Many people who suffer from mental illnesses often find it difficult, or outright refuse, to get therapy. Now imagine being one of these people who finally decide to get the help they need and find any therapist to take you on as a new client (which is becoming increasingly challenging into itself) and they turn out to be one of these quacks.
Many people who suffer from mental illnesses often find it difficult, or outright refuse, to get therapy. Now imagine being one of these people who finally decide to get the help they need and find any therapist to take you on as a new client (which is becoming increasingly challenging into itself) and they turn out to be one of these quacks.
Recalling the psychiatrist in US Army who ended up killing 13 people and wounding 20 others at Fort Hood. Nidal Hasan although clearly stating his prejudice was allowed to work with veterans suffering from ptsd. One wonders what the actual kill and wounding the army allowed him to inflict through his practice. There is a real need for standards to be in place!
If this article is close to the truth then CSJ infused therapy will die of its own accord - since it is not individualized and allows the patient seeking help to blame all his or her mental anguish on the perceived racist oppression built in the society around them. As the patient can blame everything on an external source, he or she can never resolve it - since it is beyond their control.
I donтАЩt think therapists using this method will stay in business very long..
Either that or they (along with the education, legal, corporate, political, etc institutions) will completely destroy society by creating a population of fragile-minded victims. Won't that be fun.
Since IтАЩm a narcissistic megalomaniac I will assume this piece originated from my comment a few weeks ago after a shooting where I warned
тАЬDo not allow the government to try to treat this as a mental health crisis. If there is one industry, besides тАШeducationтАЩ, that has been more thoroughly penetrated by bloodthirsty Marxist perverts, itтАЩs тАШmental healthтАЩ.тАЭ
I mean, there *is* a mental health crisis but we canтАЩt trust the industry AT ALL so we have to address it by other means, if тАШweтАЩ try to address it at all.
Until very recently I agreed with this, but, as Leslie Elliott explains in the article, "At least church offers a path to redemption. But not social justice. ThereтАЩs no forgiveness. YouтАЩre just confessing and confessing and confessing."
Religion gives you something important in exchange for your belief. A cult only takes and takes and takes. Woke is a cult. The Democrat Party is a cult. Democrats, wittingly or unwittingly, are cultists. The only return on your investment is the celebration that there are a lot of other cultists just like you. That's all you get, shared misery.
The funny thing that they don't seem to realize is: A religion or belief system that offers only damnation, with no possibility of redemption, is a belief system that no one will adhere to for very long. After all, if you are damned no matter what you do, then why adhere to any standards of behavior? If you're going to do the time anyway, you may as well do the crime.
I agree with you except that Woke is a cult that gets you power and influence. Also, in the case of the Trans Cult it also gets people a great deal of $$$
"There have been many terrible medical experiments in America, but none of them have had the deadly and destructive combination of ideology, politics, and profits propelling them into the culture. Lobotomies had profits, but no ideology or political movement supporting the procedure. Eugenics had an ideology and a political movement, but no profits that could be reinvested in lobbying for protective legislation. Transgenderism has the winning trifecta, and it makes the movement much more difficult to defeat, despite its obvious harm to people and the lack of any legitimate science or data to back up its central tenets."
There are paths to redemption in CSJ for people with "white privilege" such as becoming a queer non-binary 2 spirt panda and renouncing "normalcy". Woke has all the aspects of a gnostic believe set. Original sin. Penitence. Chants. Duty of conscience. Saint hood (St. Floyd). ItтАЩs all there.
A close family member of mine was in therapy in the summer of 2020. Told her therapist she was scared to drive because people just weren't obeying traffic laws anymore, running red lights, crazy speeding, etc. The therapist basically responded by saying "Yeah well you don't know how stressed those people are from systemic this-or-that, so maybe you shouldn't judge them."
She promptly left that therapist.
One advantage of therapy being a business is that, eventually, it will respond to demand.
I took me a while to learn to get a new therapist if your current one is not helping. This of course would apply to a racist therapist, my belief is CRT is inherently racist. My marriage therapist took the side of my wife, another therapist i went to simply was no help. I finally found a cognitive behavioral therapist who helped me a great deal.
Maybe IтАЩm misunderstanding your comment, but it seems like you and Sumdood are in agreement here. Not sure what the difference is between saying тАЬX is inherently YтАЭ and тАЬXтАЩs premise is Y.тАЭ
The worst thing about driving in the summer of 2020 was that, here in Florida, most of the snowbirds stayed instead of returning to their homes in the lockdown Midwest and Northeast. While sympathetic to their reason, one benefit of the arrival of the oppressive summer heat had always been the greater ease of getting around without the snowbirds clogging up traffic.
The funny thing about that therapistтАЩs comment is how unintentionally racist it is.
Since something systemic would, by definition, affect everyone in the oppressed group, that statement means the therapist basically thinks all minorities drive like shit but it is understandable.
The truly unfortunate thing though is that for every client like your family member, with the internal resources to know whatтАЩs true and whatтАЩs not, there are ten or twenty clients who will hear that and think тАЬwow -- sheтАЩs right. I really am a bad and selfish person.тАЭ ThatтАЩs the harm being done here.
Right, and what of all the children and teens caught in the gender cult which they often take up at school? They are moved along "the journey" further by therapists who "affirm, affirm, affirm". Many parents are shocked when they learn this.
Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans is coming out with a book in August. Therapy today is a big part of the problem.
A blurb from the publisher:
"A medical scandal is currently unfolding across Western liberal societies. As Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans reveals, the primary victims are vulnerable, socially awkward kids with normally developing bodies who fall for the Internet-fueled promise that they can solve their emotional, psychological, or physical discomfort by adopting an opposite-sex identity. With deep reservations about the new gender orthodoxy that informs this promise and the irreversible one-size-fits-all medical prescription that comes with it, the parent contributors to this anthology share deeply personal stories about transition and desistance that wonтАЩt be told at the gender clinic. They also offer practical advice based on hard-earned experience that wonтАЩt be found in mainstream media. Whether progressive or conservative, gay or straight, secular or religious, they all share the aim of protecting children from the physical and emotional harms of the gender industry and seek to empower and encourage other parents and individuals to combat gender ideology at home, in schools, in clinics, and beyond."
I have been looking for a comment from you because I thought you would be interested to know that every doctor with the Dell Children's Hospital adolescent department has been dismissed. No reason was provided but I saw a tweet from.a woman who said they were fired for providing gender affirming care. There are similar Reddit posts
The hospital had previously denied that it provided such care.
The Texas AG had announced an investigation. The hospital had denied providing that kind of care. Then late last week the hospital parted ways with every single doctor. At the same time Texas was attempting to pass law(s) against the provision of such services. Protesters were present at the capitol and prevented the vote at least once. The bill has been modified at least twice (which is probably good as it needs to be specific and well-written) It nevertheless passed and has been sent to the governor to sign. He has said he will and may have already done so. So my guess is the hospital saw the writing on the wall and shut it down.
There is truth in what you say. Many who could benefit from therapy are there because those internal resources are absent or weak. A good therapist can be like a personal trainer building a different sort of muscles.
It is time to stop pretending that woke therapy is "taking over" psychotherapy. Therapy with few exceptions IS now fully woke, just as every university with rare exceptions is fully woke. To see this woke therapy as anything other than "Brave New World" lunacy is is to be blind.
But there is hope in the programs mentioned at the end of the article. This is one area where I believe there will be some serious fighting back, because therapy IS a business. People will stop seeing the woke therapists simply because seeing them will make them feel worse, and it will not take long for this to happen. Those patients who continue with woke therapy will become inert.
Cognitive behavior therapy is a God-send, and those who practice it without any woke infusion will attract more patients. This is one area of our modern world that may be reaching a breaking point sooner than most other areas.
As Ayn Rand predicted, the "woke establishments" in therapy, law, and education, media, will start to use their power and ugly desires to make it so no alternatives can operate as a business, get accreditation, etc. They may not win right away, but they will try. They aren't doing all of this because they are kind people. Anyone can see how it segments society, turns everyone against each other, does not treat races or any other characteristic equally.
This actually provides us an opportunity only to pay for therapists who are not woke. We pay them, we are not their victims. Pay for good shrinks only and the lousy ones will go out of business. Schools whose therapist cannot repay their loans will change their point of view. Social Justice is a luxury for those who can already afford to pay their rent. I love Nature, but not if I cannot afford a coat.
Great point, and ideally it would work that way. However, I fear for those therapy clients who are not able to recognize the spell that has been cast upon them due to their mental vulnerability (which, I believe, describes most people seeking therapy).
The issue is that some people who really need help may not be in a great position to refuse whatever 'help' is available. Or even be in the right mindset to understand how their treatment is actually bad for them.
In a way, this kind of 'therapy' is abusive. I bet there are some patients out there who might have a case to sue.
Sadly not all therapists can afford, or want, to go private practice. For those of us who work with seriously ill (Medicaid/Mcare) couldn't stay in business.
Sadly, even they cannot be trusted. We sent our gender-dysphoric teen to two (the first was in his late 60s, the second his mid-30s), both of whom we (parents) told during the consultation that we were looking for someone to NOT send our child down the path of affirmation, but would instead focus on the underlying REAL issues of anxiety/depression/trauma. Yet, despite their promises to abide by our wishes, BOTH wound up going the affirmative care route, from which we pulled our child out immediately upon discovery. It was infuriating. That experience, plus learning what we've learned about the field of therapy since, has completely eroded our faith/trust in the profession. Which is why reading the end of this article was so encouraging.
But my experience is that a huge and growing population is on Medicaid, which severely limits choices in psychiatric/psychological care. So the market will play no role with these patients.
You're not wrong. But since the CSJ model is ubiquitous in the universities now, the likelihood is high that future therapists will have been trained in institutions that are already corrupted. Students who are understandably offended by the critical social justice model will drop out or be forced out, because CSJ is a cult, and cults tolerate no opposition. Therefore, finding a non-woke therapist will become more and more difficult.
People looking for therapy today might be best served by seeking a therapist over the age of 50, because presumably they won't have been trained in the new model. But we can't assume anything. If I were seeking a therapist today, I'd interview the therapist on their worldview before signing up for what could be a sinkhole of indoctrination and a waste of time and money.
