
I'm coming to this late, but better late than never. My thoughts on Strimpel's rant are: Good. Now you know what it feels like to be alienated and shut out. Which is what women like me felt about the movement that she feels nostalgic for. Strimpel's feminist movement was every bit as dogmatic, monolithic and exclusionary. It excluded--and disparaged--conservative women, women of religious faith, pro-life women and anyone else who departed from its orthodoxy on issues like abortion. Her movement "hijacked" feminism first. And now they're getting a taste of their own medicine. The original first-wave feminists, the suffragettes, were not of one mind on these issues.

Strimpel's feminism held that my mother, who raised me as a single working mother, who stressed to me the importance of education and self-sufficiency and never being financially dependent on a man, could not be in their club because she was pro-life.

Neither she nor anyone else gets to tell me that my mother was not a true feminist.

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Next up for Zoe Strimpel, now that she's been outed as an anti-anti-feminist reactionary, is a guest shot on Tucker Carlson, where she'll join other fascist progressive apostates like Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, Naomi Wolf, Abigail Shrier, Glenn Greenwald and Charlie Duff. Read all about it: Seek Out the Apostates of the Liberal World Order on at

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It is infuriating the way gay and trans men try to compete with women. Drag queens are beautiful only to perverts who seem to abound in Hollywood, NYC and DC, long-time hangouts for self-indulgent sociopaths. Males cavorting in drag and calling themselves women is nowhere close to being a civil right, and is in no way a qualification to compete with real women in athletics.

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XX chromosome = woman.

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Excellent and eloquent piece. The left couldn't get anything done for women using their usual playbook - since the best thing you can do for women is to work toward economic enfranchisement in a free market. So they simply erased us and focused on a group the playbook works well for. And it works either way - when girls choose to adopt a male identity or when men choose to adopt and female identity.

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This is one of the best articles I have seen on the causes

of the death of the Feminist Revolution. Having been in women's groups in the late 70's early 80's and followed the movement ever since I cannot agree more with the explanation of how the academic feminists, linguists and the transgender movement

have denied womanhood. I was a woman who believed it

was time to hear me roar! I remember the first issue of MS.

and how we treasured it. I also remember the work of the early Judith Butler who was of interest psychologically speaking and how she eventually became antifeminist in the interest of so-called fluidity.

Thank you for this informative article. Very much appreciated.

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The “economical and psychological damage” of having babies is NOT what defines a woman. True feminism embraces every aspect of womanhood—-including the miracle of childbirth that intrinsically and irrefutably sets us apart from men.

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“Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior that Hollywood is putting out turning men into women and women into men.” Farrakhan

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I knew it!

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The inmates are running the asylum. As an Obstetrician/Gynecologist, I think that i am qualified to define what a woman/female is (was?). A female is a person with 46 xx chromosomes. No matter what surgery someone has undergone, no matter what clothes they wear, or what they identify as, unless they are 46xx or one of the very rare variants on this, they are not females.

A person born with a 46 xy complement of chromosomes is a male, no matter what surgery they have undergone, no matter what clothing they wear, they are genetically male. There is no scientific debate on this. It is fact, no matter how you desire to spin it. They cannot get pregnant, they cannot menstruate, they cannot nurse an infant.

No distortion of fact and reality can change this. No kumbaya moment will alter these facts. To quote on of my sons(*46 xy)- "it is what it is". Saying you are a fish does not give you the ability to survive underwater.

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Thank you for your post. I'm a mother with a daughter in one of these peer groups - learned she was called another name and pronoun at school. The teachers won't stop if you ask them to. That's where it starts. The kid's minds are won over by Gender Ideology and every adult and trusted expert and expert organization in the land "affirms"/gaslights the girls. It is frustrating to me that all the American Medical and Psychological organizations are onboard with a cult ideology. Then, Planned Parenthood will hand destructive testosterone to girls like candy. How is this legal? This cannot have passed the Food and Drug Administration? Doctors don't want to hand out estrogen to menopausal women because that now seems like it could have been rash - and that is the hormone we have had all our lives.

We parents are fighting for our kids and young adult kids on Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans.

We've been in this madhouse where the inmates are running the asylum for years on Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans: This madhouse is called America. It's like the lobotomy era squared. Did we handle anorexia by calling girls "fatty", giving them harmful drugs, and maybe cutting off body parts? You have heard of Dr. Gallaghar in Miami?

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Why we let people to indoctrinate these impressionable teenagers is beyond my pay grade. Instead of counseling these kids so that they can make adult mature decisions, they are encouraged to be different and quickly before they can change their minds.. They are encouraged to mutilate their bodies, because it is the woke thing to do. It is almost like that young woman who pushed her boyfriend into committing suicide. It is incredible that these things are happening. As we all know, misery loves company. There are plenty of deaf people out these who are against cochlear implants because it takes away from their numbers. Same here with the transgender community which is full of maladjusted individuals who think that by convincing the vulnerable to become part of their community. I wonder how many truly regret their decisions. Plenty, I'd wager.

I can't wait until these woke S.O.B.s get bored with this transgender kerfuffle, and move on to another demented pastime. Maybe they can take up skydiving the new way- without a parachute.

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Agree. I think there are something like 28,000 people on a destransitioner/regreter subredit. There must be many more who do not post about it. Then, there are all of us parents who are biting our nails with worry. Schools do what they want. In many places they are indoctrination centers. I do not think there will be any "getting bored" and moving on. I think Gender Ideology has to be put down. The point of GI is to separate the younger generation from family. James Lindsay (New Discourses on youtube) maps out the 1-2 punch of CRT followed by GI. The Woke dominate education, medicine, and government at the moment - including the American Academy of Pediatrics. The media is basically a Woke PR machine.

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The Lia Thomas scandal is a great example of the collision-course “identities” are having with one another. If it wasn’t apparent there is an oppression totem pole before, it certainly is now.

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Contrary to the writer's principle argument the sign held by Bella Abzug shown at the beginning of the article suggests that erasing biological women was part of the movement from the start. The sign says "put motherhood in a test tube" and "Support the anti-motherhood league"

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It seems that they're now reaping what they sowed, aren't they?

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You weren't there so you don't grasp subtleties. Woman wanted MORE than being labeled Mother as a limited

reference. They wanted professions as well. Nothing about wanting erasing biological womanhood.

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Brilliant! Thank you.

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It is very simple: leftism trumps feminism

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Bravo, Zoe. What a great piece.

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Bravo, Zoe. What a great piece.

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