
what has happened here , no idea what happened to substack ?

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'The video featured one of the clinic’s physicians describing how these surgeries have become “huge money makers” and that in some cases, an “entire clinic is supported just by the phalloplasty.” '

How about a piece reporting on how much of catering to end of life veterinary care pays the bills?

Seems much the same, albiet with far lower stakes, than the folks whose 14 year old gets caught up in this and can’t find the will to say, "no."

Always another chargeable medical procedure available.

Animals on dialysis and chemotherapy. Squeaking out a few more months of existence is somehow easier for the owners who won't choose pre-emptively, to put an aged pet down.

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Twenty years ago I remember reading about the hormones given to cows to increase milk production and the presence of those hormones in milk. I can’t help but wonder if the current exponential rise in gender disphoria is a result of dietary causes of hormonal imbalances. Am I completely off base here?

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Does anyone have a working link to the viral video referred to in paragraph 6 from the Transgender Health Clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center?

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All of these "doctors" and "medical experts" should be arrested and imprisoned for criminal negligence and willful malpractice.

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A few decades ago we were told that the Gay Pride movement was about acceptance and I believed it. I still mostly do. However, things have taken a turn. The LGBTQ movement and CA Senator Scott Wiener have clearly aligned themselves with child predation:

"California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a bill to aid minor residents of other states in acquiring gender transition therapies without parental consent." "State Democratic Sen. Scott Wiener, who led the bill, acknowledged that it would encounter likely constitutional challenges, but affirmed that it was intended to push the limits of what the state could legally do on the issue. "We may have limits under the U.S. Constitution, but we are going to go right up to the edge of what we’re able to do to protect them and say, 'Unless we are absolutely forced to send you back, we are not going to send you back,'" he told the Los Angeles Times."

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I honestly believe that 95%+ cases of parents "supporting" changing the gender of their children is just another form of Munchausen by Proxy.

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Thankyou for this revealing article. I was a Tom boy my whole young life. I had five brothers and was raised on a ranch where there were already three females running the household so I didn't get the pressure of having to learn more feminine behaviors. I had the usual teenage angst of feeling left out by girly groups but being angered by the boys dumping me to be with thier buddies. No one tried to dress me up as a girl. No one assumed I had a problem with sexual orientation.

I'm 66 now. A 40 year career as a Journeyman Boilermaker welder behind me. My handsome 47 year old son my proof of my femininity. Motorcycling, mechanics and gabbing with dear old female friends.

Let kids grow up and find thier own paths. Don't let others influence them one way or the other. We find our ways to a healthy compromise once our hormones have finally leveled off so we can see and think clearly.

My heart aches for kids who aren't being given the opportunities to focus on something other than themselves. They will one day look back and realize they had all the time in the world to just be kids, but society, thier doctors, schools and some parents were trying to force the issue.

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Oh goodness. I knew WPATH was known for increasingly sketchy recommendations, but I didn't know Marci Bowers was its president or that its ranks include electrologists. Conflict of interest much?

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Why isn’t the gay community speaking up about this!!! This is an extermination of gays so that drug companies and doctors can get rich!! This is beyond disgusting!! Their is only one political party backing this both in speech and money and it’s the democrats!! Who is Hitler now?!?!

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The LGB organization network was infiltrated by TQ, (and big TQ money) and taken over. It was a quiet and insidious coup. Once same sex marriage rights were established, they pivoted to working on trans rights. TQ demands changed over time- at first it was "We just want to pee!" with the bathroom bills. Now it's "Society must accommodate us in every way imaginable, and anyone who resists will be labelled an immoral fascist!" And horrifyingly: "If you have stereotypical opposite sex personality traits or interests, you're trans!" And finally: "You don't have a sexual orientation, you have a gender orientation!". (Translation: gays and lesbians should accept body modified heterosexuals as sex partners.) Lesbians spoke out against transgenderism in the 1970s. And have kept speaking out. But they are ignored and vilified. Gay men are finally catching on. Fred Sargeant, a venerable gay rights elder, was harassed and assaulted for counter protesting at a Pride event recently. LGB needs to drop the TQ. The cracks are showing, but they are still seriously (and ignorantly) intertwined.