Here's an interesting interview with a therapist who confronted the CSJ model in academia:
I came to the conclusion that I would do all with in my power to prevent anyone I cared about from seeking traditional psychological help from a certified practitioner a couple years ago after reading some of the research authored by a prominent psychology professor at my red state's flagship public university. These are the people teaching new psychologists and I don't want anything to do with any of it--they are tainting everything with crazy politics. Here's an excerpt from the abstract:
"The mainstreaming of White nationalism in the United States and worldwide suggests an urgent need for counseling psychologists to take stock of what tools they have (and do not have) to combat White supremacy. ...Finally, we suggest three steps for sharpening counseling psychologistsтАЩ approaches to social justice: rejecting racial progress narratives, engaging in social justice-oriented practice with White clients, and centering White supremacy as a key problem for the field of counseling psychology and allied helping professions."
I hope BariтАЩs University of Austin really gets up and running at maximum scale because in 20 years UATX grads will be the only professionals you can trust in the country.
And theyтАЩll be able to charge $1,000/hr with a mile-long waiting list which is a benefit I hope UATX is pushing to potential students.
Powerful videos. Antioch is not a good place, and has not been for some years. But there are other graduate schools that have a much more reasonable approach. My only hesitation is why this student did not look into Antioch before laying out the money to go there. It is not like they keep their point of view hidden. Simply go to their web site. I would never go there nor would I ever recommend any of my students to go there. They are proud of being biased. They also have a bad retention rate and a pretty awful Return on Investment compared to other schools and a terrifying default and Not Making Progress on loan repayment rate. In effect Antioch is a predatory school that appeals to the very poor they pretend to help.
I know what you're saying. But I can't second guess her. Marxist ideological corruption has been seeping into academia in a subversive fashion for a long time. It's been a gradual process of take-over. We don't know when she began her education. And given Antioch's reputation as a "good school," a person might be forgiven for assuming that the basic rules and expectations of a good education are intact. Plus, the degree to which the classical psychoanalytic process has been poisoned by ideology is so extreme that it's hard to believe. Denial is very powerful. Could things really be that bad?
Why yes, they could, and they are.
For instance, I had a conversation recently with a friend in his early 70s who used to work as a high school guidance counselor. When I described to him the current state of psychotherapeutic training, his first reaction was to assume I was either lying or didn't know what I was talking about. I could hardly blame him (although I did blame him, because he knows me and he knows that I'm not a idiot or in the habit of making stuff up). But the degree to which the country has deteriorated in fundamental ways is so mind-bogglingly extreme that it's hard to accept...especially if, like my friend, one has an ossified progressive mindset that has not been updated in thirty or forty years.
I feel ya. My 78 y/o father is the same wrt his lifelong belief that mainstream media is trustworthy. When I try to explain to him how it is now mostly a purveyor of corporate/Establishment propaganda, the result of which is this thing called "independent media," he (totally blind to the irony) calls me ignorant/naive for believing "those conspiracy theorists." He's the poster boy of the 'old dog/new tricks' cliche.
"Prominent conservative outlets have called transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney a тАЬsheтАЭ despite him being a biological male.
Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, and Washington Examiner have all referred to Mulvaney as a тАЬsheтАЭ or тАЬherтАЭ in articles, mirroring the rhetoric of left-wing activists."
"In June 2022, Fox News gave a platform to a family who тАЬtransitionedтАЭ their 5-year-old daughter into a boy. Anchor Bryan Llenas praised the familyтАЩs so-called тАЬextraordinary courage.тАЭ (RELATED: Fox News Promotes Family Who Transitioned 5-Year-Old)"
Recent articles published by the Wall Street Journal have followed suit with its fellow conservative-leaning outlets. An April 28 published piece referred to Mulvaney as a тАЬsheтАЭ in the excerpt located below the headline, then continued calling him a тАЬsheтАЭ and тАЬherтАЭ throughout the article. Another article by the outlet referred to the influencer as тАЬMs. MulvaneyтАЭ and a тАЬher.тАЭ
The New York Post and the Wall Street Journal are owned and under the authority of its parent company, News Corps."
Loving Mother, do you know where "Affirmation Generation" can be viewed now? Vimeo erased it and it's no longer on the Substack site where it had previously been shown.
"Affirmation Generation: The Lies Of Transgender Medicine
A timely documentary
UPDATE 15 MAY 2023: The filmmakers have succeeded in getting their work on major streaming platforms! ItтАЩs coming to a Roku stick near you soon, so check their page for updates.
Affirmation Generation: The Lies of Transgender Medicine reveals the push to medicalize non-conforming youth, exposes the damage already done and warns of an epidemic of medical malpractice to come.
Featuring the stories of six young detransitioners (three men and three women) who sought medical help but instead were irreversibly harmed by their doctors following the one-size-fits-all тАЬgender-affirming careтАЭ medical treatment, this film includes important commentary from several people, including my friend, therapist Stephanie Winn.
Stephanie warns that while a wave of detransitioners is coming, the therapy profession has no idea they exist or how to help them. Worse, so many detransitioners were misled into тАЬgender medicineтАЭ by a therapist they they now distrust the entire profession!
Affirmation Generation: The Lies of Transgender Medicine is already subject to censorship efforts through a pressure campaign on Vimeo. The people who told us detransitioners donтАЩt exist are now trying frantically to pretend they donтАЩt matter. Therefore we present the documentary here, in full, out of solidarity, as an act of dissent against gender woo and the suppression of its victimsтАЩ voices."
