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Harvard, like the rest of the formerly elite universities, is still a madrasa.

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Universities are in some cases simply changing the name to something like "Belonging". I've seen it done.

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If statements remain optional, candidates can still convey to their comrades on the hiring committee that they have the correct opinions. Only eliminating such statements will have the necessary effect.

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In other words, DEI is already so entrenched that there's no danger of accidentally hiring someone who dares question it.

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Of course, the only bias that exists is the white, male one. People of color do not have bias.

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It allows the bias that is in our systems … it allows it to perpetuate,” Hunt said.

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Isn’t DEI just the end result of affirmative action? The instant that universities started down that patronising road of lowered expectations for certain people they exchanged competency for diversity.

This is a long way from being finished and maybe these old and once treasured institutions will die, the funding from alumni seems to have taken a hit, I think people are starting to see that top tier universities no longer offer a stellar education and are looking for alternatives... trade schools are becoming more popular here in the UK. Oxford and Cambridge are a joke.

But DEI is both ubiquitous and pernicious it’s in our schools, corporations, healthcare, the arts, journalism, the police force and the judiciary. This fight has only just begun.

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I recommend adopting something similar to mine if required to write on this. We must push back respectfully with truth.

"I welcome all based on merit, performance and affinity for personal responsibility. I do so without regard to race, gender, religion, disability or political affiliation. I try to foster the success of all and try to maintain a positive and fair work environment. My goal is always to treat people as instructed by Jesus. Matthew 22:34-40; with emphasis on verse 39: “‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” To do less and consider people based on immutable group characteristic is divisive, hurtful, and unfair. Identifying people based on immutable characteristics, group identity and impulses for equity, disrespects the effort and personal responsibility that as individuals they have invested in their success. I seek to enable equality of opportunity to everyone.

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Did they roll it back or just rebrand it? The rubber meets the road when search committees consider the text. I ignore the entire statements but young woke faculty push hard to affirm their woke status and whatever self aggrandizement buzz they get from conforming to the mob. I get my buzz by resistance and alignment towards the constitution, personal responsibility and God.

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Exactly this. There was a leaked video from the Air Force where the officer was saying that every diversity-related position had the title of their position changed to something more generic (like "staffing") while doing the exact same thing to avoid some pushback. When the supreme court struck down AA, they basically found ways around the ruling (including bringing back reverse-redlining -- many universities now use the zip code of applicants as a proxy for race).

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You can change the name and call it whatever you want but its likely the underlying policy wont change. I hope it does as these universities need a total overhaul of their faculty and policies but I dont think it will change

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DEI has just gone underground. It isn’t gone.

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IT's like Nero holding the matches and saying, "Oops."

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Who cares? Pinker is a pile of shit and an apologist for the Democrats and pretty much all things on the left. Harvard should still be burned to the ground...

The Democratic Party of America, DELENDA EST!

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If the FAS "can include, but are not limited to, “efforts to increase diversity, inclusion, and belonging.” , how is this moving away from DEI? Sounds like they are just re-branding. Also missing from the article - "meritocracy" .

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I love the sound of pendulums swinging the other way in the morning.

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This pendulum isn't swinging at all.

If it was, there would be blood on the floor...

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