
Thanks Bari for your honest work. I subscribed yesterday, coming from far away – a mountain village of Switzerland – in search for honest and factual information, which has become such a rare "commodity". I used to think that the BBC was the place to go. But even they have become ideologically biased.

Mainstream and reputable newspapers have failed miserably. I remember the day when that French teacher was beheaded by a radicalized muslim. The New York Time’s headline initially read “French police shoot and kill man after a fatal knife attack on the street". I will never forgive them for that disgusting bias. But I know that you know firsthand about the NYT downfall. 😒

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Bari, please recommend to me some sources for history of Palestine, Zionism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Israeli War of Independence, how the Palestinians came to be refugees, Six Day War, origin of Hamas and more as recommended. As I am sure you know everything I Google is overtly biased pro-Palestinian so I can’t be confident of its validity. But I do trust you. Any direction or suggestions much appreciated.

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Biden and Obama have the solution to hostage crises. Perhaps, if Iran doesn't object, part of the 6 billion dollars in Doha can be sent directly to Hamas to eliminate the administrative overhead.

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So glad to see the bloodlust liven everybody since Ukraine is distant and has become boring. It hasn't been since I was a teen after 9/11 to see this amount of rage. The language in these comments ensures that we have hatred to fuel support for a couple years.If the US joins in on an expanded Middle East War, maybe 5 years. But what do I know? Afghanistan lasted 20 years long. As the economic and political situation in the States deteriorate, onward and upwards to the next calamity to possess our minds. Because the longterm repercussions we make under the heat and pressure of the moment ensures the worst is yet to come. Violence is instant, the interest on bloodlust longterm and generational. If I was an Israeli or a Palestinian or a Ukrainian I would likely either fight or secure the interest of my loved ones. I am not. This is the time to keep your skepticism and guard up about what you read or hear. War perverts culture, inverts the moral order and when the bodies are done rotting and the debris is cleared, the survivors lie to themselves to forget or lie to keep the next incarnation of their misery alive. Good and evil is firstly in the hearts of the individual and while it imbues the society, it is fought and won by the individual. This forum is outaged at the suffering of the Israeli's. So am I. But their dead is open to the eyes of the world on TV and the phone. Where the fuck were my soldiers in their American flagged draped caskets on TV during 20 years of war? Outlawed because the merchant of wars want you to brace yourselves for the killing. Please be careful. We shift with the winds of opinion. We are Maui. The tinder is here. The gales are blowing. The flames if they come will be fast

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I write because I can refine and focus what I say to add clarity, gravity, and eloquence (and sick legal burns, depending on the intended reader). Bari, you speak as you write - I am in awe and so proud of you and grateful for your ability to so clearly, calmly, and powerfully express both the facts and the anguish you feel. For what the opinion of one of your zillion readers is worth, I admire you, I honor you, and I thank you for your relentlessness and honesty in stating what is simply so. We are at a crossroads as a civilized society. I have no answers, because I don’t know how to rationalize the irrational behavior of deniers and those who cheer on acts of inhumanity and barbarism, as you so aptly name it. But I will never stop questioning and challenging anyone, and any system, that fails to wholeheartedly and full-throatedly condemn it. My sympathy and shared sorrow goes to you and your friends who have lost loved ones. May their memory be a blessing.

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Bari ❤️

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Shades of Carter and his response to the Iranian hostage crisis--flying the US flag at half mast.


Reagan is elected, and poof: Iran frees the hostages.

Vote Trump!

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Pls no one mention if any of the hostages were formerly IDF. You're putting them at a much higher risk for torture

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Thank you! I hope your megaphone grows larger and larger.

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"The campus administrators—so quick to offer statements on climate change and the war in Ukraine and Roe v. Wade—offered silence or equivocation this week in the face of mass murder. Meanwhile, student groups at some of the most elite college campuses in the country were positively gleeful."

This is the absolute cesspool and toxic environment that is academia today AND it's the hypocritical insane view of progressives, ie The Democrat Party.

I will continue to say it's the Democrat Party until they start calling out that shit.

This stuff has been brewing for DECADES to which I've ben saying just wait, just wait...not it's exloded and people like Bari are surprised. Not my words are I told you so, I told you so, I told so.

Keep speaking up. Now is the time to really stand firm against these violent, angry, hateful peopleful.

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Thank you for your amazing and compassionate response and for speaking on MSM to “open eyes” to the reality of evil. You make us proud!

FP readers may also appreciate insights from inside source as penned by Seymour Hersh:

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As reported, support for Israel within the Democratic Party has fallen precipitously in recent polls - AND JEWS WILL CONTINUE TO THROW THEIR SUPPORT TO THAT VERY PARTY.

I would love to hear the response from Bari (and others) about this....

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This was extraordinary reporting Bari. You are incredible and a gift to the planet.

Thank you for showing the world what a backbone looks like.

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Free the hostages.

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Bari, thank you for doing this hard work and telling these stories. Your journalism is honest and heartbreaking and true, it’s why I subscribed. Thank you

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