Thanks for your work. Your book has been on my to get list for a while now. I intend to order it later today.

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The blame for where we are today falls squarely on the media. You expect politicians and the White House to spin, you expect voters to not pay attention. But journalists? I thought their job is to tell the truth. Mr. Kuran points out that all of the positive coverage of Biden came from "Democratic journalists". But ask those same journalists if they're shilling for the Democrats and they’ll insist that, oh no, they’re fair and unbiased. Nothing to see here! But they knew about Biden and they lied. And now they are shameless – has a single journalist apologized for their coverage? Nope, they’ve just turned on Biden and the Democratic party. Not since the NYTimes/Walter Duranty scandal of the 1930s has the legacy media had so much to answer for.

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The people who lied and covered ups Biden's infirmity should be held accountable. Biden remaining in power is a national security threat. If he isn't fully in command of his capacities, how can he be the Commander- in- chief? The leader of the free world leading armies, generals and Naval fleets. Biden is not running the country. He's a puppet who can barely read a teleprompter. He can't even walk down steps on his own.The administrative state is running the country. Unelected officials. This is a betrayal to the American people. I didn't vote for the dept. of Education to rewrite my historic, civil rights laws (Title IX) as was done on 4/19/24. This was not pledged to me when Biden campaigned and won my vote. The democrats have proven that they don't care about the American people. They only care about clinging to power. And for this reason they will lose it.

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Arrogance - the Dems’ arrogance and self-righteousness built the house they now find crumbling before the eyes and ears they violently and unwillingly expelled from their own behinds last week.

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Every Democrat running for re election will have to answer the question, "You knew of the Presidents's decline yet you chose to say nothing. You put party over country. How can we ever trust you again?"

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Everyone knows Trump exaggerates. He's a salesman who is used to puffing. OTOH, Biden lies seriously. Here's my non-exhaustive list of lies Dementia Joe told at the CNN debate:

• Biden rehashed the phony claim that Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach to fight COVID-19. Trump never used the word “bleach”; he instead referred to a new technology in which ultraviolet rays are used to fight viruses.

• Biden claimed unemployment was at 15% when he took office; the unemployment rate was 6.4% in December 2020, just weeks before Biden took office.

• Biden claimed that the Border Patrol union endorsed him; in fact, that union endorsed Trump.

• The number of illegal aliens pouring across the border has exploded under Biden, despite his false claim that there are fewer crossings now than when Trump was in office.

• Biden claimed he had lowered the cost of insulin shots to $15 under Medicare; in fact, the cost is $35 per shot, and it was Trump, in 2020, who created a voluntary program under Medicare Part D to reduce the price to $35. The 2022 ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ codified that price.

• Biden claimed he capped Medicare drug spending at $200 per year; in fact, it’s $2,000 per year.

• Biden claimed that Trump wants ‘to cut Social Security and Medicare’; in fact, Trump’s website says, ‘Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security.’

• Biden callously insisted that he didn’t have ‘any troops dying anywhere in the world.’ That ignores the 13 US soldiers killed in America’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan, as well as three killed by a drone attack in Jordan.

• Biden falsely claimed that billionaires only pay 8.2% in taxes; according to the IRS, the 400 wealthiest Americans pay an average federal tax rate of 23% – nearly three times higher than Biden claimed.

• Biden said people died on J6, when the only person to die was Ashli Babbitt, shot by a Capital police officer.

• Biden claimed inflation was at 9 percent when he came into office. That statistic is false. The inflation rate when Trump left office was 1.4 percent.

• Biden claimed that Democrats “are not for late-term abortion.” Biden has repeatedly promised to legalize unlimited, on-demand abortion through all nine months of pregnancy via a sweeping bill and routinely promoted taxpayer-funded abortion policies.

• Biden claims he "didn't" raise taxes on Americans making less than $400K/year. Biden raised the tax burden on Americans earning as little as $20K/year.

• Biden claimed Trump once said, “Hitler has done some good things.” As admitted by Snopes, there is no proof that Trump ever said this.

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And just to be clear, Trump never said anything about ingesting bleach, he asked the drs if there was some antibacterial that could be used. As a CEO I would imagine it is common practice to throw out all kinds of ideas to get people to think outside the box.

God forbid a president thinks outside the box! How can the administrative state keep them in check if they don't stick to the list of platitudes they issued them on their 1st day in the oval?

