
So I’ve got one big superstition, if thats the right term. I believe you can tell a lot about a person by just looking at their face. When I was a Corrections Officer, my buddies and I would get bored at work. Prison is 95% boring while you wait for the 5% of violence to happen.

Anyway, we used to play a game where we would try to pick sex offenders out of the crowd purely off of who we thought looked like a pedophile. All inmates had a photo id clipped to their shirt. We would get their DOC number and look them up in the computer. We were disturbingly accurate at spotting the pedophiles, interestingly rapists who target adults blend in much better but we still could spot them.

All that being said, I saw the former Abercrombie CEO’s picture in the WSJ and he looks like a sex offender. Not surprised at all.

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"A federal judge ordered former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani to hand over his Manhattan penthouse and other valuable possessions to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, two Georgia election workers he defamed—and to whom he now owes $150 million."

This is an example of an extremely dangerous trend that promises to destroy some of our most basic freedoms. TFP may be celebrating it now, because the targets so far have all been their political opponents, but there's ample historical evidence about how these types of things go.

The idea here is that if you can demonstrate that some undesirable target person has done something, anything, improper, then you can collect essentially infinite damages from them, effectively destroying them and their lives. All you need to do is find a friendly jury in a jurisdiction that is hostile to the target in question, and bingo, it's payday.

Whatever Giuliani may have said about Freeman and Moss, it certainly didn't cause $150 million in damages to them. It's hard to imagine that his words caused any real damage to them at all. As with the similarly absurd $1 billion-plus judgement against Alex Jones, this is all nebulous "emotional damage" stuff. And clearly a pretext to punish an opposition political figure.

Our Constitution protects us from abuse from the govt, but none of its protections apply to civil disputes. This is an enormous loophole, because it allows persecutions through the civil courts over matters that the govt is prohibited from interfering in. (And there's the related problem of lawfare whereby the govt can destroy a target undesirable by bringing bogus criminal actions against them, and forcing the them to exhaust their resources defending themselves). The rules that we have in place presume that the judicial system will be acting as a neutral, fair and disinterested arbiter between two private citizens. But we all know that this is not the case in these situations.

This case here is particularly troubling because it involves two govt workers bringing a lawsuit in their personal capacities over criticism of their actions in their official capacities. The precedent that has been set here is that criticizing the actions of government workers, in their official capacities, can be punished with the forfeiture of all of the complainant's assets. This greatly curtails the ability of the public to criticize govt actions.

Except in extraordinary circumstances, govt workers are shielded from personal liability for their actions. They are considered agents of the State, and any damage they do is the responsibility of the State (i.e. the taxpayers). The same principle should apply in reverse.

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I live in a nice community with HOA regulations and our covenants say you aren't allowed to have signs in your yard, political or otherwise. One leftist woke neighbor put up a BLM sign that stayed there for months and it was allowed due to everyone afraid of being called a racist if you complained. I was going to put up a Black Thugs Matter sign since those are the only black lives that this scam movement cares about.

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'what happens when people with good intensions are given too much money" shows a serious mis understanding of people and personalities. Yes the people who donated the money were hurt, social welfare movements are blackened by bad actors and yet people will give up money,control to scammers because they are too easily manipulated by "virtuous" complaints and promises.

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Correct; in my opinion there were never any "good intentions" in BLM. It was a race grift from the start, and still is. Dumb white liberals funded it out of guilt. A fool and his money are quickly parted.

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Ok, so to be fair, is there any record of either of the two BLM organizations spending money on things that benefit the black community? After school programs? Mentoring? Was it all used to enrich the top brass?

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You could also ask, is it even possible to "benefit the black community" by throwing money around? What's really needed IMHO is tough love in the schools and penal system. Make people understand that bad behavior has bad consequence, and good behavior has good consequences. These basic life lessons are almost completely lacking in most of American society today but even more sharply missing in the bottom 25% of the black community.

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BLM/Defund the Police was a fundamentally lawless set of ideas. It is not surprising, therefore, that it attracted lawless leaders.

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Correction, not “attracted” rather “launched by”

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"Remember when Abercrombie & Fitch had Shirtless Guys outside every store?"

