Also, Alec Baldwin is the worst possible comparison. Mr. Baldwin shoots people dead. Mr. Trump gets shot and lives.

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Yet, somehow, Mr. Trump is the only one to face a jury.

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“Finally, a Good Trump Movie”?????

Hello!? He was the only good part in Home Alone 2.

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"...it’s about what happens when you suppress your humanity in the pursuit of power."

Now make this about Barack Obama, the Clinton family, the Bush family etc. etc. etc. We know this lesson in America.

Time for a new one. Time for the lesson of what happens when common people get fed up and start suppressing the pursuit of power through the power of their humanity.

And abortion. Because we all know that the only way to demonstrate our humanity is to abort things. So, of course, abortion. That's all that really matters in the end.

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project... DELENDA EST!

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