The terms "liberal" and "conservative" have lost all meaning in our increasingly fractured and dystopian society. So-called progressives are anything but "liberal", and so-called conservatives have become nihilistic, anti-institutionalists perfectly comfortable with erasing the enlightenment ideals that underpin the founding of the United States. The far-left and far-right are both absolutist in their thinking and use intimidation and threats to silence opposition. Neither can tolerate nuance or civil debate. Unfortunately, the MSM has turned a blind eye to this tragic evolution, perhaps because their own institutions have been overtaken by the same illiberal forces that have permeated society as a whole.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

More spoiled, entitled "intifada" brats that will learn soon how the real world works. The snowflakes won't be protected by the administration after graduation. The snowflakes will either get a job and learn some respect and manners. Or more likely they'll live on welfare on the streets.

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The majority of this mob does not even know what happened on October &. They join the protesters for fun. They are ignorant, poorly educated in history, excepted with the help of DEI and have to be EXPELLED. America deserves better future

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I work for the UC. I can't wait to retire and get the hell out of dodge. The management is spineless and embodies none of the virtues of enlightenment thinking. The researchers in general are good people though and do not support the lunacy of the children.

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"But violent rioters have no place at any institution devoted to the fearless pursuit of truth. Certainly not at Berkeley, home of the Free Speech Movement." Newsflash: I was there, you weren't. The idea that the "Free Speech" movement was about anything other than free speech for the left is risible. It was free speech for SNCC (the hilariously misnamed rioters in the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee) and its ilk.

I could give numerous examples, but I will only mention one: I recall trying to walk through Sather Gate to get to class only to be blocked by a picket line of threatening protesters (anti-war Vietnam, if I recall correctly). I happened to own an 80-pound bite-trained German Shepard at the time. Furious, I went home and brought him back with me. (Yeah, I know--but I was twenty at the time). To my everlasting delight, some little prick ripped off his protest sign, raised the wood and said, "get that dog out of here, before I...." that was as far as he got before by terrific German Shepheard leaped for his throat. (Spoiler alert; attack dogs are trained to attack anyone holding a piece of wood). Yes, I held my dog back, so he never made contact, but the above-mentioned prick fell back with a gasp. That's my version of how to handle "free speech" leftists.

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"But violent rioters have no place at any institution devoted to the fearless pursuit of truth. Certainly not at Berkeley, home of the Free Speech Movement." Newsflash: I was there, you weren't. The idea that the "Free Speech" movement was about anything other than free speech for the left is risible. It was free speech for SNCC (the hilariously misnamed rioters in the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.)

I could give numerous examples, but I will only mention one: I recall trying to walk through Sather Gate to get to class only to be blocked by a picket line of threatening protesters (anti-war Vietnam, if I recall correctly). I happened to own an 80-pound bite-trained German Shepard at the time. Furious, I went home and brought him back with me. (Yeah, I know--but I was twenty at the time). To my everlasting delight, some little prick ripped off his protest sign, raised the wood and said, "get that dog out of here, before I...." that was as far as he got before by terrific German Shepheard leaped for his throat. (Spoiler alert; attack dogs are trained to attack anyone holding a piece of wood). Yes, I held my dog back, so he never made contact, but the above-mentioned prick fell back with a gasp. That's my version of how to handle "free speech" leftists.

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If a person who walked through an open door, and escorted for a tour of the Capitol building on J6 get convicted, then why not people who violently disrupt speaking engagements, and destroy private and public property? The answer is plain as day! Officials are scared of the repercussions of enforcement. They bow down to political expediency and lose whatever moral compass they may have. No, the rioters will NOT be prosecuted, much less expelled, because when push come to shove (which it usually does!) officials actually AGREE with the rioters. The higher education edifice is crumbling and should be condemned and wiped clean, but it will never happen.

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When will students and faculty be held accountable for crushing opposing voices through violence and intimidation? I recommend students start suing these universities.

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I went to NYU in the late 60s. It has always been this way that the left is in favor of "right speech" not "free speech". I hosted a talk by South Vietnam's ambassador to the US and SDS disrupted and shut down the event.

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I totally agree. These illiberal destroyers of civilized discourse act as they do because there are no consequences.

If it were announced by the administration that anyone attempting to suppress speech or interrupt a speaking event WOULD result in a 1 semester suspension for the first offense and an expulsion for the second, I predict that there would be between zero and one actual punishments meted out before the barbarians got into line. These privileged children do not want "expelled from" Harvard or Berkeley to be line items on their resume.

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The Muslim "community" needs to step up and disavow these fools. Unless, of course their choice is to be complicit.

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Interesting that we have a majority of college aged/educated kids who will not/can not engage in a civil discussion with someone with a different opinion. God help them when they actually have to work for a living, I can see them living in their parents basement, for ever. Where did we all go wrong?

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Should get the same justice as the Jan 6 protestors if not more.

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Violence is definitely not protected speech. And I’m a free speech advocate just like Lukianoff, the great Nadine Strossen, and the father of them both, Nat Hentof. The IDF guy should unquestionably been allowed to speak. Boos should also be allowed, but not attempts to drown him out or shut him down. But what of all the rich Jewish donors bent on doing all in their power to suppress free speech and run roughshod over academic freedom in the name of fighting “antisemitism”? Should those who see the Gaza war as genicide plain and simple be allowed the same free speech on campus as the IDF? Should the former president of Penn be criticized by rich Jewish donors for her temerity in allowing a Palestinian Literary Festival on her campus? Should American representatives of Hamas have free speech? Should the most “extreme” critics of Israel, the Gaza war, and the entire Zionist project have equal access to our campus marketplaces of ideas—and our media? It is time for a fair, nonviolent fight across the board in America between Israel’s strongest defenders and strongest critics. Let the IDG guy debate Rashid Khalidi in a prime time town hall on CNN to kick this debate off.

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It is unabashed hatred. Let’s not make it sound polite. And it isn’t just Jewish people. It is anyone who opposes these brown shirts. You’re next.

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Berkely has a policy to expel these students https://chancellor.berkeley.edu/principles-guiding-accountability-violation-university-time-place-manner-rules-0 Are they doing it? DOUBTFUL according to my Magic 8 ball

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