
the network’s “Race and Culture Unit “We must always be aware of how race and culture impacts our journalism—and, in terms of the future of CBS News, this unit will be as important as Standards and Practices,” a CBS executive said at the time. "

Inching closer to Orwell's Newspeak.

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This is small change compared to the 60 minutes interview of Kamala. CBS is purported to have edited her responses to make her usual gibberish sound cogent.

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"Which poses a few questions. Chief among them: Are there different rules for different journalists at CBS? "

Or are there different rules for those being interviewed?

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How dare an evil Nazi privileged white male oppressor and colonizer speak to a black man in any other way except to drop to his knees and beg for forgiveness for the original sin of being white! Who does he think he is?

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Great reporting by the FP. CBS is a disgrace - Cronkite and Murrows’ legacies are being buried in CBS’s shameful junk journalism.

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Why am I reading this with a smile on my face? Why did I laugh out loud like this is comedy??? This model of news with the bias department… this model of anything with a “sensitivity” department is so not sustainable. 😂 I. Just. Can’t.

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Tony is too good for what used to be my favorite morning show. None of the networks have any news programs worth watching anymore. I hope Tony (and Nate) find a new and more intelligent news outlet to contribute their journalistic talents. It's wonderful to get the news over coffee each morning with the Free Press! Wouldn't it be nice to Tony on board?

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Congrats to the FP, WSJ now published a regurgitation and links to your story.

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This is why Bari is my hero!!!

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As disgraceful as all of this is, is anyone actually surprised? (note: I am not)

Large corporate America has (largely willingly) become the horse upon which DEI and virtue signalling rides. Those with integrity are dwindling in numbers either from being kicked out or from realising that it's better to leave and do their own thing (Hello, Bari and The FP). It is only when something becomes public (and it becomes clear that the population that ISN'T in favour of DEI etc is larger than those who do) that there is any questioning of who us running the agenda and if it is really the one organisations should be following. (Biden and his senility hiding until it couldn't be hidden anymore being a massive example of this going all the way to the top.)

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So Bari, Oliver, and The FP is going to continue to complete ignore the injustice of what happened to Tina Peters and her release of all the proof of election rigging of the Dominion Voting Machines in Colorado because it's inconvenient to what they want the truth to be instead of what the truth actually is.

What happened, Bari? You PROMISED that Common Sense would search out and expose all the hard truths of the day, but you've allowed The FP to become just another mainstream media-like DNC mouthpiece. You and Oliver Wiseman and Joe Nocera and all of the other Leftists you've hired here are more than happy to ignore truth and reality when it exposes the lies of your Leftist world view. You've allowed The FP to ignore every huge story that's been good for Trump and / or bad for Harris.

You decided what is and isn't worthy of being news is just as much of a lie as actually getting out there and stating a direct lie, like Harris keeps on doing about her immigration policy or economic policies, etc.


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I love that you've exposed yourself as a dilettante in referring to FP writers as Leftists.

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Your head spins. Was Dokoupil forced to explain himself because Mr Coates is African-American? Would his questions have received so much attention if his subject was some kind of known bigot? Is Mr Coates benefitting from some sort of privilege because of the work he's done in the past? Has his reputation afforded him the right to criticize Israel more severely than others without being required to answer for it?

This is the logical end of having a Race and Culture unit that may oversee the pursuit of actual truth and understanding.

Bizzarro world.

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I look forward to the day when Bari’s media empire has grown to the point where it can buy up the husks of the woke propaganda peddlers and turn them into something useful. It can’t come soon enough.

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If you think The FP isn't just another Leftist platform that continues to lie by omission, just like all of the other news platforms, you're deeply delusional.

– They ignored RFKjr dropping out of the race, giving one of the greatest political speeches in American history, and endorsing Trump

– They ignored Tulsi Gabbard endorsing Trump

–They ignored RFKjr and Tulsi joining Trump's transition team

– They ignore almost all of Tim Walz's lies, including being in Hong Kong during Tianemen Square, and they actually tried to excuse his Stolen Valor here

– They ignored the recent stories of Doug Emhoff being a misogynist, woman-beating, beta

– They ignored how Harris's border policies PURPOSEFULLY let in 600K known criminal illegal aliens, including 15K rapists and 13K murderers

– They ignored how FEMA, without Congressional Oversight, decided on their own to take money meant for disaster relief and reallocated it to illegal immigrant resettlement

– They ignored Harris's awful response to the Hurricane Helene victims, including her laughably horrible photo op where she's staring at blank papers and pretending to listen to a phone call without her earbuds plugged into her phone

– The ignored the ABC News Whistleblower who came forward, under punishment of perjury, to provide proof that ABC and Harris colluded to cheat during the most recent debate

– They have ignored for well over six months all of the news coming out of Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Colorado the proof of the election rigging in those states during the 2020 election, including the case of Tina Peters where she had verifiable proof that the Dominion Voting Machines were tampered with which we've all been told is "impossible."

And that's not even the full list of newsworthy events that Bari Weiss's The FP, under editorial direction of Oliver Wiseman and Joe Nocera, have refused to cover because they all run counter to their Leftist worldview.

They are liars of ommission. That is not what we were promised. This is fraud. Those of us who gave our money to Common Sense because we were promised a news platform that went after the hard truths have been defrauded by The FP.

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Objective reporting, interviewing and analysis are long dead at CBS. Freedom of speech is in grave danger.

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Since when do serious journalists provide questions in advance? Why so little transparency at CBS? This network is clearly on the wrong path. I hope Shari Redstone will step in, clean house and hire serious journalists whose priority is unbiased reporting. Kudos to Bari and staff for bringing this story to light.

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Former CBS employee here (CBS Radio, which was News adjacent). To say that the culture of professional news gathering and delivery has changed is to also acknowledge that change is endemic at media organizations and corporations across the board. What raises a pure and bright red flag for me is Dokoupil's managers throwing him under the bus for the same journalistic prowess and verve that defined the styles of Mike Wallace, Ed Bradley, Lesley Stahl, and the other professionals that made the award-winning, hard-hitting 60 Minutes an exemplary news program.

The issue, plain-to-see, was a whiff of partiality to Israel, which wasn't the case, but the DEI standard-bearers of modern corporate culture, who DO have an agenda against Israel, see otherwise.

Shari Redstone was correct in disagreeing with how the situation was handled and saying that she didn’t believe the interview violated editorial standards.

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