I found this a fascinating article, I’ve always been intrigued by the complexity of the brain. A few years ago I did a web search on face blindness because I wondered if I had it. Obviously there is a spectrum and I seem to fall in to the lower percentages. It takes me several meetings to finally recognize new people. So interesting.

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It was a previous FP article on aphantasia that started my own epiphany that I couldn't visual an image in my apparently lazy mind's eye. Discussing the article at a dinner party, I was amazed that everyone else, except my sister, could accurate describe images they could see when they closed their eyes. How could this be!? They were equally amazed that I could not.

And now face blindness. Well I guess on a bell curve, I would be somewhere on the lower half. Not in the mediocre macaque range, but I have had my share of embarrassing episodes of not recognizing those I should.

Thanks for this light article that helps us with our shared and diverse humanity.

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I've heard of this condition before. What I wonder is if people with face blindness see everyone as having the same generic face, or if they see a blur, as represented in the photographs accompanying the story? And can they tell the difference between races and genders, i.e. "Black woman" or "Asian man?" Sounds like she notices hair color. Do the face blind see eye color?

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Sounds like me! I’m not as bad - maybe face myopic? I recognize my own family and people I see every day. But if I don’t see them frequently I wouldn’t know. I don’t recognize a lot of celebrities without promoting (unless it’s someone like Taylor Swift. But if she’s wearing a t-shirt and jeans, I might see her as just another blonde).

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Enjoyed the piece. Thank you for the education.

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I am just not sure I am buying all of this blather.

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As if there weren't enough subjects of note in the cultural news, The Free Press has decided to give us a story that would be published in the "News of The Weird and Unusual" column in my local newspaper's back page.

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