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"Today, the BLM brand is widely recognized as a scam that lost $6.2 million in the last fiscal year.'

Yeah.....many of us recognized the BLM thingy as a grift from the get go. I remember laughing when I saw Pelosi and Schumer kneeling while wearing Kente scarves. I had left leaning friends who went downtown and walked in protest marches holding up their fists and looking like low IQ cultists. Imagine looking back on that and not feeling like the biggest cuck that ever cucked.

To date, the Joe Rogan/Elon Musk podcast has drawn largest audience with 67 million listeners, but if I'm a betting man, the Rogan/Trump drop will leave even that one in the dust with probably north of 100 million listeners. No doubt all the megalomaniac corporate news organizations and left leaning sociopathic journalists will go at Rogan hard to discredit him, but that's just because they are in the death rattle stage of their professional lives. I also laughed out loud when Kearns offered up Bari's Honestly podcast to Trump. I realize that she's just being funny, but I mean, imagine Bari sitting him down and forcing him to talk to her for 3 hours about Hezbollah, eating cats or Nellie having another baby.

Now if you want to read a REALLY interesting story, Matt Taibbi with Racket News & Paul Thacker dropped a damning piece on how UK groups with close ties to Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, and now working with the Harris/Walz campaign, are attempting to 'Kill Musk's Twitter' and interfere in the 2024 US presidential election just 2 weeks away. This should be one of the biggest scandals in US election history. Unlike Russiagate, which was a complete fabrication hoisted upon the American people for 3 1/2 years by the democrats and corporate media, UKGate IS in fact election interference pure and simple. Should Trump be elected, he should immediately cut all aid to the UK, implement sanctions, and lobby the UN to bring foreign election interference charges against the UK until they dismantle and make illegal corrupt NGO's like The Center for Countering Digital Hate. In the mean time, Trump has filed a Federal Election Commission complaint against 'far-left' Labour helping the Kamala Harris campaign for ‘illegal foreign campaign contributions’ and ‘interference in our elections’. Matt Taibbi is a national treasure.

And remember folks. You don't hate the media enough. You think you do, but you don't.

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British Labor: Stay Out of Our Internal Affairs!

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I’m a photography hobbyist and photographed one of many protests and the vandalism that took place around the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus during George Floyd mania. I went as a nonparticipant, only to snatch some good photos and luckily did get many. It was in the afternoon when I was there, well before nighttime when nearly all of the destruction took place, but the vandalism I saw at and around the Statehouse greatly dismayed me as did a few other things I witnessed. I was firmly against all the hate and calls for mayhem and violence from such a large portion of the white community in support of what turned out to be a deeply, deeply corrupt organization looking to capitalize on a manufactured crisis. It was a bad stretch of history for our country that could have been avoided if not for BLM and its “progressive” enablers in D.C..

I saw and shot quite a few uplifting poignant moments there at the Statehouse too. Positive messaging from the black community was competing against the noise from another segment of their community, as well as a large contingent of white protesters. While there I felt safe, was threatened by no one and during those daylight hours things were noisy but relatively peaceful.

A couple months later after Jacob Blake had been shot (not killed) resisting police, I saw a Facebook post urgently calling for all BLM supporters to assemble on Sunday for a protest march that was to begin and end at the Statehouse. I saw this as another opportunity for photos. After arriving late (streets were blocked) I waited with my camera for the protesters to return to the Statehouse. The first thing that struck me seeing them approaching from a distance was how small the group was. When they reached the Statehouse and stood in a circle, a half dozen people took turns on a bullhorn getting out their collective message. The more glaring thing that struck me was the lack of black men and women among the protesters—a dozen at most—in comparison to the bike security team behind me whose numbers of black team members far surpassed what were in the group of protestors.

I took some photos then made my way over to the Statehouse which was encircled by (at my guess) 80 Ohio State Troopers—approximately 30 or so whom were black—and after offering my appreciation for their efforts, talked a while with a few of them working side by side. I made the comment that I couldn’t understand why there were so few black people who showed up. A black Trooper grinned wryly and said, “They’re all where I should be…at home watching the NBA playoffs”.

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Don't forget Occupy Wall Street. They were the sweethearts of the left. Nancy Pelosi (the Wicked Witch of the West) and other prominent Dem/Socs gave rave reviews of the movement.

As it turned out most the people camped out on Wall Street were a bunch of bums, junkies, nut cases and rapists. Three were arrested for trying to blow up a bridge.

The goofier the nut cases, the more the Dems/Socs love them.

Support insanity. Vote Dem/Soc.

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Racket’s story was a bombshell. Though this administration and its western allies have made no attempts to conceal their support of censorship of Musk and Trump, they keep mouthing the word “freedom” and comparing those two to the world’s worst despots. If polls are correct this messaging is falling flat with independents.

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Thank you Evan for the really important news of the day that the Free Press is ignoring. Maybe Bari is controlled opposition

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Matt Taibbi story Evans links to is amazing. If they were helping Republicans it would be a Pulitzer Prize wing story by NYT but probably ignored there.

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re: Two-tier Keir Starmer vs. Elonardo da Vinci. Bet on Elon.

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I would generally always agree on betting on Elon, but he even knows how high and dangerous the stakes are. At this point, would anyone be surprised if someone tried to take him down? He certainly seems to think that.

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There is a cabal of criminal left wingers trying to take him down every day. They won’t win

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I was a boy when JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr. were murdered, and I remember vividly how it changed the world - not just then, but thereafter, and to this day. I lose sleep over the prospects of the bad people killing The Man Who Can Save This Nation and probably The Smartest Man Who Ever Lived - a man who is using that brain to take us to the stars instead of generating money for the sole purpose of ruling the world.

Churchill's words haunt my sleep: " If we can stand up to him (them), Europe (America) may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science."

