
Rich commie. Didn’t make his money, got daddy’s.

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Charles Manson with LOTSA money.

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Thanks for this article. This guy is so easy to hate. His family and friends all seem to be wealthy white trash.

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Let's not overlook his cushy, high-dollar sofa instead of the state-sanctioned sofa provided by his comrades. Some of us are indeed more equal than others.

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With a mouth like that, wee Fergie and his merry band of LARPers will eventually attract the attention of true “hard men”. It won’t be pretty for them.

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Does this give anyone else Manson family vibes or is it just me? Fantastic piece by Suzy Weiss.

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They should have just given him all the money up front and let him burn it faster.

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If i become a communist, can i too have that coffee machine? It’s been on my dream wish list for years.

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I would not dismiss him this lightly. After all, Bolsheviks were initially financed by Savva Morozov.

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His willingness to blame others and systems for everything. Gives me vibes of a Columbine teen handed 250M to make an even bigger splash than those bitter kids did at the school. Fergie seems to have no qualms about pulling in as many army ants as he can to send on missions.

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This guy is a character straight from Atlas Shrugged.

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Suzy I offer this with a kind heart, not to be super critical. Let's take a look at the following:

When I had told the innkeeper in Hanover where I had stayed overnight what I was doing

There is a new over use of past perfect of late which must be nipped in the bud. In this example above it's "when I had told the innkeeper..." This should be simple past. You told (not "had told") the innkeeper something. Done. The action of telling her was not in relation to some other event in the past.

Past perfect should only be used when you are saying one action in the past was completed prior to some other action and the two actions have a connection to each other. It often comes with an "already" implied. E.G. "I had already eaten by the time I received their invitation to go meet for dinner, so I declined." You shouldnt say "I already ate" (simple past). The past perfect is needed here.

I hope this helps! I love good writing and offer this as an explanation simply to try and be of assistance. Not trying to be a know it all!

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Fascinating article. This guy sounds like he has a few screws loose. And yet, he's living his life on his own terms, to the fullest.

Though ideologically Fergie and I could not be farther apart, I do derive some wicked pleasure from how uncomfortable he is making those Berkshire liberals. Keep at it, Fergie!

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I'd love to know how he was raised; specifically, how his parents related to him. (That's what I want to know about transgenders, too.) I doubt his hatred of them is based on ideology.

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Great piece. This guy is a colossal scumbag.

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