We live in an era in which debate has become impossible. But if you’re a subscriber to The Free Press, we know you believe it’s never been more necessary.
That’s why we are so proud to team up with FIRE, the nation’s leading defender of free speech rights, to host our very first live debate on a subject that affects every woman, man, girl, and boy. The proposition? The sexual revolution has failed.
On Wednesday, September 13 at 7 p.m., musician and producer Grimes and Sarah Haider, writer and co-host of the podcast A Special Place in Hell, will face off with Anna Khachiyan, co-host of the podcast Red Scare, and Louise Perry, author of The Case Against the Sexual Revolution.
I’ll be joining these four brilliant women to moderate the debate onstage at the historic Ace Theatre in downtown Los Angeles—a 1,600-seat movie palace from the 1920s. I can’t wait to see you there.
Get your tickets now by visiting: thefp.com/debates
Premium tickets: $165. Best seats in the house. These come with a limited edition Free Press tote bag. (It’s fantastic.)
Gold tickets: $110. Tickets come with a Free Press hat. (I’m wearing one right now.)
Standard tickets: $65. Nothing but a good time.
Don’t wait. Get your tickets today. And expect many more of these to come.
See you ringside.
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Where's Mary Harringon? Or even better, Rabbi Manis Friedman?
I don't know any of the participants, except Grimes. I am a boomer and, believe it or not, I love her 2015 "Art Angels" album. But seriously, she's a participant in a serious debate? Really? Good Lord!