DonтАЩt understand how the American lesbian community has allowed the тАЬtransmanтАЭ thing to gain such a solid foothold. LBGT solidarity is just a shill. 100 years of womenтАЩs rights gone тАЬpoofтАЭ. IтАЩm embarrassed for my wife and daughters..."
Yes, it's very frustrating. I'm from your dad's generation. I went through a period of disenchantment. It was painful, but once you really see, you can't unsee.
It's not Marxism, but something much, much worse: bad philosophical fads of the 1990s - postmodernism, poststructuralism - infiltrating the mainstream.
It's both. Marxism predates postmodernism and the two comingled. Marxist ideology permeated academia way before postmodernism came on the scene, through intellectuals like Herbert Marcuse. Maybe you're familiar with James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose's book, Cynical Theories, or perhaps have read or listened to Lindsay's deep dives into the relationship between Marxism and woke ideology at his website, "New Discourses." If not, I highly recommend.
In the late 20th century the grandparents of the wokesters realized the Eat The Rich pitch was no longer working so they invented Wokeism/Critical Theory.
It amazes me that large segments of the population seem immune from this mind virus. We sure cant thank academia for that.
Amen and well said! That commingling is what is making the straight kids trans, including my own teenage daughter. Without the oppressed/oppressor Marxist framework that makes her feel guilty for being straight and white, тАЬgender as a constructтАЭ would not stick to her like krazy glue.
I'm so sorry to hear it, Mrs. Miller. I have a daughter who thought she was a gay boy for a time as a teenager. She even had a weird boyfriend who love-bombed her as his boyfriend. You find yourself suddenly and dramatically a "bad parent" with trans cheerleaders everywhere - especially at school. But, Gender Ideology is a total profit and political driven cult and has little to do with the few mentally disturbed /dysphoric adult men of the past (who should get our sympathy and real help). See Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital
I think there is a great deal of pressure for kids to belong to a group and the glitter club is popular now - but it is so very dangerous as they are led step by step down a destructive path. Beeswax is very informed.
Hey thanks, LM, and congratulations perhaps on your daughter desisting? (That past tense you used sounded very hopeful!) After a year and a half of this absurdity, including fighting my daughter's high schoolтАФwhich I lovingly refer to as the Marxist Indoctrination Factory (MIF)тАФI'm growing more comfortable with the label "bad parent" because anyone who views me as such is revealing themselves to have a worthless opinion. And I fully realize that I dodged a bullet with those "therapists."
I've published on PITT a number of times over the past year, along with blogging about the fractured family harmony my family have endured because of trans ideology in our home, our schools and all the formerly trusted institutions that push this garbage. I no longer blog after getting blackmailed by a crazed Twitterer but every day I think about returning.
PS, I have a feeling we've already met and chatted via email but I could be wrong. Does your name begin with E? Going to check out that McHugh link now...thanks for that too.
No, I don't email with anyone or Tweet but I do chat on PITT and I am sure I have read your good posts and commented.
MIF is right. I think we need to break up the teachers unions and also have the money follow the child and not the school. If you like your government school you can keep it but you should have choices. Teachers who are not active Marxists could go to a new school with a like minded parent community.
I think my girl is over it... but it's been since around 2017 so you could be in for a long haul - especially with all forces working against your girl and your family with the gas lighting and celebration of Identity. We didn't see the cult coming back then. Our high school also made me so mad! And, it was private. Once the kid has been indoctrinated there is basically no where safe to go. These days my daughter is very busy in her young adult world, does not act weird and cult like, and is loving again. Since we never went along with the cult name there is no reason for the matter to come up and I have a feeling it's traumatic. But, you've got to protect your girl from the Planned Parenthood druggists and the Gender Butchers. Some day we need to have trials and the most guilty could be sentenced to have Gender Medicine performed on them :-0
Prior to PITT I followed There's a great chart on it somewhere about how all roads lead to "is trans" (something that no one can define). Three of the most terrible people on the planet are "Health" Secretary Richard Levine, Teachers Union Boss Randi Weingarten, and Quack of all Quacks Diane Ehrehsaft of UCSF: "Diane Ehrensaft, 'Satanic Panic' Woo Peddler, Now Champions the 'Gender Angels' Among Us
Many people who suffer from mental illnesses often find it difficult, or outright refuse, to get therapy. Now imagine being one of these people who finally decide to get the help they need and find any therapist to take you on as a new client (which is becoming increasingly challenging into itself) and they turn out to be one of these quacks.
This is so profoundly sad.
Saw this the day before.
Perfectly captures this article
Wow...this was so disturbing I couldn't finish it. Does that make me...privileged?
Brilliant and horrifying at the same time.
Recalling the psychiatrist in US Army who ended up killing 13 people and wounding 20 others at Fort Hood. Nidal Hasan although clearly stating his prejudice was allowed to work with veterans suffering from ptsd. One wonders what the actual kill and wounding the army allowed him to inflict through his practice. There is a real need for standards to be in place!
If this article is close to the truth then CSJ infused therapy will die of its own accord - since it is not individualized and allows the patient seeking help to blame all his or her mental anguish on the perceived racist oppression built in the society around them. As the patient can blame everything on an external source, he or she can never resolve it - since it is beyond their control.
I donтАЩt think therapists using this method will stay in business very long..
Either that or they (along with the education, legal, corporate, political, etc institutions) will completely destroy society by creating a population of fragile-minded victims. Won't that be fun.
