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This is a pathetic, repugnant smear attempt by Eli and the FP. It's all innuendo, zero substance.

You allude to examples of the excellent journalism The Greyzone has done and hint that it must be "bad" because it challenged the propaganda of the U.S. security state and the establishment media, but you include no substantive argument that Greyzone's journalism was inaccurate, because you can't.

Max must be "bad" because his father worked for Hillary Clinton? That's nuts. Especially considering that Eli's ideology is in lockstep with Hillary's, and Max's is starkly at odds with that ideology.

You want us to assume along with you that it was "bad" for Anya to have arranged Carlson's interview with the president of Russia. What kind of neo-McCarthyite jackass would think that was "bad"? What's bad is **not** having dialogue with Russia. Every U.S. president until Biden met with Putin and had a constructive relationship with him. We are on the verge of WWIII, you nitwits, and it's because of the insane neocon foreign policy agenda that you support, the agenda that deliberately provoked Russia to intervene in Ukraine.

Who are "America’s enemies"? Neocon ideologues, that's who.

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Excellent. Shine a bright light!

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I'm not totally comfortable with the idea of "America's enemies." If we were still in a nationalistic/patriotic country where people proudly hung flags, honored their past, etc, I could jump on board with framing things in nationalist terms. But we're not. Every sporting event has 2 national anthems. Statues of the founding fathers are being taken down. More than half of law school graduates say the constitution is racist. Schools teach that America is a colonial settler state that has no right to its land. The US military openly discriminates against some applicants achieving officer positions. The border is wide open, and tens of millions of foreign nationals pour over it.

Who are America's enemies? In my mind, they're right here, inside America. The FBI going after parents at school board meetings or people going to Latin Mass - they're a ton scarier to me, a more real threat, than Iran maybe getting a nuclear weapon. Oregon jails releasing mhundreds of rapists and violent criminals - that might affect me (if I go to Oregon), while China won't. Mexican drug gangs sending operatives into America and flooding the streets with fentanyl - yeah, that affects me, in a way that Russia will never do.

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Indeed! America's enemies vote blue every election, regardless of how inane, ridiculous or demonstrably false the claims of the Democratic Party. America's enemies work in its public schools, are members of teacher's unions and university administrations. America's enemies hate the common man with such abandon that they support every possible method to hurt and destroy them. America's enemies work at the New York Times and the Washington Post and graduate from the Ivy League. And currently, one resides in the White House...

They are hiding in plain sight.

The Democratic Party of America, DELENDA EST!

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There should be a link from this article back to Ayan Hirsi Ali’s and the connection to Legacy media continue to the truth and service of a larger, more sinister goal. As fearful as I can sometimes get , I try to put some faith in the hope that somehow, through the fullness of time, all things will shake themselves out. nihilism about outcomes is its own form of cancer. You have to keep fighting the good fight with hope and planting seeds.

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"Still, if a “news” site keeps explaining away the aggression, atrocities, and oppression of the worst regimes on earth, does it really matter if the regimes themselves are paying for such great press?"

Good point! Which is why it doesn't matter if the Democratic Party is funding the Free Press... The Free Press and Bari Weiss are still willing to run cover for the Democrats when the time comes... and they will find new, clever ways to remind us that no matter how bad Biden is, Trump is just worse...

The Democratic Party of America, DELENDA EST!

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Dude you're like a black mirror to my own comments habits.

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Well , I'll defend to my death their right to speak. Even the most disagreeable of sources can help call out establishment bullshit

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