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oliver, Marine is capitalized here in the US. It is well earned.

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Everyone knows where Kamala stands on Isreal, except maybe journalists and political commentators.

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Oliver, you're wrong. History will most certainly not forget who shot Trump. Someone born in America is unlikely to ever forget the attempt, whereas someone born in England (you) may. I've hidden my reservations about having a Brit (you) edit the FP Front Page, until now. Not because you're a bad journalist, editor or human being - I suspect you are the opposite of all those things - but because your "ear" is not finely tuned to what I might call "the American frequency." Something as inconsequential as the pronunciation of aluminum, for instance, not "bad," just noticeable. This remainder of this year is going to be a doozy.

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Progressives are America’s Enemy Within.

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Bottom line: one Justin Trudeau on North American soil is quite enough.

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Actually, it's too much! lol

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If Harris does not have the gumption to turn up to hear Netanyahu, how can we believe that she has the courage and character to be President?

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It’s hard not to notice that the vast majority of the We Hate Israel mob is unemployed, living with their parents or otherwise on welfare. Guess that’s the wages of antisemitism. They’ll always be losers.

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I’m curious about something. If Kamala really thinks she can the country, why doesn’t she prove it by invoking the 25th amendment now? That would accomplish two things. 1. Prove she has the chops to do it and do it well and 2. Cancel out the Republican line of “if Biden’s not fit to run, he’s not fit to run the country.”

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A promise NOT to invoke the 25th Amendment was probably part of the deal to get Biden not to run.

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Promises, promises. Means nothing to politicians.

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1. Wait, people are leaving Cuba? I thought it was the paradigm of equity.

2. Will someone actually do a story on this 2025 plan? All I hear is how terrible it is. Can we have some actual journalism and analysis on how it came to be, the risks, rewards, and its potential impact?

3. How about a story where someone at TFP actually talks to criminologists, former FBI profilers, etc. about Crooks?

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I second the second point! A thorough breakdown of Project 2025. GOP friends are saying it’s just caps on welfare and Medicaid. Dem friends are saying it’s basically the outline for A Handmaid’s Tale. What the hey, man?!

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Here is a recent WSJ video explanation of Project 2025, or at least some of the highlights:


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Yes! Why is that so damn hard?

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You can argue it wasn't an official title, but...

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Vice President Kamala Harris should be removed from her position as the head of the Biden administration’s strategy to address the root causes of migration.

Whereas, on March 24, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was named ‘‘Border Czar’’ in charge of leading efforts to stem migration across the United States-Mexico border;

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"→ Is Trump having buyer’s remorse over J.D. Vance?" That is your headline. This is journalism in the year 2024 at its finest. Except it's not. It's actually astonishingly shitty journalism.

Some guy who writes for The Atlantic writes (on X, not in The Atlantic) claims that "some" Trump allies are "second-guessing" the choice of Vance. Soooooo.....therefore....what??

This sucks so, so bad. One fucking guy says something without attribution or quotes, and not even about what Trump is thinking, just some allies, and you think you have a scoop???

This is worse than high school paper quality.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

Actually, Tim Alberta did write an entire article this week about Vance in The Atlantic:


Then he was interviewed about his Atlantic article the other night on Amanpour & Co., where it was pointed out that Alberta was basically embedded with the Trump campaign for this entire spring. He has been traveling with them on their plane, going to all the rallies, and even sitting around with them in the evening after their meetings and strategy sessions, drinking at the bar with them and chatting them up for months. He probably has a much better insight into their thinking than the average reporter.

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Thanks Anne. I stopped depending on The Atlantic for unbiased perspectives some time ago. That’s interesting. Wonder why they wouldn’t quote the article or interview.

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Well, after I replied to you, I went back to the TFP article to make sure they were referring to the Tim Alberta piece (they were). Frankly, I was shocked that their only reference was his tiny little X post. Good grief, is this what TFP has become? They just skim the surface and phone it in? You may have stopped depending on The Atlantic, but I have stopped thinking that I’m getting good reporting from TFP. I’m really not sure what their problem is, but they do have one.

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Thank you for calling them out.

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Liz be serious please. Of course I wasn't talking about keeping Trump from articulating his policies.

