> (The UN recently slashed the number of women and children thought to have died in the Stripe UN recently slashed the number of women and children thought to have died in the Strip

Gotta love the way that Zionists depend on the UN's statements ... when the UN says something that the Zionists like ... but decry the UN as antisemitic, Hamas lovers ... when they say something that the Zionists don't like.

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Briahna Joy Gray is a bully.

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Hillary has been weird since the “baking cookies” comment when she was a First Lady. No one should have bought into her “make over” when she was running for president. She is evil…and started the whole thing.

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I don’t know or really care about the Tlaib gaffe—I’m sure she’s just as horrible as everyone says and it was a stupid thing to do.

I also am not supporting or endorsing whatever the groups were that are being called terrorists—they very well may be the worst dregs of humanity.

What I DO want to say is that we need to be very careful using America’s official terrorism list as a meaningful rubric for deciding what people are scum. That list is wholly political and has been used for all kinds of nefarious things since it was created, or at least amped up, in the early 2000’s. It’s as bad as believing the SPLC when they designate a new hate group.

Be VERY suspicious about any list of Bad Guys; they’re always personal.

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College athletes on scholarship have always been paid: with tuition and room and board. How many prospective college students would literally give up a body part for that kind of compensation? With that said, the NCAA is making so much money now that they can no longer justify the pay restrictions on athletes.

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Why were comments on the air turbulence/climate change story locked?

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Lucy Biggers is BRAVE! Thank you!

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May 28·edited May 28

"That lesson? That Iran will respect American strength and exploit our weakness." Nope, say nowt. Just nuke. Give no rope; just twat the bastards.

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Women know a bitch or a cunt when they see one. That is all that is needed for Mrs Clinton's loss. Women are not thick or stupid.

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She reminded too many guys of their ex-wife.

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While I don't have a problem with "college athletes" being paid, I do have a problem with college athletes being paid. The discrepancy is not the fault of the athletes, but of the institutions. As someone else here pointed out, colleges are supposed to be institutions of higher education, not minor league or developmental sports leagues. The most logical solution (and, hence, one that will never be considered) would be to eliminate "big time" college sports in its entirety and return college athletics to its roots of intercollegiate competition among student athletes. The aspiring and/or semi-professional players can forego wasting their time (and their educators') on college altogether and move over to newly created professional developmental leagues.

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May 28·edited May 28

Oh, lay off Fauci. The list of this guy's alleged crimes - even deleting emails - are practically zero compared to what he did to help (and practically zero compared to you know who). I know people who've worked with him. Does he have an ego? Sure. Who at the top of their field doesn't? But he's a good guy - a man who chose to work with AIDS patients back when society treated them as lepers (what have the rest of us done for humanity lately?). A man who, even if he made mistakes, only ever meant to keep the public safe. It's frankly disgusting to me that vicious public hatred is the reward all these scientists and public health figures have gotten, and just for the sake of some people's political gain. They should have gotten a ticker tape parade.

I admit I get really heated about this because my own husband broke his back - almost literally due to sitting 17 hours a day every day for nine months (before building a standing desk out of cardboard boxes) - to help bring the vaccines to us, only to have half the population demonize him and his colleagues, doubt their intelligence, their motives, their expertise. I watched them work nonstop for the good of others. It was absolutely selfless. Families were neglected. Sleep was sacrificed. Nervous breakdowns were suffered. The insults and vitriol have been an absolutely shocking reaction to one of history's greatest scientific and public health feats. Ok. I'm done. I just can't.

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Go read The Real Anthony Fauci and get back to me.

The man is the most prolific mass murderer in modern times

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Thank you for this. I agree wholeheartedly. Free Press, lay off Fauci. It's pathetic, really. Get some f-ing perspective.

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May 28·edited May 28

I don’t think anyone demonized those who created a vaccine. You clearly missed the point. The vaccine wouldn’t have been necessary in the first place if Dr Evil had not been lying and messing around with gain of function.

And spare me the AIDS nonsense. Do some research on his involvement in that.

I have sympathy and compassion for the beagles this scum abused. I have nothing but contempt for the human garbage named Fauci.

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"The vaccine wouldn’t have been necessary in the first place if Dr Evil had not been lying and messing around with gain of function." This is absolutely not an established fact. Please don't tell me to do research; if you knew how to do research you'd know not to take for fact things that don't haven't been proved. You'd know to pay attention to the vast majority of scientists instead of some Republicans on a select committee with an axe to grind, or some talking heads, or the handful of iconoclast scientists who insist they know better than 90% of their colleagues. Science isn't black and white. You have to be able to understand nuance and shades of gray to fathom it. That makes a lot of people squirmy.

