
I listened to the podcast. I found nothing compelling about what Mr Johnson preached but rather felt sad for him. I hope he finds what he is looking for

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Is longevity the sole measure of a successful life? (Alexander the Great died at 32.)

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Just one caveat to Johnson if he suddenly finds a fix: please don't share it with Joe Biden. Or Hunter. Or Jill. Or Kj_P, or "Admiral" John Kirby, or Kamala Harris, or Joy Reid, get the point.

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I think a lot easier to believe in God if you want to believe you can live forever, rather than follow his extreme regime! (Not easier to follow the spiritual teachings of most religions to a high degree, but thankfully God is merciful).

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HONESTLY?? So now that we are discussing death and life cults...when are you going to Honestly look at the theological differences between Islamism, Christianity and Judaism? We are entering the new age of theology. Be on board first Bari. LLM's are absolutely unable to do theology. Try it. Every LLM will have guardrails that make a real comparison between how these religions understand life, God and sacrifice impossible. Ask an LLM, say Gemini, why Islam embraces death of the apostate for salvation, whereas Judaism does not? Remember every GPT is a generative PRE-TRAINED transformer, and the training data is highly curated. There is no way to avoid a political religious bias from creeping into the pre-training. Only people can do theology. Only people can apply reason to what is beyond reason: God. Theo=God + Ology=reason. "In the beginning there was the Logos [ology] and the Logos was with God [Theo] and the Logos was God." Theology: Reasoning about God. Oh and atheism and agnosticism are theology too. Many a good theologian has been atheist.

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Rather than lengthen my life, this interview shortened it. I am surprised that Honesty would subject us to such insufferable, self absorbed billionaire. I hope there aren't too many more of these or I will have to go elsewhere, as much as I've counted on Honesty to disseminate good information.

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It is important to understand that this sort of insanity is becoming mainstream. It is no different that Jonestown or Q-Anon. When God dies all things are believable.

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You always make me think Bari.

As Thomas Sowell says “ there are no solutions , only trade offs”

Would I not have my children but live forever? Would a lose those amazing meals with fabulous wines with the people I love most in the world? Life is about living isn’t it?

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This guy is absolutely insufferable.

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I'm 82 amd I don't want live forever. I've already seen enough of the charlatans and misfits running governments.

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Excellent and interesting interview. While listening, I was reminded of a comment I heard about Ghandi (not to compare the two people at all): "It is very expensive keeping him so poor." I would have liked to ask him how many of his employees "sleep under their desks" or in general work long hours so this guy can obsess over his health. How many people have to work long ours so he can spend 6 hours a day on his health? I am happy to hear, however, that someone so focused is going to try to tackle micro-plastics in everything. It would be fantastic if we could one day trust that our food and water is not actually potentially hazardous to our health.

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I see Johnson and I can’t help but immediately think this is a case of mental illness.

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There is something deeply disturbing about this guy.

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Yeah, the guy is charlatan.

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Sorry. Misspelled ozempic.

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I’m an early riser. CST. Thus the first person to “like” your podcast. As usual no less than a brilliant interview. Bryan is not full of sh…t he is full of himself. He needs to talk to Joe Rogan about what osempic is doing to his body. Bari you as a person of faith should have pressed him harder on his ,lack of faith. He is in fact an atheist. I do understand your time restraints. You are very limited. Once again , as always a brilliant podcast. David Jisha,Beaumont,Texas.

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