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I'm actually feeling bad for Kamala Harris. Her word salad doesn't stand a chance.

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It's surely no coincidence that Vance began re-thinking his position on Trump in 20 - 21, as blue cities and states languished under quarantine without end; enabled homeless people, car-jackers, addicts, looters and protestors to jeopardize public safety; spent untold public resources pulling down statues and renaming buildings; and began wailing about the inhumanity and hassle of receiving busloads of immigrants from Texas and Florida. He's a breath of fresh air - an intelligent, introspective and spontaneous politician who's not afraid to change his mind.

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J.D. Vance has a lot of intelligence, which is enough for me at this point.

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I love the way he railed against "elites" until he became one.

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I think Vance is likable, but perhaps I know similar people because I grew up around the same working class people in Southwest Ohio just as Vance did. I liked his memoir and figured then that he did have some political ambitions in order to write such a book. While Trump backed candidates didn't do very well in 2022, Vance did win the election over Tim Ryan, a moderate Democratic candidate. He has also worked with fellow Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown on legislation from the train derailment in East Palestine that President Biden took a little over a year to visit.

But one wonders the pick as Ohio is pretty much Trump's anyway with 8% margin in 2020. It will be interesting to see the debate between he and Kamala Harris. Although, I'd rather see them on a game show called Don't Fall Out of the Coconut Tree!

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So sick of populism on the right and left. Trump should have chosen Youngkin. Vance has flip flopped his political beliefs so much I can’t even keep up with it!

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

I agree, Youngkin would have been a solid choice, but sadly Trump was looking for someone who worships him, not someone who is competent. Youngkin might have highlighted Trump's weaknesses.

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It’s always ego with him. The next four years are going to be a mess

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What is your description of the last 3 1/2 years?

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

It is alarming how much people are falling over themselves to claim Vance's book is an unembellished account of his life. Anyone who writes an autobiography by the age of 30 is looking to raise their personal profile for political ambition. These books are carefully edited to create a persona that will appeal to an electorate. Vance obviously had political ambitions long ago, just as Obama did when he wrote his autobiography at a young age. Politicians are not heroes, they are PR machines, and Americans should be smart enough to not worship them or be duped by the hype.

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here's hoping JD is as charismatic, smart, wise, and compassionate as we want him to be

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Charlie Kirk Reveals Story About J.D. Vance That Shows the Kind of Person He Is


Jul 16, 2024

Megyn Kelly is joined by Charlie Kirk, author of "Right Wing Revolution," to discuss Donald Trump choosing J.D. Vance as his running mate, why Kirk “lobbied” for Vance, how his challenging childhood prepared him for this moment, personal stories that highlight the type of person Vance is, and more.

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Charlie Kirk is not a serious person

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Said No Reasonably Intelligent Person Ever.

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Well there's two of us...

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I’m very concerned that the FP and other organs are not mentioning Vance’s weight problem. Covering up his descent into obesity (his turkey neck could swallow half of Milwaukee) is akin to the whitewashing or Biden’s decline. For the love of God, get the man some Ozempuc!

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"Usha, with whom Vance shares three young children, stepped down from her law firm job soon after her husband was announced as Trump’s VP pick." -- Soon after her husband was announced? Meaning, like yesterday afternoon?

Sure wish my wife had been selected as the VP pick...

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Its really encouraging that he has been able to work across the aisle on some issues. We need more of that!

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You can't fault a man for being duped when he's smart enough to figure out the truth after. He was told lies by people in positions of authority, who have been lying since before he was born. They're very convincing until you stop taking their word for it and look at the facts for yourself. Then you are taken aback by how completely corrupt they really are.

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I give J.D. Vance's pivot on Donald Trump the benefit of the doubt and assume he is sincere. I do so because the person I found in his book appears to be principled. He is just not perfect.

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We never learn. Didn't we already have young wunderkinds make it to the top really fast and then screw up the works because they didn't have the experience necessary for the top job? He's a genius, just great, but has he ever actually run a major project? How much "world" experience does he have? I am definitely getting a "Best and the Brightest", Obama déjà vu vibe.

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I guess I come at it from a different angle. He is smart, he works well with others, he seems like he knows his lane and asks questions. What is better? I'd rather have a smart person who has some life experiences, and family experiences to see how things are from multiple levels. It appears he also is good at getting others to make suggestions. Moreover, he does not appear to have the crazy political baggage as the rest of the field.

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Have you read Hillbilly Elege? It might give you more insight into who the man is.

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I disagree. He might be great but we really don't know if Hillbilly Elegy is a work largely of fact or fiction. It doesn't give us insight into the man, just his abilities to write a good book.

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His memoir is a good read and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to understand the candidate better. It's sad/funny in parts, but the true star of the story is his wonderful, down-to-earth, gun-toting, and profane grandmother.

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His memoir is a good read but we don't know how much of it is true. Obama's memoir was also a good read.

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