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Right now, Popularity and Personality are winning the day over Policy, which is what affects Americans day to day. We have an uneducated populace who may not be able to stay free. God, help us!

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All she has to avoid is NewsCorp, and that's easy. The rest of the media is just an updated North American version of Pravda and Izvestia.

Actually, that comparison is not Pravda and Izvestia. At least they didn't lie about being Party organs.

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"Or maybe she believes the press and its commissars will do her job for her. " Why shouldn't she? It's worked so far. Any journalistic investigation of her covering for Biden's incapacitating decline, or her avoidance of the important vetting that occurs during primaries, has disappeared from cheerleading mainstream media like a fart in a whirlwind. It all still stinks to anyone whose senses still function, and who still cares about democratic due process. Unfortunately, that seems to be the minority of Americans, especially Democrats, my former party.

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Democrat voters do not care what her policies were, are, or will be. Being a Black('ish) Woman is enough. They have already indicated that there is no wrong that can be done (see COVID), no parental rights that cannot be given away (see Walz), no border/illegal immigration crisis, and so on. It's all good 'cause she is not Trump and it's time for a woman.

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How long can Harris avoid the press? I'd say a good 4.5 years, give or take a few months. Our DNC Pravda will happily "explain" her glorious policies, which feature one, overriding principle: "I'm not Trump."

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Let’s begin with Kammy’s rise to candidate without ever receiving a primary vote. If the party can do that, they will also just campaign on only image and never venture into substance. I am sure Kammy was scolded for venturing out into economics.

Next, let’s establish the assumption that POLITICIANS LIE. All the time, to everyone. So, if the assumption is valid, why make policy statements. They are just lies anyway. I will always remember the big lie from LBJ about Vietnam during the ‘64 election and immediately increasing troop strength to over 500,000.

Besides, do America’s illiterate voters really understand policy statements. They just deal in image, so no need to confuse them with facts or phony promises.

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This is just a fake and insincere show put on by the Democrats. It will grow old quickly and they will have to come up with another way to distract the masses

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I wouldn't bet on it. Outside a few Red State bubbles, the general electorate really hates Trump. His supporters don't seem to understand the depth of hatred he generates.

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It's all just marketing at this point. I saw some Harris/Walz signs in yards that say "choose freedom" at the bottom. Left is right, war is peace, etc.

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How do you go from being the most unpopular vice president in modern memory with lower approval ratings than a very unpopular president, to being the subject of so much "enthusiasm"? It's like her entire ugly slate has been wiped clean or memory-holed. Something's rotten in Denmark.

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It's odd because much of the mainstream press are simply gushing over her. I've stopped reading the NYTimes Harris coverage because it's so gushy. ick..

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The whole "joy" thing has some serious fundamentalist Christian vibes. And then they've got the gall to call the opposition weird?

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Aug 24Edited
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I suspect it’s note cynical than that. If hating another group or principles was politically expedient, they’d repeat those mantras.

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Apologies, MORE cynical than that.

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There is a story of a Roman emperor who attended a contest between two singers, tasked with deciding the winner. After hearing the first singer, he abruptly left and declared the second singer the winner. When questioned about how he could make such a decision without hearing the second performer, he replied, "After hearing the first, I have no doubt."

Regarding your article on the DNC and Kamala Harris not yet having "added substance," I understand your point and agree that it could be concerning for American democracy. However, we must make a choice, and after witnessing Trump over the past eight years, including four as president, I can hardly imagine anything more concerning for American democracy than a second Trump term.

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I feel exactly the same way about his opponent

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I can imagine a lot more damaging than a second Trump term. Never say never as it is a very big word, which at times, fate proves loud and clear.

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I want to hear Kamala Harris speak, unscripted and without a teleprompter, about her vision for how she would govern our country should she win the election. I am so tired of politicians reading AT us rather than talking TO us and WITH us. That's why I find the long interviews with Trump refreshing. They are real conversations that give me an understanding about who he is and what he believes. With Harris, I can only surmise that she is a proxy for whomever put her in this position when they took out Biden.

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I concur

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Me, too.

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I'm a bit disappointed that The FP has joined the whining media about the 'failure' of Kamala to indulge them.

It's been a month since Kamala was unexpectedly thrust into the position as the nominee. She immediately had to urgently pull to gather a campaign (e.g., a team, a VP, fundraising, boots on the ground)... with the election date only 107 days in the future. And given the tightness of the race, she will have a hectic schedule of campaigning ahead.

Contrast that with a typical timeline (known primary season, consideration before the primary etc).

At the DNC speech, Kamala confidently and forcefully shared her vision and staked out important principles of her presidency.

Your complaint about the lack of interviews and policy details seems unfair and unbecoming.

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I don't believe she was "unexpectedly thrust into the position as the nominee." Everyone around Biden, including Harris could see this coming. This is a long-considered plan.

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She's an objectively stupid woman who wouldn't have a chance in hell of winning the nomination through a normal primary process. And anyone who considers themselves even remotely feminist should have serious reservations about the way she got her start in government and rose up in politics.

And pardon me, but she was not "unexpectedly" thrust into anything (there's an off-color joke somewhere in there but I'm feeling too lazy right now). As part of the inner cabal at the White House she saw it coming for months if not years. And she was part of the Biden coverup. Which is likely one of the reasons she doesn't want to do interviews and be asked about that.

The Democrats were stuck with her because they couldn't alienate the black women's vote by picking someone more electable.

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She was thrust into it?

And you expect to be taken seriously?


🙄🙄🙄 3 for you

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Whining? Unbecoming? It seems fairly factual to me. You may have a point about the timing but she had no clue? I thought she and Joe Biden are working tirelessly together on things? She had no idea that with his mind failing she might, just might, have to have some ideas of her own? Methinks you protest too much. It is much more likely that like most politicians she is trying to see which way the wind is blowing and what Trump scores with or doesn't. Who can blame her? But calling out TFP as being unbecoming for mentioning it? That's a hard no.

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I think that commenter is doing his job.

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As long as she wants. She has enough media cover and it's working.

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What. In. The. Actual. Hell. is going on....

This isn't a Barbie movie. How is this ok with anyone?

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