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This whole situation is no joke. The Biden administration and its enablers in the press have been a disaster for this country and there is no way to know how far this will go. The Democratic Party—while claiming to “preserve democracy “—was willing to strong arm the electoral process so no one could run in a fair primary. Instead, the party and its courtiers in the press presented only one candidate who was clearly at the minimum cognitively impaired and who many polls showed few voters including Democrats wanted as their candidate for president. The Democratic Party is operating more or less like the mafia at this point. Hunter Biden (aka Fredo) is apparently sitting in meetings with no security clearance to help his father.

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Thank you again!

We need to preach that the truth is our friend.

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Timur , I would like to comment on your statement “Fear of being punished by a crowd is not unique to Democrats, or liberals, or Americans. It is an innate human response to the dangers of being ostracized, to being cut off from friendships and privileges that are critical to survival. We are born with a need for social acceptance. That need is what drives knowledge falsification and preference falsification. “

No, no , no 100 times no . Enough with the psycho analysis please. I am sick and tired of the nuanced criticism of what Leftists are doing to this country. Conservatives are not like this . I have no desire to be socially accepted by anyone and never have my entire life . I live my life with joy and love and just want to left alone . I do not want Critical Race Theory forced down my throat and that is what the Leftists have done . I do not want to be persecuted for saying a man cannot have a child. Or for saying only women can have children. Or say that men do not menstruate. I will never ever say I hate myself for my whiteness . In fact I am proud of it and the generations of my family before me who fought like hell to make a life here .

Finally; I will make this point until the cows come . The Leftists at the Failing New York Times called Bari Weiss a Nazi … Bari Weis … a Nazi! Are you kidding me !

My father who fought in WWII would not allow the word Nazi to be used in our house. Nor would he allow the word hatred to be used because he saw what it brought in Germany. The Left breeds hatred… they breed division if you do not think exactly like them they demonize you . That is the problem .

They wanted you to believe a man who could not formulate a sentence could be president. I never bought it from day one . It’s insanity along with many other things the Leftist’s force down the people of this country’s throat.

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"The Left destroys everthing it touches." - Dennis Prager

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Indeed . I love Dennis . I have no idea how anyone could hate the man and the Left truly does . Now he also has to deal with the rise in Anti Semitism on the left as well . But Dennis is always happy. God bless him. I listen to his “Fireside Chats” podcasts. Happy Fourth of July .

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There should be a day of reckoning for all the enablers and well, liars.

Jill should be at the top of that list.

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They made movies already...several of them included the word Purge...couldn't happen soon enough!!

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BTW, that is a hilarious picture above, lemmings before the cliffs...it's as though, as democrats, they have no choice but to herd together and obey orders, even if they know the results. No, it ain't quite Jonestown, and Jim Jones wasn't exactly old Scranton Joe, but honestly were all of them simply not aware of what everyone else could see? It seems preposterous to me that 70 million Americans somehow didn't know Joe was gone. Maybe they could have watched Fox, or read the WSJ or NYPost or done something to expand their world. Plato's cave anyone?

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It's one thing for Biden apologists to try and minimize the public's concerns during the past 18 months. It's altogether more disgraceful to shout down, demonize and try and destroy those who saw what we all saw. Never forget MSNBC's Joe Scarborough screaming at the camera, "EFF YOU, America!! This is the BEST Joe Biden EVER!"

I don't give a rat's ass about MSNBC viewers; but MSNBC Corporate? NBC the mothership owns this, as do CBS, ABC, CNN, PBS, NPR, NYT, WAPO et al. If it was Nielsen numbers and profits that allowed this to go on and on and on, perhaps a national boycott of all these rathole media sources is called for. Maybe all those "Shocked" reporters and news staffs should condemn their ownerships for not telling the truth, since their rank and file are now squirming like Nazis after the war trying to crawl out of their uniforms and blend back in. Shame on them. Yank the damn "Press" lanyards from their necks and kick them to the curb. Shame.

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Boycott them all useless bunch of idiots!

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The result for me personally is I now trust TRUMP more than the news media (which we all know is just an extension of the Democratic Party) Wild. I don't like that I landed here but it is what it is.

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D or R it is all one uniparty. Trump the” bully” threatened the charade and had to be destroyed. His mantra should be 12 more years! His VP pick should be another outsider who will continue to advocate for the rule of law and our constitutional republic. The left has achieved more than they ever dreamed of with a senile corrupt 50 year insider. They know this election is lost so they will continue to play more swamp games over the next four years.

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As a Democrat, I tried to make similar points in a column in the Wall Street Journal in March of 2023 and did not find to many willing to listen. Link below


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