Said it before and will say it again. The physicians involved should be in prison. Civil suits are an insufficient response to their wholesale rejection of their ethical obligation to do no harm. Many thousands of troubled children have been irreparably damaged by physicians who cared too little about scientific evidence and too much abo…
Said it before and will say it again. The physicians involved should be in prison. Civil suits are an insufficient response to their wholesale rejection of their ethical obligation to do no harm. Many thousands of troubled children have been irreparably damaged by physicians who cared too little about scientific evidence and too much about their own self interest-- fame and fortune. Those in the medical/pharmaceutical industry responsible for this travesty are corrupt to the core. Wells Jacobson MD
Said it before and will say it again. The physicians involved should be in prison. Civil suits are an insufficient response to their wholesale rejection of their ethical obligation to do no harm. Many thousands of troubled children have been irreparably damaged by physicians who cared too little about scientific evidence and too much about their own self interest-- fame and fortune. Those in the medical/pharmaceutical industry responsible for this travesty are corrupt to the core. Wells Jacobson MD
Thank you for speaking out. I compare these doctors to Josef Mengele who performed experimental surgeries on Jewish children in concentration camps.