
The most miserable people are the most focused on care for themselves. It is in giving that we receive!

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Amen! Finally, a rational response to the Godless bunch of the new atheists who will do anything to bury God. Even those that struggle with the existence of God may very well cringe when Atheist high priest Richard Dawkins states "The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference." It's not easy but making small steps in sensing Gods presence is wonderful and doesn't require the denial of scientific discovery.

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Thank you

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EXCELLENT! Thank you! Pre Easter I mailed a 1-page letter to all US & OH senators challenging them re their conviction concerning “In God We Trust” as our country’s only transcendent coalescing principle. Otherwise, nihilism & anarchy will destroy civilization. If the truth is there’s no God, we have no hope. If the truth is God hates us, we have no hope. But Easter proves that the truth is God loves us, so we have hope!! Frankl explains in Man’s Search for Meaning that without hope, humans die. No eyewitnesses were at origin. We all live by faith: random or created? And what are the ramifications of each conviction? If interested in my letter to the senators, email me: contact2786@gmail.Com.

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This is why, after retiring, I continue to work in 9-1-1 and police and fire dispatching. I belong to something that serves others but also myself. Don’t get me wrong - retirement is great - but I definitely have that need to be purposeful.

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We need to believe in something bigger than ourselves to be complete. That’s become a challenge, as the author noted traditional values have eroded and the emphasis is on personal fulfillment. When we try to latch on to social issues to get behind, too often we are led by false prophets whose only goal is power. It’s especially tough for younger people, finding truth without the wisdom life’s experiences bring can be daunting and depressing. It seems those who wish to lead most often wish to rule.

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I saw this lack purpose starting pre- pandemic where a leaders passion was turning out publicly as abusive . True greatness or even some sort of personal success , must have a degree of passion and purpose

Example . I am starting to see online stories about Michael Jordan , we all know about his passion and purpose to WINNING (basketball , golf) Now stories are coming out how he was "abusive" to teammates , management .......,,, but he showed it was the path to success for all both personal and professionally with a 6 peat in NBA championship

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Thank you, Katherine. When I was the chief of safety and mission assurance for the Internatinal Space Station we never seemed to have enough people (or money) to do all the work that needed to be done. I quickly learned that the most valuable thing I could look for in a team member wasn't grades or experience but a sense of ownership - the idea that this was their subsystem their console, their safety review. With this attitude it's hard to fail.

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Brilliant. Thank you.

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As a teenager my mother snarled at me that it wasn't always about me. It was the greatest gift she ever gave me. Today she would be told that she was ruining my self-esteem and sense of self. Well, good. We need more parents like her and fewer "pal parents."

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This message resonates with me. Having grown up in central Florida watching people retire - and then lose their minds after six months of meaningless golf, fishing, shuffle board, etc. - I saw firsthand what lack of purpose can do to a person. Many would get jobs bagging groceries at Publix just to have some place they were needed. And the drinking was next level. 12 pack a day no problem. From my experience (now 63) a sense of purpose and possibly a sense of belonging are vital to living.

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I think some rabbi/preacher said it: find yourself by losing yourself.

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Making yourself the sole purpose is masturbation on a grander scale. Doesn't sound very satisfying, does it?

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You're welcome. I see you are still working on an appreciation of humor. You do realize that God bless you after a sneeze draws from a religious basis (during the plague) . I'm guessing you're okay with that?

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We need God.....

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Yes, Yes and Yes!!!!!

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