Articles like this are what make The Free Press a must-read. Many doctors have abandoned the Hippocratic Oath for CRT, trans, and COVID hysteria. The ones in my family compare their jobs to car mechanics, which is why they refuse to answer basic questions like "What is a woman?" and defer to corrupted specialist "experts" about child cas…
Articles like this are what make The Free Press a must-read. Many doctors have abandoned the Hippocratic Oath for CRT, trans, and COVID hysteria. The ones in my family compare their jobs to car mechanics, which is why they refuse to answer basic questions like "What is a woman?" and defer to corrupted specialist "experts" about child castration, masking, and jabs. Here is an e-mail exchange I had with them:
I am a doctor and one of the few MD s who actually work on their own car. Try replacing the PCV valve on an Audi and you will gain respect for mechanics
The courageous Miriam Grossman is not playing along. Look out for "Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness" to be published June 27, 2023
by Miriam Grossman MD (Author), Dr. Jordan B Peterson (Foreword)
Articles like this are what make The Free Press a must-read. Many doctors have abandoned the Hippocratic Oath for CRT, trans, and COVID hysteria. The ones in my family compare their jobs to car mechanics, which is why they refuse to answer basic questions like "What is a woman?" and defer to corrupted specialist "experts" about child castration, masking, and jabs. Here is an e-mail exchange I had with them:
I am a doctor and one of the few MD s who actually work on their own car. Try replacing the PCV valve on an Audi and you will gain respect for mechanics
Yup - it's shameful.
The courageous Miriam Grossman is not playing along. Look out for "Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness" to be published June 27, 2023
by Miriam Grossman MD (Author), Dr. Jordan B Peterson (Foreword)
As a society we are hyper-specialized. Every rat in its niche.
Dr. Malone's substack is also a great resource for truth and real health advice.
“many patients are left feeling it isn’t “safe to ask questions.”
спасибо Yuri, I’d rather have questions that can not be answered, than answers that can not be questioned.
Doctors abandoned the Hippocratic Oath when they began performing abortions like nose-jobs.