Since IтАЩm a narcissistic megalomaniac I will assume this piece originated from my comment a few weeks ago after a shooting where I warned
тАЬDo not allow the government to try to treat this as a mental health crisis. If there is one industry, besides тАШeducationтАЩ, that has been more thoroughly penetrated by bloodthirsty Marxist perverts, itтАЩs тАШmental healthтАЩ.тАЭ
I mean, there *is* a mental health crisis but we canтАЩt trust the industry AT ALL so we have to address it by other means, if тАШweтАЩ try to address it at all.
The тАЬindustryтАЭ is why we have a mental health crisis.
I would go further than that... there is a mental health crisis, and to a considerable extent, the therapy industry is a major factor in creating it.
You should listen to Roger Mc PhillinтАЩs podcast Radically Genuine
It's dangerous. This is the machinery of totalitarianism. This is how government takes over and consumes religion.
Until very recently I agreed with this, but, as Leslie Elliott explains in the article, "At least church offers a path to redemption. But not social justice. ThereтАЩs no forgiveness. YouтАЩre just confessing and confessing and confessing."
Religion gives you something important in exchange for your belief. A cult only takes and takes and takes. Woke is a cult. The Democrat Party is a cult. Democrats, wittingly or unwittingly, are cultists. The only return on your investment is the celebration that there are a lot of other cultists just like you. That's all you get, shared misery.
The funny thing that they don't seem to realize is: A religion or belief system that offers only damnation, with no possibility of redemption, is a belief system that no one will adhere to for very long. After all, if you are damned no matter what you do, then why adhere to any standards of behavior? If you're going to do the time anyway, you may as well do the crime.
That's what makes it a cult.
I agree with you except that Woke is a cult that gets you power and influence. Also, in the case of the Trans Cult it also gets people a great deal of $$$
"There have been many terrible medical experiments in America, but none of them have had the deadly and destructive combination of ideology, politics, and profits propelling them into the culture. Lobotomies had profits, but no ideology or political movement supporting the procedure. Eugenics had an ideology and a political movement, but no profits that could be reinvested in lobbying for protective legislation. Transgenderism has the winning trifecta, and it makes the movement much more difficult to defeat, despite its obvious harm to people and the lack of any legitimate science or data to back up its central tenets."
There are paths to redemption in CSJ for people with "white privilege" such as becoming a queer non-binary 2 spirt panda and renouncing "normalcy". Woke has all the aspects of a gnostic believe set. Original sin. Penitence. Chants. Duty of conscience. Saint hood (St. Floyd). ItтАЩs all there.
Wokism is a religion.
The success of the woke mind virus pandemic sheds light on the madness of the Salem Witch Trials.
It's weaponized goodness.
Nothing тАЬgoodтАЭ about it. Purely about power. Fight back
A close family member of mine was in therapy in the summer of 2020. Told her therapist she was scared to drive because people just weren't obeying traffic laws anymore, running red lights, crazy speeding, etc. The therapist basically responded by saying "Yeah well you don't know how stressed those people are from systemic this-or-that, so maybe you shouldn't judge them."
She promptly left that therapist.
One advantage of therapy being a business is that, eventually, it will respond to demand.
I took me a while to learn to get a new therapist if your current one is not helping. This of course would apply to a racist therapist, my belief is CRT is inherently racist. My marriage therapist took the side of my wife, another therapist i went to simply was no help. I finally found a cognitive behavioral therapist who helped me a great deal.
CRT is inherently racist?
Come now. It is racist every way you look at it. Its premise is racism.
Maybe IтАЩm misunderstanding your comment, but it seems like you and Sumdood are in agreement here. Not sure what the difference is between saying тАЬX is inherently YтАЭ and тАЬXтАЩs premise is Y.тАЭ
The worst thing about driving in the summer of 2020 was that, here in Florida, most of the snowbirds stayed instead of returning to their homes in the lockdown Midwest and Northeast. While sympathetic to their reason, one benefit of the arrival of the oppressive summer heat had always been the greater ease of getting around without the snowbirds clogging up traffic.
Hey, now...We have to put up with you here in the tourist season.
But we have the beaches all to ourselves for the other ten months of the year!
Maybe remote therapists? Although they still have to follow State Licensing Boards.
The funny thing about that therapistтАЩs comment is how unintentionally racist it is.
Since something systemic would, by definition, affect everyone in the oppressed group, that statement means the therapist basically thinks all minorities drive like shit but it is understandable.
What a f***ing scumbag.
Come from an area of (relatively) courteous drivers and drive on the streets of New York.
But like everything else, when you tune into the customs and traditions, it all makes some sense.
The truly unfortunate thing though is that for every client like your family member, with the internal resources to know whatтАЩs true and whatтАЩs not, there are ten or twenty clients who will hear that and think тАЬwow -- sheтАЩs right. I really am a bad and selfish person.тАЭ ThatтАЩs the harm being done here.
Right, and what of all the children and teens caught in the gender cult which they often take up at school? They are moved along "the journey" further by therapists who "affirm, affirm, affirm". Many parents are shocked when they learn this.
Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans is coming out with a book in August. Therapy today is a big part of the problem.
