
The audio from Michael was pretty rough

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I love a good cyber attack. It shows how little Hezbollah understands about tech though. First you couldn’t fit an explosive in an iphone. Second old iphone sell online for probably as much as those pagers. Three, attacks on Cellphones like Pegasus 2 don’t work if you disable the cellular connection, only call over Wifi and do it from behind a VPN, use signal on top of that and you’re a ghost.

But you know, terrorist organizations aren’t known for the quality of their IT departments. Hezbollah went analog instead and that didn’t work, quite the opposite as a matter of fact.

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Funny reading the description of Mosa Abu Tahab's poetry on this site .....of all read it if you so chose, but " his life under this barely livable siege, ...the barely livable occupation ...his destroyed library."...those Israeli bombs of course.....honestly.....I couldn't find a better description of Palestine tales of suffering from the unrelenting depraved Zionist war on them ...out of sheer hate and nothing else than a few dead babies in the kibbutzim as excuse for all this "genocide" ....than if I listened to book review on NPR on PBS Newshour.

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Dexter’s insight was great, Eli’s snarkiness took away from what was otherwise an interesting discussion.

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Exploding pagers next to the dicks of these rapists and murderers. I love it! It’s exhilarating!!!

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Thank you for finally saying some of the stuff that doesn't seem to be said elsewhere.

Though the "it's almost as if it's a religious cult!" and "OMG they recruit 12-year-old kids and they sound like they believe all this stuff!" stuff.... please: It IS a religious cult. And it DOES brainwash children. And it's Shia but it's the same as the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood of Hamas, which is ALSO a religious cult that ALSO brainwashes children. It's fundamentalist murderous Islamist caliphate-aimed terror. They are in agreement that any infidel sovereignty in lands once-Muslim must be destroyed. They are in agreement that Jews be murdered, as their prophet did in Khaybar.

And then they'll turn to the rest of humanity.

It's fundamentally different from Nazism only in that the Nazis didn't believe they were murdering for their god. The Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies and the Muslim Brotherhood and AlQaeda and ISIS and Hamas and all their ilk all believe their god wants them to do this, and they are doing this for their god. Their "akbar" god. Who will welcome them to paradise for their 72 virgins or whatever.

Please take them seriously. They really do mean this.

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Apparently Hezbollah leader mentions Israel having crossed a red line, which many media reiterated since this is “fresh” news. Unfortunately it gets forgotten, how Lebanon used to be a prosperous state until Hezbollah showed up and turned Lebanon into almost a “failed” state, similar situation as one encounters in Yemen. The red line had been crossed then.

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Disappointed to see Free Pressers like Michael opting to play politics rather than call a spade a spade on Kamala Harris stating we have no soldiers in active duty war zones - he wouldn't say her name - why not Michael?

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I second that emotion!

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Bari—we love you and Free Press and the Honestly podcast very, very much. So please take this criticism in that context: I beg you to cut back on the advertising for your other projects before & during these interviews. When we listened to the Victor Davis Hanson interview, we actually thought you had clicked on the wrong podcast and almost stopped listening. This time we knew better, but the advertising was still overwhelming (and kind of annoying). Thanks!

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