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I'd have a drink with Kamala. But first I would have someone distract her so I could switch our glasses.

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Perhaps an invitation to the Ayatollah to a Hamilton themed Soul Cycle Class and a wine afterword, perhaps a Drood. The Ayatollah could be convinced that wanting the Great Satan, ie us, dead is not a diplomatic starter. Perhaps a meeting in Munich. Then a return with a document "symbolic of the desires of our two peoples never to go to war" and we would have "peace for our time". Surely the Ayatollah can be convinced to stop the development of a nuclear weapon.

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There are very few people I wouldn't have a drink with as long as I found them interesting. Kamala has had an amazing career and I disagree with her on almost every subject, that would not stop me from wanting to get to know her better and perhaps debating the issues that are important to me.

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This is 2024, buddy. Now we just insult each other.

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I’d have a drink with either of them. At the end of the day, we’re all Americans. A family, and all of us have someone in our family that we sometimes don’t click with. I know I do.

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If she promised not to laugh incessantly and continuously nod at her own 'pearls of wisdom', then yeah, I'd have a gin martini with her.

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No. Harris cackles so much because she thinks she is hilarious. And we look at comedians who tell crummy jokes with disdain.

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A chance to share thoughts with a future president? Of course.

Sorry, Republicans (and Jewish people, and people with savings, and probably even people with cats), she's going to win. You went with Trump again. The Democrats might have been able to beat him with a person who can barely get out of bed in the morning.

Would I use that opportunity wisely? It's more getting people to talk than running your own mouth. It's always good to learn where people are coming from.

In that sense, sorry, Peter, I like your insights at times, but you are too quick to dismiss that most people have good intentions and it's helpful to learn why they're going in whatever direction they're going. Maybe Kamala Harris is the straw-woman you describe, but how would one know?

And if you don't, you'll never experience a Hamilton-themed SoulCycle class, which is something all of us should do once (and only once).

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I’d have a drink with her so I could nearly immediately metaphorically throw it in her face for her policies and her lies, and because my friend died during Covid and I could not say goodbye. There needs to be a reckoning for the authoritarian public health nightmare created by progressives.

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Would I have a drink with Kamala Harris? Depends. Are Hemlock Margaritas on the menu?

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You just earned yourself a spot next to Tulsi on the SSSS list…

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It's cool. I'll make sure to bring treats for the dogs and coffee for the agents.

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Not that wanting to drink woth a candidate is a reason to vote for them, but:

Drinks with Harris: the 'hang' starts out stiff, conversation full of dog whistles and deflection. Eventually she loosens enough to slip and reveal contempt and aggression.

Drinks with Trump: starts out lively, openly crass, full of shit and engaging. A few drinks in, conversation rapidly becomes bitter and disjointed, he starts to fall asleep

Drinks with Kennedy: fun, intelligent conversation full of charm. Too many drinks are had, evening devolves into reckless and entitled behavior as we paint the town red.

Kennedy remains the best candidate.

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Trump doesn't drink alcohol.

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To Peter’s point, hard to drink with an empty vessel.

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Even harder to live with one. Which just diminishes my respect for her husband.

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