A blurb from the publisher:
"A medical scandal is currently unfolding across Western liberal societies. As Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans reveals, the primary victims are vulnerable, socially awkward kids with normally developing bodies who fall for the Internet-fueled promise that they can solve their emotional, psychological, or physical discomfort by adopting an opposite-sex identity. With deep reservations about the new gender orthodoxy that informs this promise and the irreversible one-size-fits-all medical prescription that comes with it, the parent contributors to this anthology share deeply personal stories about transition and desistance that wonтАЩt be told at the gender clinic. They also offer practical advice based on hard-earned experience that wonтАЩt be found in mainstream media. Whether progressive or conservative, gay or straight, secular or religious, they all share the aim of protecting children from the physical and emotional harms of the gender industry and seek to empower and encourage other parents and individuals to combat gender ideology at home, in schools, in clinics, and beyond."
I have been looking for a comment from you because I thought you would be interested to know that every doctor with the Dell Children's Hospital adolescent department has been dismissed. No reason was provided but I saw a tweet from.a woman who said they were fired for providing gender affirming care. There are similar Reddit posts
The hospital had previously denied that it provided such care.
Lynne does that mean they were or were not following woke policies?
The Texas AG had announced an investigation. The hospital had denied providing that kind of care. Then late last week the hospital parted ways with every single doctor. At the same time Texas was attempting to pass law(s) against the provision of such services. Protesters were present at the capitol and prevented the vote at least once. The bill has been modified at least twice (which is probably good as it needs to be specific and well-written) It nevertheless passed and has been sent to the governor to sign. He has said he will and may have already done so. So my guess is the hospital saw the writing on the wall and shut it down.
Thank you, Lynne!
Also read Time to Think by Hannah Barnes. It is UK-centric, but very relevant.
Also look for "Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness" to be published on June 27, 2023
by Miriam Grossman MD (Author), Dr. Jordan B Peterson (Foreword)
There is truth in what you say. Many who could benefit from therapy are there because those internal resources are absent or weak. A good therapist can be like a personal trainer building a different sort of muscles.
It is time to stop pretending that woke therapy is "taking over" psychotherapy. Therapy with few exceptions IS now fully woke, just as every university with rare exceptions is fully woke. To see this woke therapy as anything other than "Brave New World" lunacy is is to be blind.
But there is hope in the programs mentioned at the end of the article. This is one area where I believe there will be some serious fighting back, because therapy IS a business. People will stop seeing the woke therapists simply because seeing them will make them feel worse, and it will not take long for this to happen. Those patients who continue with woke therapy will become inert.
Cognitive behavior therapy is a God-send, and those who practice it without any woke infusion will attract more patients. This is one area of our modern world that may be reaching a breaking point sooner than most other areas.
As Ayn Rand predicted, the "woke establishments" in therapy, law, and education, media, will start to use their power and ugly desires to make it so no alternatives can operate as a business, get accreditation, etc. They may not win right away, but they will try. They aren't doing all of this because they are kind people. Anyone can see how it segments society, turns everyone against each other, does not treat races or any other characteristic equally.
This actually provides us an opportunity only to pay for therapists who are not woke. We pay them, we are not their victims. Pay for good shrinks only and the lousy ones will go out of business. Schools whose therapist cannot repay their loans will change their point of view. Social Justice is a luxury for those who can already afford to pay their rent. I love Nature, but not if I cannot afford a coat.
Great point, and ideally it would work that way. However, I fear for those therapy clients who are not able to recognize the spell that has been cast upon them due to their mental vulnerability (which, I believe, describes most people seeking therapy).
The issue is that some people who really need help may not be in a great position to refuse whatever 'help' is available. Or even be in the right mindset to understand how their treatment is actually bad for them.
In a way, this kind of 'therapy' is abusive. I bet there are some patients out there who might have a case to sue.
Yes, for what seems to be medical malpractice.
Sadly not all therapists can afford, or want, to go private practice. For those of us who work with seriously ill (Medicaid/Mcare) couldn't stay in business.
It appears that one should first of all only choose male shrinks. The population of which appears to be shrinking.
Sadly, even they cannot be trusted. We sent our gender-dysphoric teen to two (the first was in his late 60s, the second his mid-30s), both of whom we (parents) told during the consultation that we were looking for someone to NOT send our child down the path of affirmation, but would instead focus on the underlying REAL issues of anxiety/depression/trauma. Yet, despite their promises to abide by our wishes, BOTH wound up going the affirmative care route, from which we pulled our child out immediately upon discovery. It was infuriating. That experience, plus learning what we've learned about the field of therapy since, has completely eroded our faith/trust in the profession. Which is why reading the end of this article was so encouraging.
I only choose male therapists for my household.
Especially if the male therapist is a practitioner of Bob Newhart's "Stop It!" therapy.
You made me laugh. That was my husband's model for our distressed teenage daughter. She is now 23yo, and has turned out just fine (thank goodness).
True to some extent.
But my experience is that a huge and growing population is on Medicaid, which severely limits choices in psychiatric/psychological care. So the market will play no role with these patients.
You're not wrong. But since the CSJ model is ubiquitous in the universities now, the likelihood is high that future therapists will have been trained in institutions that are already corrupted. Students who are understandably offended by the critical social justice model will drop out or be forced out, because CSJ is a cult, and cults tolerate no opposition. Therefore, finding a non-woke therapist will become more and more difficult.