I am referring to the Crooked Hillary, etc. and other juvenile name-calling.

If you are willing to go without food or heat because someone has a terrible temperament, then of course that is your right.

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OK how bout this? In 2016, a significant portion of left leaning Americans, including deep state operatives, decided they would not abide Donald Trump as President and went on a four year crusade to undermine, sabotage disrupt and obstruct his Administration. Now, in 2024, there are equal or greater numbers of Americans who will never accept Cackles the Clown as President. I don't know about you, but many of us have no intention of being ruled by a leftist nitwit. The Dems can do what they want but they made the playbook. And, if enough of us refuse to accept Harris - and stand by our guns - we can prevent this disaster in the making from coming true.

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Can you speak to all the complicity? This isn’t just about Harris but maybe her lack of qualifications will be showcased by this.

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Given The Free Press’ fanatical Zionism, it’s predictable that it would attack Harris every chance it gets. America’s Israel policy will definitely chance for the worse for Bibi when Harris wipes the floor with the pathetic old man Bibi is pinning all his hopes for staying out of jail on. Trump and Bibi are both headed for the slammer, and with Harris, our decades of Boomer fanatical loyalty to Israel, no matter what it does, will end. Look at the various kinds of people protesting Bibi’s Israel at the Capitol. Younger Americans (including Jews) often have very different views of Israel and its “settlers” than Boomers have had. No wonder Bibi and The Free Press are so desperate for Trump, proclaimed “the Messiah” by Israeli Zionists in his first term, to return to office. Just look at how many people in Times comments threads now want to stop all financial aid to Israel.

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Well folks - do you need any further proof of the sort who would anoint a cackling clown as our leader? Please remove your heads from your posteriors.

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This guy’s a gibbering, one-note nut. Jew-hatred has rotted whatever brains he has in the first place, like it does to all these sad sacks.

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It’s you ancient Boomer Zionists who are the sad sacks. The times they are a changin’ for Israel—not just at The Hague and across Europe and the world, but also in the American generations under 50 who will soon be running America for thirty years just as the demographic power of the ever-dwindling Boomers ran it for the past thirty. Demography is fate. Peter Beinart was prophetic. The generational “crisis of Zionism” is here. She who “cackles” last “cackles” best. Kamala will be in power long after Bibi and Trump have been locked up.

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Dude, it didn't even take you until the 2nd sentence today to scold Harris for snubbing Netanyahu! New record for knee-jerk support of Israel!

And speaking of rewriting history, since when hasn't Biden or Schumer given Israel every goddamn thing it wants? What?

I can tell you guys would love to keep pounding the same old boring left vs. right, oh no big deal, Kamala doesn't have to kowtow to her base that hates all Jews. Because according to you, Republicans love Israel and Democrats hate Israel.

1. There are some people who would say Biden is right to help defend Ukraine from Russia, but are nervous about the civilian dead in Gaza.

2. There are other people who think Ukraine is stupid but Gaza is righteous.

3. Democrats believe Ukraine is righteous and Gaza is righteous. Until one of those college dipshit demonstrators becomes President, all Democrats will give Israel what it wants, so stow your bullshit about Democrats hating Israel.

4. Then there is a very large group of people who think war is a bad idea in general. These folks may further believe that we are wasting our children's money on Ukraine, and also wasting an entire generation of Ukrainians. Upside on this is that with all the men dead, Ukrainian mail-order brides may come back into vogue. These people may further think that Israel's cause is righteous, but it's a rich country, so why do we have to pick up the tab for their war? This group is comprised of young and old, Democrats and Republicans, rich and poor, etc.

On a great many issues--including this one--it's really old, boring, and downright lazy to make assumptions about what Republicans or Democrats or conservatives or liberal or right-wing or left-wing think about issue after issue. Repeat after me, it's-not-left-and-right, it's-not-left-and-right, it's-not-left-and-right, it's-....

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I have to admit.....I am sincerely enjoying all the sturm and drang from "Biden is not fit to be POTUS" crowd now.

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What sturm und drang? We're watching the torch passed from a senile imbecile to a cackling imbecile. And you rejoice in that?

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Well put .

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