I truly wish/hope/long for someone (like Tiabbi, Weiss, Shellenberger) to do a deep dive into J6 like they did into Twitter Files. It was a bad day, no doubt. However, it is constantly referred to as such a horrible day for Trump and his followers. As one, I believe it is a bad day for our country due to the Capital Police, FBI, Pelosi, the later courts holding people for extended periods and all other serious mistakes done on that day, before and after.

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This is a fascinating history with so many similarities to modern times. While this addresses the players and their actions it mentions only in an oblique way a major underlying issue that precipitates these government convulsions. The government need for more and more money is a driver. That is why I believe our biggest problem is our ongoing budget deficits and the resulting national debt. As this gets more and more out of control the likelihood of the republic sinking into chaos and ultimate failure increases. Politicians do not have the courage to level with the populace on the ramifications and the relative sacrifices that need to be made for long term survival. So, to perpetuate the careers of 535 legislators and two executives the nation is at risk of sinking. Think I am an alarmist? Look at history. Read through Ray Dalio's "Principles For Dealing With The Changing World Order." I would love to hear him interviewed for the Honestly podcast.

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Trump didn’t start this fire. Does anyone recall this..."VP Biden Says Republicans Are 'Going to Put Y'all Back in Chains' - Jake Tapper August 14, 2012."

Who was more Patrician, mild mannered and civilized in politics than Mitt Romney?? This is how Democrats reacted to him. Bush and McCain were compared to Hitler.

Also, let's recall the riots across the US in the last 4 years, where liberal cities properties are burned and looted. These are not activities of Trump supporters. If Trump wins, we know who will riot.

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Fantastic history lesson from Eli Lake! This is one more example of why I gladly pay for a subscription to The Free Press.

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The nationalization of every election is a truly sad turn of events. The truth is that your mayor, city officials and perhaps governor have far more influence on your daily life than the president or Congress. Yet we act the exact opposite. People vote for president and then skip local elections. The answer to our divisions is more local control and less power concentrated in Washington. That’s the only way to ensure that half the country doesn’t feel that every 4 years the republic will end if the other side wins.

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Oh, sorry, clicked on MSNBC by mistake.

Sure. Governing by hate and executive action and extreme partisanship started with Trump. Absolutely. Yeah.

Sarcasm aside, don't you think we went through several rounds of people not getting along because of this winner-take-all b.s. before Trump came along? At some point, you have to realize that Trump didn't cause this; Trump was the reaction to it. As are Harris and Walz, who are equally unqualified, but sufficiently partisan.

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You might think the continued concentration of power in the nation's capital and the executive branch, and the 'elites' influence on the process over the decades are our version of the patriarchs. DJT is the manifestation of the plebians. Unfortunately, a better representative did not emerge. Instead of chair legs, the aristocrats have used social media, mainstream media and other vehicles to maintain their power base.

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Yes, but no matter how you slice it, Trump's rhetoric really lowered the bar. Rfk is an example of how to raise the bar.

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"Now go in peace." That rhetoric? Here's the difference between us and the Romans. We have history of standing up to and defeating the giant. We have a Constitution that guaranteed citizens could be armed. It is estimated that there are over 393 firearms in this country 98% held by citizens. Trump didn't lower the bar on rhetoric. It got lowered by those who didn't have the spine or the character to not get into the pig pen. That was a personal choice by all those anti Trump folks. People keep using Trump as the standard for them and their party. That decision, based on your opinion of Trump, means they are using the lowest standard possible to measure themselves and their party by. It is those who oppose Trump at any costs, including personal integrity and morals, to degenerate where we are today. Sooner or later, the decline of our society will be stopped. By the armed citizens who, like our fore fathers, will stand up to stop this tyranny. It was considered a fact that the patriots couldn't defeat the most formidable army of the times, the British army. Yet they did. Our military has been decimated by Democrat administrations. Does anyone believe that if such an armed conflict begins in this country our enemies won't take advantage of it? So, will the armed forces go after the rebels or the more powerful and threatening armies of our enemies? The logical answer, the armed forces will join with citizens to save our country from tyranny by ending the up rising rapidly by joining the citizens in other throwing the king of the USA.

Isn't this just wild speculation? Who knows. This country has been built on such actions. I have seen no one even pretend to look into the future and see what it may hold. As Federalist 46 stated, the shear amount of citizens with firearms would overwhelm the military forces of the country. And who is to say, the F35 that joe is so certain will protect him and his cronies, by coming after citizens, won't be there to go after him?

No country lasts forever Eli states. True. Sometimes there has to be a rebirth by fire. But then, despite the effort to say look at the Romans it is applicable to us, the fact is, there has never been a country like this, none.

In the county I live in, law enforcement is greatly out numbered by armed citizens. I'm pretty sure that law enforcement would be on the side of citizens anyway. As for the enclaves of our great cities, they can not survive in their own little vacuum. The citizens, if necessary and appropriate, will take back this country when it becomes clear such action is needed. IMHO based on my knowledge of my neighborhood, my state and the states that surround us.

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I'm not sure you're considering that the entirety of the US citizenry will break into 3 categories (similar to today's categories of voters): the citizens who will fight on the side of the government armed forces, the citizens who will fight against the government armed forces and, the most numerous group, the citizens who don't want/won't participate in any armed conflict, won't pick sides and will hide in their basements, so to speak. As such, while the government armed forces might be less numerous, given today's military power and might, they will be able to quell any hint of a citizen-led uprising in pretty short order, and certainly ahead of any armies of our enemies infiltrating the situation to any meaningful extent.

All I can say is anyone who can vote for a DEI candidate for President is a reflection on how deeply such a damaging scourge has infiltrated our citizenry. Harris's entire career has been one step of advancement to the next not based on any achievements or successes but entirely based on her race and gender. And now here we are with a MASSIVE amount of voters in our citizenry supporting a candidate based on the candidate's race and gender and nothing the candidate has accomplished based on merit. If I'm uninformed or wrong, someone please share with me one or more things that she accomplished or succeeded at while DA, AG, Senator or VP.

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82880000 Gun owners in this country. Your argument although good, would have been the same back then. Our military is not big enough nor strong enough to fight the fight nationwide.

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