People looking for therapy today might be best served by seeking a therapist over the age of 50, because presumably they won't have been trained in the new model. But we can't assume anything. If I were seeking a therapist today, I'd interview the therapist on their worldview before signing up for what could be a sinkhole of indoctrination and a waste of time and money.
Here's an interesting interview with a therapist who confronted the CSJ model in academia:
I came to the conclusion that I would do all with in my power to prevent anyone I cared about from seeking traditional psychological help from a certified practitioner a couple years ago after reading some of the research authored by a prominent psychology professor at my red state's flagship public university. These are the people teaching new psychologists and I don't want anything to do with any of it--they are tainting everything with crazy politics. Here's an excerpt from the abstract:
"The mainstreaming of White nationalism in the United States and worldwide suggests an urgent need for counseling psychologists to take stock of what tools they have (and do not have) to combat White supremacy. ...Finally, we suggest three steps for sharpening counseling psychologistsтАЩ approaches to social justice: rejecting racial progress narratives, engaging in social justice-oriented practice with White clients, and centering White supremacy as a key problem for the field of counseling psychology and allied helping professions."
holy crap
Great video, thanks!
I hope BariтАЩs University of Austin really gets up and running at maximum scale because in 20 years UATX grads will be the only professionals you can trust in the country.
And theyтАЩll be able to charge $1,000/hr with a mile-long waiting list which is a benefit I hope UATX is pushing to potential students.
Powerful videos. Antioch is not a good place, and has not been for some years. But there are other graduate schools that have a much more reasonable approach. My only hesitation is why this student did not look into Antioch before laying out the money to go there. It is not like they keep their point of view hidden. Simply go to their web site. I would never go there nor would I ever recommend any of my students to go there. They are proud of being biased. They also have a bad retention rate and a pretty awful Return on Investment compared to other schools and a terrifying default and Not Making Progress on loan repayment rate. In effect Antioch is a predatory school that appeals to the very poor they pretend to help.
I know what you're saying. But I can't second guess her. Marxist ideological corruption has been seeping into academia in a subversive fashion for a long time. It's been a gradual process of take-over. We don't know when she began her education. And given Antioch's reputation as a "good school," a person might be forgiven for assuming that the basic rules and expectations of a good education are intact. Plus, the degree to which the classical psychoanalytic process has been poisoned by ideology is so extreme that it's hard to believe. Denial is very powerful. Could things really be that bad?
Why yes, they could, and they are.
For instance, I had a conversation recently with a friend in his early 70s who used to work as a high school guidance counselor. When I described to him the current state of psychotherapeutic training, his first reaction was to assume I was either lying or didn't know what I was talking about. I could hardly blame him (although I did blame him, because he knows me and he knows that I'm not a idiot or in the habit of making stuff up). But the degree to which the country has deteriorated in fundamental ways is so mind-bogglingly extreme that it's hard to accept...especially if, like my friend, one has an ossified progressive mindset that has not been updated in thirty or forty years.
I feel ya. My 78 y/o father is the same wrt his lifelong belief that mainstream media is trustworthy. When I try to explain to him how it is now mostly a purveyor of corporate/Establishment propaganda, the result of which is this thing called "independent media," he (totally blind to the irony) calls me ignorant/naive for believing "those conspiracy theorists." He's the poster boy of the 'old dog/new tricks' cliche.
It is very frustrating. Maybe Dylan Mulvaney could provide a wake up and smell the coffee moment? Even if the Hunter laptop and Steele Dossier do not?
"Prominent conservative outlets have called transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney a тАЬsheтАЭ despite him being a biological male.
Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, and Washington Examiner have all referred to Mulvaney as a тАЬsheтАЭ or тАЬherтАЭ in articles, mirroring the rhetoric of left-wing activists."
"In June 2022, Fox News gave a platform to a family who тАЬtransitionedтАЭ their 5-year-old daughter into a boy. Anchor Bryan Llenas praised the familyтАЩs so-called тАЬextraordinary courage.тАЭ (RELATED: Fox News Promotes Family Who Transitioned 5-Year-Old)"
Recent articles published by the Wall Street Journal have followed suit with its fellow conservative-leaning outlets. An April 28 published piece referred to Mulvaney as a тАЬsheтАЭ in the excerpt located below the headline, then continued calling him a тАЬsheтАЭ and тАЬherтАЭ throughout the article. Another article by the outlet referred to the influencer as тАЬMs. MulvaneyтАЭ and a тАЬher.тАЭ
The New York Post and the Wall Street Journal are owned and under the authority of its parent company, News Corps."
See also
and "NEW: Footage has surfaced of Dylan MulvaneyтАФpre-transitionтАФon тАШThe Price Is RightтАЩ"
Loving Mother, do you know where "Affirmation Generation" can be viewed now? Vimeo erased it and it's no longer on the Substack site where it had previously been shown.
Oh, that is troubling. It is gone from Vimeo and Dropbox. I do see it available on
"Affirmation Generation: The Lies Of Transgender Medicine
A timely documentary
UPDATE 15 MAY 2023: The filmmakers have succeeded in getting their work on major streaming platforms! ItтАЩs coming to a Roku stick near you soon, so check their page for updates.
Affirmation Generation: The Lies of Transgender Medicine reveals the push to medicalize non-conforming youth, exposes the damage already done and warns of an epidemic of medical malpractice to come.
