
This is one of the best, most informative episodes I’ve heard in a while. I plan to listen to it again just to solidify what I learned. Thank you so much. Please bring this guest back!

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This was a very interesting interview. Thank you. One correction I would make is that currently there are 100 hostages being held by Hamas. This includes people that were taken on October 7, 2023 - those that are believed to be alive as well as those that were murdered in captivity, together with 4 hostages that have been held by Hamas for over 10 years - 2 soldiers believed to have been killed and 2 civilians who are believed to be alive. That means 100 families waiting for their loved ones. All need to be released.

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What I was a little bit curious about, if anyone knows… is to what extend was Haviv accurate about the “many ethnic cleansings and genocides” that European nations carried out post-WW2.

When I heard that, I thought back to my studies in school and university and never heard any in-depth or even surface level discussions on that sort of thing. When I did a little quick research, what I see is mention of deaths happening as a result of displacement of certain ethnic groups in Germany and the Eastern Euro countries, with the biggest counts happening amongst Germans… but this seems to be highly contentious as to whether it actually constitutes ethnic cleansing (and certainly not genocide).

I have no sway either way in what I think, so I’m just curious anyone’s knowledge on this, but to me Haviv seemed quite lacking in perspectives outside his own from Israel so maybe that’s where he’s lacking in Euro studies generally(?).

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Fascinating interview. Hope you keep Moynihan on call for more deep dives like this.

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Ok, boomer here. This is all so confusing! It is so important to understand, where to go to help do that?

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No clarity to add, other than to say: thank you for honestly acknowledging how confusing it is - there is an important point in this interview where Michael Moynihan asks Haviv Rettig Gur how he'd help someone protesting outside his door understand what's going on. You are already many steps ahead of those Haviv mentions in his answer. Keep asking specific questions like you are below. :)

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Which part are you trying to understand better?

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The entire logistics of the area. I never understand who is who, mainly the different sects and who the good guys are and the bad. I understand the overall Iran, Israel… the stuff now happening in Syria is confusing. Who are the good guys there? I guess my question is, who is supported by Iran?

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I don't think there are good guys in Syria. I mean I'm sure there are some good guys who just want to survive and keep their families safe on all sides, but there isn't a “good guys fraction”. There are bad and worse options. Assad is supported by Iran or Russia, but the rest aren't much better either.

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this was excellent. both the questions - great job, Michael! and Haviv... well he's always excellent. I listen to the Call Me Back podcast. The final segment on antisemitism was brilliant.

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Fantastic podcast. The FP continues to deliver thoughtful analysis and commentary on the Middle East.

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Please consider providing transcripts for all Honestly interviews. I know a lot of folks prefer to listen while doing other things, but I can't be the only subscriber who prefers reading as it allows me to consume more information.

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I listen to Haviv Rettig Gur on Call Me Back with Dan Senor regularly. This discussion was a bit different. One negative, one positive.

On the negative side, it's clear (with some justification) that he doesn't care for Netanyahu. Multiple times, Haviv mentioned that Netanyahu didn't have a Gaza strategy. I recall (and frequently refer back to) a Wall Street Journal editorial that Netanyahu published on Dec 25, 2023. It's very clear: destroy Hamas, demilitarize Gaza, and deradicalize its people. Once that is done, then Gaza will be safe enough to rebuild. What isn't mentioned in the article, but obviously just as important, is the freeing of the hostages. And, obviously, no one is saying that this will be easy.

On the positive side, his definition of anti-Zionism is a master class in moral clarity. It's even better with him showing an emotional side that doesn't often come out on Call Me Back.

Highly recommend listening to this one.

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Agreed. Love Call Me Back.

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The enemies of Israel are encouraged by the fact that the Jewish people have a reconstituted sovereign Israel because they have nowhere else to go. But what is crucial is that the U.S. has never allowed Israel to actually win a war. Delivery of weaponry has been “suspended” or threatened to force Israel to deal with those who would destroy her on America’s terms.

Israel’s neighbors get billions in international aid after starting wars. They use it to rearm and to build sophisticated terror tunnels. But if Israel ever loses, she will be annihilated. Her Arab neighbors are well aware that Israel has never been allowed to win and therefore they are encouraged to try again and again to destroy her.

Regarding Hezbollah, they began bombing Israel on Oct8 and did so for a year before Israel fought back. Hezbollah’s war of attrition depopulated northern Israel. Hezbollah knew the powerful psychological effect of a war of attrition waged while Israel was fighting off Hamas. Hezbollah’s strategy was primarily psychological, but backed up by a ferocious arsenal that could be brought into play at any time.

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J’adore Haviv Rettig Gur. Always very insightful.

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According to Haviv Rettig Gur's definition of antisemitism then Jehovah, the prophets of the OT, and Jesus were all antisemites. In the Scriptures, Jehovah often chastised his chosen people for their refusal to follow His plan of salvation. My view is that antisemitism is the rejection of the Jews as Jehovah's chosen people, through which He brings salvation to the world. Christians love the Jews and Israel for their role in bringing salvation to the world.

This was a really good episode. Michael Moynihan is such a good interviewer. Excellent questions and discussion.

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Jews are grateful to our Christian allies, i.e., CUFI and others. However, it is a recent thing.

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Brilliant discussion - thank you!

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