scum, but they did their captives the dignity of seeing them as actual women who could get pregnant and bear children, and not merely an interchangeable gender identity with a 'bonus hole.' They also have enough sense to know that an abortion isn't the highest right a woman could attain. They don't give a damn about 19th Century America and slavery, but are interested in American decline right now. They see a weak, senile US President and know that the time to act is now. Sandberg and her employers and millions have championed every cause that got us to this horrific moment and perhaps she can keep digging until she find a big enough red pill to fully rip the blinders off.

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The answer is quite obvious as to why college-educated Americans support Hamas - the Middle East is the ideal proxy where yound people can (finally) unleash their worldwide "oppressor-oppressed" thesis on the public. It certainly doesn't hurt that Jews are part of the narrative...

While it's squarely on us to expose the many flaws embedded in this thesis, Cheryl Sandburg believes that "Screams Before Silence" is "the" solution. Her work is done. All that's missing is a solid marketing campaign...

I believe, though it's possible I'm mistaken, that Bari Weiss also feels Cheryl Sandberg should be doing more. For starters, why is it so difficult for a women with her influence, to call-out / shame the leaders of women's rights groups, including Michelle Obama, who have chosen not to raise their voices against the brutal rapings of Israeli women?

The US Congress shamed Claudine Gay & Liz Magill into resigning. The same needs to be done here by the Chery Sandbergs of world, starting with UN-Women, Amnesty Int'l, Nat'l Organization for Women, Women's March, The Nat'l Women's Studies Assn...

One final note. Regardles of how we may feel about the "oppressor-oppressed" worldview, how many of us here in the US would be ok justifying the rape of a white American girl by an "oppressed" minority male? Zero? Now, how about the rape of a white, Jewish American girl by a Palestinian male?

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I think Sheryl needs to watch an interview with Son Of Hamas. He says that his mother told him she would be proud of him if he died killing Jews. I think her view of Palestinians mothers is ill-informed. The cultural differences are huge. I agree that it would require reeducation that would span several generations

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I just can’t wrap my head around someone who prioritizes anti-semitism and education; and then backs Biden. He is not fit to lead this country. Serious people need to start acting seriously!

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That is where it went off the rails for me. "Did you donate to Biden's campaign?" - YES. "Do you plan to vote for Biden?" - YES. Umm...okay

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The irony, right? Given her status and education, and her insistence on the need to educate better, Sandberg can’t connect the dots, even after everything she had witnessed. Speaking of those who can never challenge their own narrative, she is doing just that. How very sad

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Exactly! I do not understand having such strong convictions in one area but not seeing how you completely undermine that conviction and contradict yourself by other actions. So much of it seems to have to do with elite status, and not wanting to lose credibility with those that run in the same circles. The decision to make this important film surely cost Sandberg time and money. I am guessing she has plenty of both. I think it is wonderful that Sandberg made it - and that she wants it widely circulated. But are we - the common populace - who really needs to see it?

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“Progressives Know they have a Jew -Hate Problem”

I commented:

You know what, I’m not sure they do. They still have their collective heads in the sand when confronted with the degeneration of the “progressive” wing of their party.

I think Sheryl Sandberg is one of those progressives. It’s so hard for her to let go.

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In one month athletes will meet in Paris and use what they have “learned” to compete to create a positive outcome from their efforts. However in the present “Victimization/Oppressor/Oppressed Olympics” we live in the “winners” will receive “medals” for how many historical grievances they can claim. Not an olympics I’m interested in.

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Sheryl made it clear that her ego is above all else, IMO. She still supports Biden even though he has withheld funds and weapons from Israel. She still gives to Harvard even though they are as antisemitic and an institution can be. I'm sure she still gives to other liberal causes b/c they 'honor' her and then she can stand in front of large crowds and speak (ego). She still loves Michelle Obama even though she has been totally silent. I wish you asked if she supported Obama/Biden giving over $100Billion in cash to Iran. I assume she supported that too. Was she supportive of the Abraham accords? Probably silent. She mostly supports people and institutions who are anti-Israel b/c it's in the best interest of her ego. Her whole goal seems to be giving money to groups so that one day she might be a cabinet member (ego). I appreciate her making the movie and speaking out, but there is so much more she could do with her platform. I began listening hoping to hear a leader, sadly I did not get that.