Are you a scientist, by the way? Why do you think you have the knowledge to school experts in the field? My husband's family, all fervent Trump supporters (and all of whom I love), routinely questioned my husband and cast doubt on his research. They'd send him youtube videos of some random dude making ridiculous conspiracy and anti-science claims and be like "but what do you say about *this?*" Like it was a gotcha. Just... for heavens sake.

"I don’t think anyone demonized those who created a vaccine." Absolutely they have:

"I hope you die’: how the COVID pandemic unleashed attacks on scientists


Oh - that's behind a paywall. Here



"Of 359 respondents, 228 (64%) reported harassment related to comments made about the COVID-19 pandemic..."

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P.S. I'm sorry that was snotty.

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Also, to be clear, I wasn't intending to say it's definitely not from the Wuhan lab. Just that it's not clear: "One of many articles written on this subject. Without surprise now 4 years (2024) from the pandemic onset, it is doubtful we’ll know for sure without more disclosure from the Chinese government." (from a Johns Hopkins article behind a paywall) The answer to the question is the unsatisfying, "We don't know."

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I don’t think you were snotty. And I’m very sad that people treated your husband poorly. That’s unacceptable- because work like his is critical not just for covid but for the potential for other diseases. What we learned is vitally important and so was his role.

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May 29·edited May 29

Thank you for saying that. I really appreciate it. I don't think the country ever recognized how hard these people worked - from every level in public health, science, community organizations, medicine. It was insane. Total mobilization. Anyway, I appreciate your kindness.

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You were done before you started.

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Way to consider other views. Why are you here?

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Here, as in, why am I here on earth? The internet? The free press? The comment section? I considered your view and thought it was bad. As others pointed out, nobody is directing their anger at those on the ground. My wife, as a nurse, administrated the vaccine and took care of patients sick from COVID-19. Yet, I still think Faucci lied over and over again, and that many parts of the pandemic were handled horribly.

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May 29·edited May 29

I meant why on the comments section. I've had interesting discussions with diverse people on this site, which is why I'm here. I'm not sure the point of showing up if you're just going to shut people down who have opinions different from your own. Ignore me if you don't think my comment is worth engaging. I'm sure there are plenty of people here you can talk to with whom you agree.

Regarding this: "As others pointed out, nobody is directing their anger at those on the ground." As I pointed out to those others, this is simply not true. So much anger was pointed at those on the ground, scientist, doctors, public health figures. Copying from my response to Laura Taylor.

"I hope you die’: how the COVID pandemic unleashed attacks on scientists


Oh - that's behind a paywall. Here:



"Of 359 respondents, 228 (64%) reported harassment related to comments made about the COVID-19 pandemic..."

Fwiw, I'm open to the idea that Fauci may have overstated, misled, and even maybe outright lied about a thing or two. However, the level of vitriol expressed against him and the conspiracy-building around him is insane. If it turns out he covered up a GOF lab leak - whether proved to be responsible for the pandemic or not - I'll join you. Until the allegation is proven, however, I'm not going to join the posse. Btw, I've noticed conservatives have a huge gripe with #metoo "guilty until proven innocent" standards (I share their concern), but are all over it when it comes to political or ideological enemies.

"...many parts of the pandemic were handled horribly." Maybe, but to which parts do you refer? I see a lot of people criticizing early pandemic responses, forgetting how little anyone knew back then, that we were flying blind. But maybe you're referring to things that happened later.

Finally, a huge thanks to your wife for doing that difficult and dangerous work! Such crazy, stressful, scary times. I'm so grateful for people like her who helped us through it.

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But sorry, I don't mean to come off as rude. (maybe a tad with my original comment).

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Yes, but you told the author to layoff Fauci and brought up your Husband and people on the ground. Yes, of course there are crazies out there who hate any and everything that had to do with the vaccine. But the author of the article you commented on, didn't take any shots at the people on the ground.

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There's another thing Fauci and company did to hide their information from FOIA requests. They intentionally misspelled key words. How anyone can still defend any of these people is beyond me.

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The Atlantic article on killing Soleimani made me proud to be an American.

Yet even more proof that we need a strong leader, like Trump, now more than ever.

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Are we sure Joe Biden doesn’t say made in China?

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Back when Fareed Zakaria used to write for Newsweek, I was a big fan, but a few decades later, it seems he has embraced the far left, and the antisemitic beliefs they seem to embody. This disappointed me greatly, but clearly the ground is shifting beneath my feet. When I see the Libertarian presidential nominee refer to the Israeli war on Hamas as "genocide", I know we've gone sideways. God help us.

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Or a Libertarian that thinks the Covid lockdowns were cool. Even if there had been a bunch of studies saying they worked, a true libertarian would still at least question it. That said, seeing this guy, I now know that the Libertarian party is not serious. And I am glad I don't give money to them anymore.

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Soleimani killing

Thanks FP for the link to The Atlantic article.

McKenzie is spot on about how America needs to deal with aggression by Iran.

I hope to read his book.

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