I'm not a big shopper, but have a vivid memory of walking into Abercrombie during this era and asking myself "Didn't these people used to sell flyrods and khaki trousers to Ernest Hemingway?"

It was apparent to any normal person that they were selling some kind of teen sex fantasy. It seemed sordid and off-putting, and a little disorienting.

Happy this creep will spend his last years in prison. It's satisfying to watch modern day Caligulas like him, and Sean Combs, get their comeuppance.

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(Funny I’m paste-posting this just after Zoltan’s Crystal Ball)

Today’s TFP lead story starts with the sentences…”A lot can change in four years. Just ask Kamala Harris, who’s walked back various 2019 policies…”

That’s the perfect segue to this foresight someone shared yesterday. I figure the earlier I write and share it, the earlier we can right and snare it:

The susPENCE builds. We still haven’t totally resolved the situation of January 6th 2021, but one doesn’t need a crystal ball to predict January 6th 2025. Why? Because win or lose, the VP charged with certifying the coming election results is Candidate current VP Kamala. (Conflict of interest, ya’ think???) If the 2021 certification process resulted in an “insurrection”, this has the potential to be “Armageddon”. Let’s hope being forewarned is forearmed and all parties safely holster their crystal balls.

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"[T]he movement is a cautionary tale for what happens when people with good intentions are given too much money.

Maybe. But I think it's far more accurate to say that it is an indication of how tempting and easy it is to extract and refine that precious and readily available mineral called White Guilt. Even criminals can do it, and then they can play the race card to inhibit investigation (and get away with it much/most of the time?). The perfect crime!

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I don't know of anyone who likes Giuliani, but $150,000,000 for defamation? Many rape victims don't even get a day in court, let alone restitution. This whole lawfare thing is making me uncomfortable.

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I remember feeling like I was living in some kind of insanity with all these gullible manipulated woke leftists attempting to pay off their white-guilt by putting these BLM signs in their yard, posting a black square on Instagram and sending money to these obvious hucksters. I lost so much respect for people who I thought wouldn't fall for such an obvious scam and I would be demonized and called a racist if I didn't go along with it.

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Oh wow, I haf actually forgotten about the BLM yard signs. Such virtue signaling. What does that sign accomplish? I'm betting anyone with a sign then would not now admit that the BLM movement was a scam.

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At the time I was told that they’d posted the signs so their windows wouldn’t get broken.

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"Instead, the movement [BLM] is a cautionary tale for what happens when people with good intentions are given too much money."

Love you Maddy and miss you at National Review, but that sentence is vacuous. Here are two better conclusions about BLB

1. It's a cautionary tale for what happens when you give any money to people who think rioting, looting and doing billions of dollars in damage is desirable. Good intentions? Seriously?

2. Good Lord! Do you hear yourself? That's what Republicans have been saying about progressives and Democrats and the federal government for decades!!

The good intentions of leftists have done untold harm to the United States.

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I have now subscribed to The Free Press for a while. But more and more, I find that I am not reading it. The reason is the formatting. I look at it and I see a see of print. I can't skim it. I don't have time to read everything. There are usually no headlines and long paragraphs. Please improve. I know there is content that I want to read.

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The Giuliani judgement is...cathartic.

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And that’s what they claimed BLM was. Even a judge and a jury can be extortionists.

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There are no heroes or heroines. Why do adults need these fake for the moment icons who turn out to be worse than they are which is why they search in the first place.? All of these influencers and "thought leaders" who tell the public--particularly kids-- that they can be anyone they want. They can be stars. They can have their dreams. This is 100% GARBAGE. The majority are average. Often mediocre and now -- until Ozempic fixes us-- FAT and gluttonous too.

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It reminds me of The Stranglers' song, No More Heroes.

"Whatever happened to all the heroes?

All the Shakespearoes?

They watched their Rome burn

Whatever happened to the heroes?..."

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Those who, even for a moment, believed in the BLM movement as anything but a hoax to milk the public out of their hard earned dollar.....really needs to go back and finish their K-12 education and actually graduate. Those who thought up this money milking machine did finish their K-12 journey and used it in a very devious and negative way. Come on America get educated!

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