Perverted science. Yes indeed. These are the stakes, and it is horrifying to think that all of our hopes and dreams depend upon the lives and health of just two men.

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The thing that separates Elon from the others and pisses the woke liberal masses and Dems off the most is: Elon is smarter than them, he is his own man and does as he wants, he supports freedom, he uses his money to improve mankind's lives, he can see the future needs, he is successful in his endeavors; but most of all, he doesn't use private aircraft to fly woke liberal Dems to sex and drug parties with underage people and doesn't give them money to improve their lives only. That really, really pisses the woke Dem liberals off!

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Thank you for bringing up Taibbi’s story. He is certainly a national treasure.

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This is the global censorship information controlling industry that Mike Benz Cyber has been teaching us about. Our US State Dept and their cutouts are operating all over the globe and domestically to control the masses

This is why they target Elon Musk who purchased Twitter now X to stand for Free speech and idea exchange on the internet

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Yet I still have a next door neighbor with the “In this house we believe in Black Lives Matter…” sign in the front yard. Are they not paying attention or has the NYT not told them to take it down yet?

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It’s not a problem. Just signaling that there is no one there willing to defend their property. I’d put up a “This property protected by an armed homeowner “ if I was you.

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I just a weekend with a bunch of friends who are all white women over 45 and all drinking the Kamala koolaid. They are good people but the most stupid smart people I know. It’s wild. BLM is still good, the biggest issue is their daughters not being able to get an abortion, and the Orange Man is ever so icky and bad. My eyeballs are still stuck in the back of my head from rolling them so hard.

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I’ve got a friend who asked me if didn’t fear that my granddaughter might not be able to get an abortion in the future. Yes, that’s my highest aspiration for her. My God.

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"Stupid smart people" is a good phrase. They are very good at using their above average IQs in service to very narrow-minded propositions. The felt sense I have in conversation with this sort of person is anxious, stifled, like there's a straight jacket over the conversation and punishment awaits for any expression of curiosity. It's an effective psychological defense because they show me, usually without saying it directly, that they aren't interested in a mutual conversation and it will be costly if I challenge them. Especially in groups I'm often struck by the collective "Um hums" and gasps and snide holier-than-thou laughter, because it literally hasn't occurred to them that not everyone believes exactly what they do. That's what disturbs me more, not just that they believe unreal things, but that they don't believe in discourse that might modify their beliefs over time.

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I, too, have some sweet and kind female friends with whom I just cannot talk politics. (I give a few men I know a pass, but not all.) As a woman passionate about politics and geopolitics, I have struggled with that. Where is the one true friend, I ask? that is, the friend who whether or not he or she is in agreement, can enjoy the back and forth, has a good mind and so can contribute to the back and forth, and who continues to respect and like me?

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This. I have female friends but I can’t get into those kind of discussions with them. It actually gets kind of lonely. My book club, my work colleagues… Im a teacher… I have no one aside front my husband who’s on my wave length.

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In the old days, you could disagree with your friends on any given topic, and laugh and tease each other about it, and it was all OK. But 10 to 15 years ago, I noticed a cultural shift surrounding the concept of friendship. Suddenly, the expression “ride or die“ started cropping up everywhere, and the new idea of friendship was unquestioning support in every situation (whether the person was right or wrong).

Of course, this is a reflection of the generalized moral relativity that has overtaken our society. This is an extreme example, but still… If I have a friend who murdered someone, I will NOT be covering for him. I would do the same, even if the murderer were my spouse. Murderers should be tried and be sent to prison, so that we, on the outside, can be safe.

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My Greek-American family used to have actual shouting matches over politics, especially in the 1970s and 1980s when they were still hearty (and alive). My mother, a moderate Rockefeller Republican, and my Uncle Bill, a diehard Democrat, would really have at it. One exchange:

"Billy, you'd vote for Mickey Mouse if he was a Democrat!"

"Damn right I would! That's a fact!"

After that, they'd resume chatting amiably over their cocktails.

My father was an Independent but of course agreed with Mom.

I long for those old days. For lots of reasons.

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Hard to find. I feel your pain.

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You have just described my book club.

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Most of my neighborhood still have BLM signs, Harris signs in front of houses. I guess that explains why I see so many people wearing masks at grocery store 🤭

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You must be living in the swing state. I see quite a few people wearing masks walking their dogs in the regional park aka forest, no people anywhere near them. That's blue state for you!

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Be willing to bet they would change if it directly impacted their neighbourhood. Look at Martha's Vineyard last year, be willing to bet a buncha them folx(?) had "In This House We Believe" signs that were replaced with "No Trespassing" signs as soon as them Venezuelans landed at their airport.

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There are plenty of these types around here in Winston-Salem, NC. I mean can you actually imagine the level of mental illness you have to have to do some shit like this?

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Thank you. I loved it!

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I have found, that the people in the highly-educated-stupid-people group, cannot step outside their virtue signaling horse shit bubble because then they would have to admit to themselves how patently stupid, clueless, and ridiculous they are. They are truly the most insufferable species on the planet. They think they are so smart and they are just plain dumbasses.

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Well said, thank you.

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To them, the rest of us are semiliterate, hicks, missing a few teeth, drinking whiskey out of a jug, dolts. We are the unwashed rabble. To quote one of the left's heroes, "the deplorables".

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I would must rather be amongst the unwashed toothless deplorables any day of the week. For the most part, they are real and very good people. And they are certainly smarter than those who look down on them because they still possess common sense and survival skills unlike the highly-educated-stupid people.

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Well said!!

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Those signs meant “please don’t hurt me”. BLM was a protection racket.

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Chuckle. I grew to think so too. BLM signs, translated, mean, "Don't break my windows! Please!"

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They really mean “I’m a compliant victim.”

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