Featuring the stories of six young detransitioners (three men and three women) who sought medical help but instead were irreversibly harmed by their doctors following the one-size-fits-all тАЬgender-affirming careтАЭ medical treatment, this film includes important commentary from several people, including my friend, therapist Stephanie Winn.
Stephanie warns that while a wave of detransitioners is coming, the therapy profession has no idea they exist or how to help them. Worse, so many detransitioners were misled into тАЬgender medicineтАЭ by a therapist they they now distrust the entire profession!
Affirmation Generation: The Lies of Transgender Medicine is already subject to censorship efforts through a pressure campaign on Vimeo. The people who told us detransitioners donтАЩt exist are now trying frantically to pretend they donтАЩt matter. Therefore we present the documentary here, in full, out of solidarity, as an act of dissent against gender woo and the suppression of its victimsтАЩ voices."
It's not on The Distance. They're only showing the trailer.
But I just found the full documentary on Odysee.
You are better qualified than I am to answer this one on
"Chris Paramore
7 hr ago
DonтАЩt understand how the American lesbian community has allowed the тАЬtransmanтАЭ thing to gain such a solid foothold. LBGT solidarity is just a shill. 100 years of womenтАЩs rights gone тАЬpoofтАЭ. IтАЩm embarrassed for my wife and daughters..."
Good work.
Yes, it's very frustrating. I'm from your dad's generation. I went through a period of disenchantment. It was painful, but once you really see, you can't unsee.
It's not Marxism, but something much, much worse: bad philosophical fads of the 1990s - postmodernism, poststructuralism - infiltrating the mainstream.
It's both. Marxism predates postmodernism and the two comingled. Marxist ideology permeated academia way before postmodernism came on the scene, through intellectuals like Herbert Marcuse. Maybe you're familiar with James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose's book, Cynical Theories, or perhaps have read or listened to Lindsay's deep dives into the relationship between Marxism and woke ideology at his website, "New Discourses." If not, I highly recommend.
Also, Pluckrose has a great lecture on Youtube.
Yes, she's brilliant.
In the late 20th century the grandparents of the wokesters realized the Eat The Rich pitch was no longer working so they invented Wokeism/Critical Theory.
It amazes me that large segments of the population seem immune from this mind virus. We sure cant thank academia for that.
Amen and well said! That commingling is what is making the straight kids trans, including my own teenage daughter. Without the oppressed/oppressor Marxist framework that makes her feel guilty for being straight and white, тАЬgender as a constructтАЭ would not stick to her like krazy glue.
I'm so sorry to hear it, Mrs. Miller. I have a daughter who thought she was a gay boy for a time as a teenager. She even had a weird boyfriend who love-bombed her as his boyfriend. You find yourself suddenly and dramatically a "bad parent" with trans cheerleaders everywhere - especially at school. But, Gender Ideology is a total profit and political driven cult and has little to do with the few mentally disturbed /dysphoric adult men of the past (who should get our sympathy and real help). See Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital
I think there is a great deal of pressure for kids to belong to a group and the glitter club is popular now - but it is so very dangerous as they are led step by step down a destructive path. Beeswax is very informed.
Hang in there. And, I recommend - LM
Hey thanks, LM, and congratulations perhaps on your daughter desisting? (That past tense you used sounded very hopeful!) After a year and a half of this absurdity, including fighting my daughter's high schoolтАФwhich I lovingly refer to as the Marxist Indoctrination Factory (MIF)тАФI'm growing more comfortable with the label "bad parent" because anyone who views me as such is revealing themselves to have a worthless opinion. And I fully realize that I dodged a bullet with those "therapists."
I've published on PITT a number of times over the past year, along with blogging about the fractured family harmony my family have endured because of trans ideology in our home, our schools and all the formerly trusted institutions that push this garbage. I no longer blog after getting blackmailed by a crazed Twitterer but every day I think about returning.
PS, I have a feeling we've already met and chatted via email but I could be wrong. Does your name begin with E? Going to check out that McHugh link now...thanks for that too.
No, I don't email with anyone or Tweet but I do chat on PITT and I am sure I have read your good posts and commented.
MIF is right. I think we need to break up the teachers unions and also have the money follow the child and not the school. If you like your government school you can keep it but you should have choices. Teachers who are not active Marxists could go to a new school with a like minded parent community.
I think my girl is over it... but it's been since around 2017 so you could be in for a long haul - especially with all forces working against your girl and your family with the gas lighting and celebration of Identity. We didn't see the cult coming back then. Our high school also made me so mad! And, it was private. Once the kid has been indoctrinated there is basically no where safe to go. These days my daughter is very busy in her young adult world, does not act weird and cult like, and is loving again. Since we never went along with the cult name there is no reason for the matter to come up and I have a feeling it's traumatic. But, you've got to protect your girl from the Planned Parenthood druggists and the Gender Butchers. Some day we need to have trials and the most guilty could be sentenced to have Gender Medicine performed on them :-0
Prior to PITT I followed There's a great chart on it somewhere about how all roads lead to "is trans" (something that no one can define). Three of the most terrible people on the planet are "Health" Secretary Richard Levine, Teachers Union Boss Randi Weingarten, and Quack of all Quacks Diane Ehrehsaft of UCSF: "Diane Ehrensaft, 'Satanic Panic' Woo Peddler, Now Champions the 'Gender Angels' Among Us
The dangerously consequential career of a quack"