The fact of “Withholding exculpatory evidence” reliably damns any prosecutorial agency claiming to seek justice. It is a phrase all too often heard in federal and many state cases.

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On Docteur Eitan Haim. Bravo to him!

What a courage !! I wish there would be more people like him in the world worrying about the world they build for their children instead of worrying just for themselves . Indeed , in our present world there is a lot we have to fight for. And protecting young immature and vulnerable kids from the ideological manipulations from the woke totalitarianism (because it is a totalitarian ideology in the name of goodness!) is a good start. It is now very well documented scientifically that hormonal and surgical transgendering is deeply harmfull for their future health. So why is it that these vulnerable kids should not be protected by law , and why are good people that are concerned about them dragged to justice and risk emprisonnement ? Our world is really upside down in terms of its values. And this will benefit our enemies more than any military operation because it destroys the foundational values on which our democracies have been built .

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The pager operation wasn’t an “attack,” it was a thoroughly justified (and overdue) response to the thousands of missiles Hezbollah has fired nonstop at Israel since October 7, killing, injuring and displacing thousands of civilians and burning hundreds of thousands of acres of forests and agricultural land.

Israel did the right thing, and it was a resounding success.

Ever notice how enraged progressives get when Islamic terrorists get exactly what they deserve?

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Glad we need not worry about Russian and Chinese bots infiltrating our general knowledge sources. Just have to click over to the Thought Police at Wikipedia.

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Documentary "Israelism" now available to watch for free on Tubi.


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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Arturo Béjar is simply mistaken: It is parents who in all circumstances have the responsibility for the safety of their children. Moreover, while there are certainly online content (for example, grooming by sexual predators) which uncontroversially pose a risk to the safety of children, in as much as in certain quarters, including large swathes of the tech sector, unpopular ideas are considered "unsafe", letting the views of Meta managers on what is safe for children to see may well supercede and even conflict with the views of the their parents. Meta managers might decide that encouragement to question one's gender identity is safe, while parents disagree. Parents might regard the Catechism of the Catholic Church as safe, while Meta managers might disagree. In a pluralistic society giving parents the tools to protect their children from what they, not some "experts", regard as harmful is the correct approach, at least if one wants to maintain a pluralistic society.

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I for one, am getting really tired of how the media can’t let go of this eating pets story. Let’s keep in mind that this all came about because the moderators of the ABC debate asked a leading question about TV e mayor of Springfield, leading to this whole debacle. Yes, Trump should have answered the question differently, but my god, the way the media is ramming this down our throats while purposely obfuscating the real issue with immigration is disgusting.

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It might just all be fun and games now but within a short while you’ll be racist if you don’t understand It’s their culture and you’ll be a white supremacist if you don’t eat dogs and cats.

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TFP, was this a dig at Musk, or fear of this hugely beneficial technology? You wrote: "...it already works on monkeys, so, really, what could go wrong?"

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Pretty much everything Musk does is a technological breakthrough. And, for some people, a miracle.

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It's beyond amazing that it works on monkeys, by the way. This is huge. I feel deeply fortunate for Musk's good works.

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“ The total casualties of the Russia-Ukraine war may have surpassed one million, according to The Wall Street Journal. On the Russian side, Western intelligence estimates Russian casualties could be as high as 200,000 dead and 400,000 wounded. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s estimated casualties are roughly 80,000 dead and 400,000 wounded.”

Bwahahaha! Yeah, that’s totally not a neoconservative fantasy tally.

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Could be, but do you have any evidence? Or do you just trash people you don't like?

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Obviously, I haven't been around for most of American history and watching what has happened to facts and history in a few short years has made me distrusting of everything, but if there was a more political DOJ than the Garland DOJ, I'm happy to know I got to see what a fair and impartial DOJ looked like before he came in and completely annihilated any form of integrity for that office.

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The Obama’s wingman affirmative action Eric holder was pretty unfair.

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Was he? See, I just don't know much. I voted for Obama 2008, but I was young and just knew I was supposed to vote. I didn't follow politics beyond surface level.

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Yes he called himself the Obamas wingman.

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This new dude reading the articles doesn't make me as on edge. I think the first lady made me a little more angry and emotional. The new voice is calm and matter-of-fact. I like it.

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"Shock and Awe" is all I can say about the exploding pagers. Here they give up their cell phones thinking "they'll never track us now" and it ends up getting even the clandestine Hezbollah supporters. I hope Israel's enemies hear footsteps which is victory in itself.

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I would love to read the article "A Prisoner of China, an American Scandal" but it was written by Peter Savodnik, who has a severe case of TDS which makes almost all of his writings unpalatable.

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Eli Lake: "Put another way, Israel cannot defeat its enemies by waging war only in the shadows." Israel is at war with Iran, (Hezbollah, Hamas/Palestinians, Yemen). The pager incident is a (cyber) battle in the war. What else do you expect Israel to do? Only all-out victory will end the war.

Wikipedia propaganda: Classic communist technique: use education to indoctrinate.

Dog- and cat-eating bomb threats: “Thirty-three threats; thirty-three hoaxes,”

- Lesson: Never believe the first take by the regime media.

Walter Russell Mead: “World War III is becoming more likely in the near term, ...U.S. is too weak either to prevent it or, should war come, to be confident of victory,” writes Walter Russell Mead, ...A more devastating indictment of a failed generation of national leadership could scarcely be penned,” writes Mead."

- We're looking at you deep state Dems, GOP

"Why is this prosecution (Haim blowing whistle on child sexual mutilation) happening at all?"

- Similar to Planned Parenthood's selling viable baby parts whistle-blower(s). Why indeed? Evil.

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The flippant last sentence in the news of a cure for blindness was an unexpected breach of decency and a sneer in the face of an absolutely brilliant advancement for humanity. NOTHING "went wrong" with the previous Neuralink achievement of allowing a paralyzed man to move chess pieces with his mind. If you are going to allow only a small paragraph to acknowledge a monumental boon to mankind, it could at least be benevolent. What is your hierarchy of values?

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There is no such thing as gender care, and the WPATH files, and Cass review have already established this. All who keep perpetuating this fallacy should be charged criminally. The doctor that called the butchers out is a hero, and deserves a public apology reparations, and compensation from the government.

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