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To me, this subject in regards to kids goes to one area, no one cares more about a child than their parent. The sign the protestor holds up at the top of this article is true, but only half so. “Let kids be kids, and let parents be parents” is the whole message. These teachers congratulate themselves on how much they care for kids, but I assure you that only in an extremely rare case does the teacher care even a fraction as much as the parents. Virginia has shown that this is a losing battle for activists. Parents will lay down on a railroad track with the train fast approaching for their child. Let’s see who blinks first, the blue haired, wild-eyed trans activist or the concerned parent. I know who I’ll lay my money on.

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Meanwhile, check out what Gavin Newsome appears to be about to sign into law. Here's a text snippet from Sec. 5 of CA SB107: "3424. (a) A COURT OF THIS STATE HAS TEMPORARY EMERGENCY JURISDICTION IF THE CHILD IS PRESENT IN THIS STATE and the child has been abandoned OR IT IS NECESSARY IN AN EMERGENCY TO PROTECT THE CHILD, or a sibling or parent of the child, is subjected to, or threatened with, mistreatment or abuse, or BECAUSE THE CHILD HAS BE UNABLE TO OBTAIN GENDER-AFFIRMING HEALTH CARE OR GENDER-AFFIRMING MENTAL HEALTH CARE, as defined by Section 16010.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code" [Emphasis mine]

This is truly horrific! It's not hyperbole to say this would be meet the textbook definition of violating the most basic rights of both parents and child. Provide gender-affirmative care or have your kids be taken from you. I don't live in California, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if an honest-to-God revolt happened should the state start taking kids from parents who don't provide "affirmative" care.

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The people who espouse this non-sense are insane, you can not change from one sex to another, either by feelings or mutilation of your body. Men can not get pregnant, period. Biology is fact based science. You are either XX or XY, feelings and surgeries do not change that fact.

Child mutilation surgery should be a crime and any doctor who preforms these types of surgeries should be prosecuted and jailed.

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After reading through these many comments, i'm suprised to see that no one is addressing the BASIC flaw in the transgender movement - on the one hand, the claim that there is no such thing as innate gender, and then the support for surgical mutilation of the body to acquire the desired gender.

In other words, if there is no such thing as "a woman", why go to such lengths to become one?

If gender is not actually binary, why does anyone need to go through gender reassignment?

The trans movement has a fundamental incoherence at its core.

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Yes! This is why, when you try to make this point, a liberal always hijacks the argument by making some ridiculous claim, like "you addressed me by the wrong pronoun." Then you stand there arguing that you didn't address them by the wrong pronoun, and your original argument is lost in the shuffle. We have got to learn to stop taking this bait over and over again.

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You make a *great* point.

All aspects of the Woke movement have fundamental incoherence at their cores. That's why they're against rational, logical, objective thinking, and elevate subjective feelings over it. That's the only way the house of cards can stand.

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Dave Chappelle had the most appropriate comment on the issue. ...

Anyway, what if someone is not comfortable with his/her gender, sex, weight, skin color, looks, mother tongue, country, teeth, muscles, wrinkles, double chins, IQ, parents, siblings, etc.

Should all those be considered for intervention by doctors, police, schools? Covered by insurance that everyone pays, subsidies, or society from taxes?

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I have to tell the true story of a girl who was the child of a couple I was very close with. They divorced when she was four years old and the next year she decided she was a boy: she wanted short hair, boys clothes, even to pee standing up, and her father (who had most of the custody) mostly tolerated her decisions without actively encouraging or discouraging her. (Of note, she was an extraordinary athlete and was renowned in a variety of organized sports.)When she went to sleepaway summer camp at age 11 or 12 she came back more or less as a girl — and abandoned the boy self. Now, 20 years later, she is very feminine, married (to a man) and has a child and wants more children.

The most minimal morale of the story is that this girl went on a journey as a child and with her parents’ loving and watchful eye, but without intervention, wound up an adult, as a woman. Could this story occur today?

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