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Another The Free Press attack on a Democratic. Where are the article about Trump's mental decline? Where are the articles about Project 2025 and Trump's lies about supporting it?

We already have Fox News and Newsmaxx; why is The Free Press so set on skewing right and refusing to publish anything negative about Trump?

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For the next four months the media spin machine will be rotating at Fujita force 5 to turn Harris into the next president. It is less pathetic how pervasively they lie to us than how many among us believe the lies.

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Informal title or not, all the press around at the time indicated that Harris was to assume the mantle for the work of dealing with the Southern border and the illegal immigration problem - she failed. Her title is immaterial, her performance (or lack thereof) is material. I hope there is some corner of the media who will keep the truth out in the public view during this election cycle. "Politics reporter Stef W. Kight informed us that the vice president would be “addressing the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border” and that Harris would “lead efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador) to manage the flow of unaccompanied children and migrant families arriving at the border in numbers not seen since a surge in 2019. Lest anyone wonder whether this was a big job with a great deal of responsibility, a White House official told reporters: “President Biden said during the transition, whatever the most urgent need, he would turn to the vice president, and today he is turning to the vice president.” I don't care if you refer to Harris as Czar, lead person responsible for, or dog catcher -- she failed miserably. I care not whether it was by omission or commission - the net result is the same - gross failure.

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“Axios—a credible publication of which I am a dedicated reader—is admitting to an error it never made. In other words, it is sacrificing that hard-earned credibility in the service of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.”


In other words, Axios is credible, except it is not. This why I usually ignore Savodnik’s articles.

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And why no mention of the bipartisan border bill which Emperor Trump demanded his lackeys in Congress refuse to pass? This happened only a few months ago. You wanna talk about gaslighting?

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Before that bipartisan bill drafted by the dems, the house passed a bill that Chuckie Schumer refused to put before the Senate. The bill favored by the dems was not going to mitigate the problems at the border. Read it and you will know that. Think about it in a rational way. Open borders is part of the dems' platform. To present a strong bill would anger their far left base.

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I think you meant to write: "To present a bill which would achieve ANYTHING at the border would anger the MAGA morons' idiot Leader, Der Trump." FIFY

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Thank you! I plan to vote for Harris only because she is not Trump, but, as John Adams famously said, "facts are stubborn things", and we should not rewrite the past for political expediency.

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I challenge anyone to forget Trump the person and look at Trump's record as president, and tell me that he is not 1000% more qualified than Harris.

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Challenge accepted. No, you’re wrong!

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Oh you inept people who call themselves journalists. Picking away at Kamala as if it is the "journalistic" thing to do. If you thought that it was ever true that VP Harris would have more authority than President Biden-- regarding any issue -- then go find another job because you are unqualified for this one. Remember when people hated Hillary for being a "war monger" as secretary of state? As if it was her, and not President Obama, who was in charge of foreign policy instead of carrying it out. Free Press, what is happening to you? I quit WAPO and NYT for being run by 12-year-olds willing to do anything for a click. I have been counting on you to publish smart, fact-based opinions, analysis and stories. C'mon. Get back to it!

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Did you even read the whole piece ? He was merely calling out the obvious hypocrisy of the journalists/publications referenced.

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Your story is exactly right! The mainstream media is absolutely disgusting in telling lies, trying to change the past, and manipulating to get their candidate to win!!

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The rewriting of history appears to be a defining characteristic of Western societies at this point in our story.

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I don't care a lot about exaggerated proclamations one way or the other by the media on any topic. But I do care about what were Ms. Harris' exact responsibilities, what did she accomplish, and what did she fail to do or not do well.

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Watching history rewritten in real time. Such integrity.

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Human nature being what it is, I am sure that there has never really been purely unslanted journalism. On the other hand, it feels so much worse than ever, from all sides. Can someone recommend a good "History of American Journalism"? I want to know how we got here.

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Great piece! It's why I subscribe to The Free Press

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Well it's just doubleplusgood that VP Harris has done a deep dive into the root causes of the border crisis!

So, where's the report?

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While I continue with my intention to write in my own name or that of Jason Palmer in November, as I can neither bring myself to vote for a Hamas supporter nor an insurrectionist, man are the Harris people really working on my last nerve. When I make a tabulation of which candidate poses a greater "threat to democracy," things are really beginning to pile up on the Harris side of the ledger. This from the party which claims it will protect us against the darkness.

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L🤣L … that’s what they do : “CLAIM” to do things. What would happen to you if you found evidence that the whole 1/6 thing was manufactured or exaggerated to DISTRACT ?

Start from absolutely believing what they’ve CLAIMED from: 1/7/2021 until NOW … they LIE so much & control all distribution of info.

These law breaking elder abusing leaders have no INTEGRITY but loads of 💪 power & 💰 MONEY 💰

And it’s because all the guardrails kept moving further & further to be INCLUSIVE && now there is DEFINITELY inclusiveness: CLUB DEMOCRATS💲 who behind the scenes over the internet have reimagined our constitution, our laws, & the very tenets of RIGHT vs WRONG.

We are always told “it’s too big to fail “. Obama never cared & his disastrous healthcare plan via the IRS really pushed our country over the edge.

These are not your friends- they LIE & publicly, shamelessly & it’s now a game, “Can we top the last whopper?!?”

Absolutely 👍 they’re doing great & the news you have access to is decided by whether it tantalizes, not whether it’s TRUE & RELAVANT.

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I'm in the same boat. Were it not for Trump's actions in the month's between the election and Biden's inauguration, I could easily swallow my other issues and concerns with Trump (along with a few glasses of Irish whiskey like I did on election day 2020) and vote for him over these clowns.

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Trump was throwing a tantrump, but in the end he told his people to act peacefully and then found it hard to call them back. I was watching in real time that day (Jan 6) and the camera showed people shuffling down the halls starry eyed and a bit lost. Seeing that I would NOT have been terribly concerned. Some of the action outside the building was worse, police bumped and windows broken. But that weren't on TV.

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It was all fine and well when the media was just lying to *us*, but now that The Free Press can see *they're* being lied to as well, suddenly they sit up and take notice!

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