How come til tok is allowed in this country but none of our social media is allowed in China?

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Sorry Columbia university .

This was in the NYT today.

Why didn’t the free press put this out as news?

Ask Bari Weiss.

She went to Columbia and worked at the NYT until she came to her sense's.

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NYT bars pro Israel from campus citing harassment.

That is headline.

Need I say more?

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Trump Derangement Syndrome is synonymous with hate for working class people. It is tribalistic class hate and it is disgusting. I know this because I am upper class and interact with people like Joe.

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No to “No”cera. He’s as whacked out as he claims Trump is. Plus he watches the goons on MSNBC. That’s all I need to know about your intellect. You don’t have any.

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People like Joe tended to have a Jew Derangement Syndrome sickness in 1930s Germany, and a Blacks Derangement Syndrome is the southern US in the 1950s. It really does not matter that it is Trump, the sickness is Joe's.

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Why does the free press post news in our esteemed Columbia U which is teaching the students an ideology based on terrorism and hatred?

Why does the free press not discuss the lies from the esteemed NYT and their total falsehood based on the UN and their own agenda.

It is totally an agenda driven garbage paper.

Ask Bari Weiss about it?

She worked there.

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New York state voters, NO on Proposition 1! Does Nocera support "gender expression," a completely indefinable term to be inserted into the state constitution! Does he believe a rape victim must be forced in court to say "HER penis?" This will happen if the rapist declared 'gender expression of female' despite his sexual assault. Boys will continue to harass girls in the locker rooms of New York high schools and continue to injure girls after insisting on "gender expression" of female status. Parents will find that the state has the power to take away a child who casually says, "maybe I have an opposite sex gender expression" and the parents believe, like normal people, that it's just a phase.

While you might not be able to bring yourself to vote GOP and protect the above, you must vote NO on the fake "equal rights" proposition.

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Kamala Harris has asserted that Donald Trump, if reelected, would use the military to go after his political opponents, a lie she repeated during her interview with Bret Baier. Her rhetoric is thoroughly irresponsible. She must also realize it's incredibly dangerous because arguably it could incite even rational persons -- or groups of her supporters -- into believing they would be justified in resorting to armed violence to prevent Mr. Trump (by any and all means necessary?) from reentering the White House. One has to ask: Is that her intent?

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good luck to all you in the US , you are screwed . I sold all my US properties and closed all US bank accounts there is going to be a mess no matter who wins . China Russia and North Korea have done their job and broke the US . That is what happens when people become fat lazy and complacent

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So Joe Nocera listens to MSNBC. That is all we need to know. He is simply grossly misinformed.

Compare the two essays. Nocera's is all about what a bad man Trump is. Gurri's is about how bad the policies of the Democrat party are. An obnoxious, flawed man who will let you drive the car you prefer, have enough energy to run your air conditioner, have some say in what your children learn in school, and allow the police and courts to protect you from bad guys; or the party that is determined to control Everything.

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My sentiments exactly. They've swallowed the Kool Aid of Pink Mist Land.

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"Read Joe Nocera on why his sickness should be your sickness come Election Day."

LOL. No.

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Free press today is a good read but by comment has to do with the UN and unrwa.

Why does the free press not discuss these entities and tell the truth of what they are

The UN is a biased anti Israel useless entity whose subsidiary UNRWA is and has been part of Hamas and hezbollah for years.

Yet the western world countries see the UN as the keeper of peace in the world and always fault Israel for everything going on.

Get real and face reality.

The UN is nothing more than a puppet for Qatar and the radical Arab states and no one cares

What a shameful situation the world is in and it is only perpetuated y the secretary general of this corrupt organization who is totally supported y Qatar and some other radical states and needs to be removed.

The UN and more specially UnRWA need to be dissolved and the UN should be used for homeless people.

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We need to leave the UN and forge individual alliances and partnerships on our own terms. I'll say the quiet part out loud: Not all nations are equal, not all ideas are equal. We owe "the world" nothing. Best we ship the UN staff to Brussels and repurpose the UN Building. Maybe as a school focused on civics and American sovereignty? We could teach liberals what they should have learned in high school.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

The Fixx sang about Nocera and his ilk way back in 1989

"I'm plugged into my TV.

Hey, I'm used to the lies they're telling me.

I hope it comes around."

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Good to know Joe will be voting for the party that is furiously courting the muzzy terrorist vote in MN and MI. With friends like that Bari, who needs enemies?

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I generally appreciate your coverage and feel it is not overly biased, but you are leaning hard into passive aggressive territory lately on the coverage of Trump. Choose better words guys, you are better than this. Who, What, Where,When,Why and How. Leave the TDS crap out of the equation. You are very quick to list all of the reasons why your reporter has Trump Derangement syndrome, and let Harris off the hook for her hundreds of brain-dead moments, while trying to disguise it as a news article. Bad form.

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42 mins ago·edited 42 mins ago

With the understanding that I have a job, don't spend all my time on line, and don't have a photographic memory, I cannot recall TFP, which has no problem publishing anit-Trump screeds (which is fine, BTW, that's fodder for the "marketplace of ideas"), publishing one criticizing Israel? Does such exist? Have they given Glen Greenwald (with whom I disagree on his views of the Israel/Hamas conflict) a platform? Or is that a bridge too far for Bari and company?

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As much as I disagree with Joe Nocera (on most things), this is actually part of the reason I am a subscriber. It's far too easy to sit in an echo chamber and not even realize what others are thinking, doing, or saying. I appreciate it even when I think their position is wack-job (as Joe's often are).

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If only Joe felt the same way about the echo chamber. Then maybe he'd be worth reading once in a while.

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