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Don, I hear what you are saying, but I'd like to add a different perspective. For years, those of us that have been paying attention (and who were in places at risk for being singled out as Jews) have known that this progressive dogma is false and wrong. Who knows if Sheyl's goal is to one day be a cabinet member. And if it is, great. That isn't the real issue. The real problem is that as Americans, we couldn't see past the political parties to discern what was good and what was bad. For instance— Abraham Accords; fantastic. They sought to create peace through an avenue that had not yet been thought of or tried in the Middle East. (but how many Democrats would even entertain looking at it objectively since it came from the Trump administration?) Obama giving money to Iran— Very bad. Empowering a country that literally wants to see you wiped off the face of the Earth is dangerous. (But how many Democrats said nothing because to say something about this would mean they'd have to go against the tide of their political party. It's a risk they won't take.)

We stopped listening to ideas as just ideas, and instead saw them through the lens of our ideologies. And when something didn't align, we were quick to throw it out. I'm glad that Sheryl is coming to understand how dangerous this dynamic is, but it feels like it's a little too late. The wheels that she helped put in place within these powerful progressive circles have been rolling for a long time now.

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Nah, I think you missed the point. She, like most progressive Jews, never put the safety and wellbeing of Israel on her agenda, but Oct 7 woke her up and made her realized there is antisemitism and women like her could be targeted. But her awakening was only skin deep, despite her education, her influence, her career. Her ideological convictions have not changed, which is shocking, in my opinion. Very sad

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Great comment Faith - thank you! I agree with your view, except I expect more from Sheryl. She's a big thinker, an author, on the world stage... and as much as she despises the brutality of 10/7, she still supports the people who gave Iran the money, who turn their backs on Israel too often.... At some point you have to decide your #1 issue and this is not hers, but she will throw money at it. She's probably a lovely person at heart, but this is too important, IMO. Again, I loved your thoughtful comment!

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If she were a "big thinker" this wouldn't have to be pointed out to her. She is another shallow, somewhat charismatic Lefty who has been told her whole adult life how smart and great she is. Ignoring the antisemitism of the Left because one wants everyone to see her wearing a pussy-hat isn't smart. It's dumb and cowardly.

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I can't argue with anything you said. The more I think of her, the more disgusted I get. And that Michelle Obama took on the cause of the girls Boco Haram kidnapped, but not a word now. Disgusting people!

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Now I’m really confused

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The rules of Jihad from the Qur’an…”A military Jihad has to obey very strict rules in order to be legitimate.

* The opponent must always have started the fighting.

* It must not be fought to gain territory.

* It must be launched by a religious leader.

* It must be fought to bring about good - something that Allah will approve of.

* Every other way of solving the problem must be tried before resorting to war.

* Innocent people should not be killed.

* Women, children, or old people should not be killed or hurt.

* Women must not be raped.

* Enemies must be treated with justice.

* Wounded enemy soldiers must be treated in exactly the same way as one's own soldiers.

* The war must stop as soon as the enemy asks for peace.

* Property must not be damaged.

* Poisoning wells is forbidden. The modern analogy would be chemical or biological warfare.”

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Sandberg tries to split hairs between polarized narratives people cling to and frank antisemitism. Ironically, the only reason she is splitting these hairs is because it doesn’t fit her own narrative that she is clinging to, which is that it can’t be that the left is teeming with antisemitism and this antisemitism is the direct result of its worldview on many other issues. Allowing her narrative to be challenged would leave her entire identity stripped.

Then she suggests if we just keep showing people the evidence, it will change things. She follows this with the usual elitist view that the problem is lack of education followed by some both sidesing.

At the very end, she demonstrates to the max how attached she is to her narrative when she says repeatedly “I *can’t* believe that. I *can’t* believe that.” Sounds like attachment to a narrative to me.

Sandberg is as clueless as they come and basically a useful idiot clinging to her exploded worldview.

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Absolutely. Agree with you entirely. It reminds me of a situation with filmmaker Gazer who made an excellent film about the environment that made Holocaust possible. Yet his Oscar speech proved to the astonished audiences that his own moral inversion is the problem.

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