
Great news!

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As Americans we need to make sure that the Great Barrington Declaration and this ruling are both talked about and make it into our history books because this needs to be a monumental ruling that children are taught about moving forward. That's how we help keep future Bidens from getting into office.

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Now we need an apology from the Biden administration


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The sickening thing about this is that the United States, attempting to hold itself up as an example to the world, had many acolytes. Like Canada, and other pseudo free nations. And some of them have yet to make changes back to the former norms. This is resulting in one tin god after another being defeated by the electorate all over the world.

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The Dems accuse Trump of being a NAZI and Hitler.

I believe this is a full frontal attack on the First Amendment and the Constitution. Trump or the Reps didn’t sponsor this attack. It was the Biden Administration and his minions in the Dem Party.

Who are the NAZIs now?

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I never doubted you for a minute Dr. B! Thanks for fighting the good fight!! I know your Dad is proud. Validation always feels good.

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Head of NIH Thank God and Donald Trump for this appointment

I know you have no political association so cannot be influenced by whomever occupies the White House

God bless you and God speed in your work with NIH

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The desire to censor is universal, the need for free speech mostly felt by those in the minority. We must always be vigilant in protecting it.

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Thank you Dr Jay - you are a true American hero at a time when America is almost lost. We knew it would come from within and what a shame that the regressives are intentionally destroying America. My sister was crying about it to me today, literally. She has been a lifelong Democrat and now sees the country she loved sliding away. You sir are a hero!

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This ruling was a wonderful outcome to what should be such an easy outcome to reach if the "authorities" truly believed in the wisdom of our constitution. I read the Barrington Declaration when you published it and thought how sensible it was and finally someone with credentials has spoken up. Then to my dismay what started to occur and continues to this very day is the FEAR that the Press and the Government spewed out daily. Even today as I write, about making sure to get your children vaccinated and maybe some areas think about mask mandates. They use the mandated cliche of we are following the science and it is settled. You know science is never settled that is why we can call it science.

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Thank you for your work, along with others, in identifying what didn't work during the pandemic, and specifically, how to assure that those mistakes don't occur again.

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I only have anecdotal data

Mainstream media (NYT) on their comment sections either dont publish comments that are contrary to their or the article view point or wait till the article is stale .

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I’m hoping Dr. Bhattacharya and the other plaintiffs will file a cross-appeal, challenging the omission of CISA and the other government lackeys from the scope of the injunction. While the current order bars both “direct” and “indirect” attempts to influence the social media companies, one can hardly rely on the government’s “good faith” in complying with that directive. Still, all in all, a win. I can’t wait to hear the U.S. government argue to this Supreme Court it should be permitted to suppress “protected speech.” These clowns are shameless.

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Thank you, Dr. Bhattacharya!

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...and Biden should be impeached for this action alone. Also heads of any agencies who infringed upon citizen’s first amendment rights should be forced to step down.

Where are the consequences? This is so basic an infringement on our constitutional rights anyone in government who participated is automatically disqualified. They aren’t fit to lead.

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Thanks Dr. Bhattacharya for your story and your actions. We are headed for communism/dictatorship, so your work is very much appreciated by this US citizen. All we need to know about COVID response is how Fauci has flipflopped numerous times on the use of masks. We just need to live our lives and not be programmed to what the government says. We are losing our freedoms; speech, right to assemble and right to bear arms. The left is now publicly weaponizing the press to do its dirty work on the Biden impeachment. Boy have we sunk to new lows.

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