On Nasrallah - "Though they made sure to say that 'his organization also provides social services.'"

No mention of human trafficking young women to be Hezbollah brides through forced marriage.

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I saw the original piece and also shook my head at that sentence. It reminds me of all the times over the last decade the NPR/PBS types have written about the Black Panthers 'free school lunches' while skipping the part about being a Marxist-Leninist cult led by a murderous psychopath(s).

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I know I already griped about this, but I just listened to it and, good God, how could TFP miss it! Matt Taibbi gave one of the most beautiful eloquent, wry, and scathing speeches in defense of free speech yesterday—and you guys didn’t even link it? Shame on you.

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Right on!

The other day, the WSJ in a front page, below the fold story ,described Hezbollah as a non state armed militia group. No reference to terror or their diet of killing.

Again, our elite media needs to take a very hard look in the mirror at the misinformation they are peddling. They and their smart crowd ,in our once great universities , are doing this country irreparable damage, to the delight of Hamas,ISIS, Hezbollah and axis powers.

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“Khymani” (lol) James is suing Columbia University. His attorney is borderline illiterate (shocker). Can’t make this stuff up.

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TFP, no mention of Rescue the Republic? How unprecedented this heterodox gathering was? Anybody on the ground, doing some reporting? Sigh.

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At no point in history have a bunch of internet cranks and conspiracy theorists ever gathered together. Truly unprecedented.

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Interesting you ALWAYS point out the smallest scintilla of a connection between Conservative Party and “fascists”. You somehow forget to reference the SLAVERY and JIM CROW and KKK antecedents of the Democrat party!!

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You so easily identify the overt lying related to Israel and Jews. Why do you think they are telling the truth about election fraud, or anything else??

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They lie endlessly about israel, but exactly the same people are nothing but truthful on election fraud, climate, etc.

Its just a revelation of institutional bias.

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I am disappointed in the Free Press this morning. I am disappointed that F.P. Has not mentioned or linked Matt Taibbi’s speech on the vital importance of the First Amendment that he gave Sunday at the Rescue the Republic event. Taibbi’s speech is well worth the attention.

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Linking instead to the NYT Kirchick piece that bends over backward to avoid labeling actions from Democrats (Russia collusion, Charlottesville, Bloodbath, and the laptop) disinformation (i.e., lying).

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Well, while the world sorts all this out, I'm taking grandkids out to pick grapes and look for snails.

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Been there done that (with the grapes not snails) and canned grape juice and made some grape jelly. Have fun.

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yea. well you know what happened to Don Corleone when he went to garden with his grandchild.. watch out

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And that is exactly why I planted so many fruit trees. A wonderful way to go.

I had always thought I would be shot by a jealous husband while jumping off a balcony.

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On Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni’s address, if only Kamala could possibly take a lesson from her. No salad, clear and on point, no hands!

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K. can't string words together to from a coherent sentence. The woman is a waling disaster.

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Oliver Wiseman’s front page is the best!

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With the items he chooses to cover, yes.

But he does his own form of narrative control, don't doubt that.

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Lord knows if I’ve had to suffer through the New York Times all these decades I can handle this. Goodbye NYT, hello Free Press! And also you can throw in NPR while you’re at it, which was good up until about 5 years ago when it took a steep nosedive.

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I’m smart. I can handle it.

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Me too, which is why i'm still here. I can recognize institutional bias. FP claims to not have any but of course that means they cannot smell their own bad breath, like everyone else.

I take everything with some salt, some sites i need a grain, some sites i need a tablespoon. Here in Canada, with the CBC even a rail car full doesn't help, i under stand what they are and tune in to catch the message of the enemy of western civilization.

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The oddest and most dismaying thing about the Marxist left phenotype is its persistence with self-serving labeling (“neo-fascists,” “”occupiers,” “deplorables,” “racists”, and all the rest) even when reality undermines their accusations. But what the hell, just keep calling them “bourgeois,” or “counterrevolutionaries” and persuade the mob that it is okay to attack them and take their stuff. You’d think that after more than a century of this BS they’d be better and that the rest of us would see them for what they are. But no.

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So I see The FP is completing ignoring how Kamala Harris's Border "policy" has PURPOSEFULLY let into our country over 600K criminals to include 15K rapists and 13K murderers.

Exactly as I said The FP would. Oliver Wiseman, you are nothing but a Leftist hack propagandist for the DNC. I want my money back.

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Not just TFP, it’s radio silence everywhere!

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Nice stories about Nasrallah, the woke cancer continues to metasticize.

If you want to produce and star in porn, go ahead, but why would i want you teaching my kids? How is that free speech? Professions require at least some decorum.

Helene, its awful when major hurricanes hit, i know its too much to ask for the vultures to not try to exploit this entirely normal event.

Nothing more vile than an old totalitarian like Kerry. So how come no FP mentions regarding the rally in Washington yesterday, this is the Front Page right?

Meloni, like Milei, is not easily smeared. Thanks for not calling her far right, she is simply common sense right, like Poilievre here in Canada.

Its a function of narrative control to portray anyone exhibiting common sense as "far right", something that is losing its force, the data showing the youngest group of americans is more conservative is simply a natural consequence of the woke cancer, those with sense move right.

Same reason Israel is now more right wing than far left, because circumstances forced reality on the Israelis and they moved to the right. Netanyahu didn't take Israel to the right, he rode the trend.

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I am not surprised but very upset that the MSM is basically puppets of the Democratic Party and they do not ever report news but only the agenda which is to win the presidency.

Sad that our country is so socially media driven.

Thanks for the FP.

Keep up your good work objectively

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