
I’m a long way away in Australia, where we also have learnt a bit about bushfires. I thought what Trump has said on California’s fire vulnerability (especially on his Rogan podcast well before the fires) made perfect sense. California apparently took no care to clear fuel load in forests, did nothing to improve its water management notwithstanding high population growth, and stymied fuel management and reservoir construction by environmental lawfare, the later in favour of smelt over humans.

It’s easy to diagnose, because we do that stuff in Australia too, all the while building more properties in harm’s way. Then, when a bad fire occurs, it’s ‘climate change’.

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fish=tangentially related and controversial is the delta smelt. Fox News took issue with this fish back in 2015.

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Save the snark for TGIF. People are dead. Entire neighborhoods burned to the ground. Elected officials need to be held accountable for failures to address fire preparedness.

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Check the research, more likely the rise in cancer and infertility in young people is from the COVID vaccines. And Pfizer and all the other pharmaceutical pirates are still running adds for people to get boosted. Much of the death and destruction is that the love for mankind has grown cold. Money is their God. Other humans are only getting in their way. You think I am joking. What about the doctor in New York who got busted participating in “orgies” while the so-called COVID pandemic was it its peak. Pleasure, power, and obsessing over cash and possrssions is devastating our country!

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"...The Supreme Court was due to sentence Donald Trump on Friday..." Did you mean New York state court?

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Watched the ABC evening news tonight. Nary a word about the destructive progressive mismanagement contributing to this disaster. Nothing about Newsome’s policies, Bass’ absence, defunding the fire department or lack of available water. If you didn’t seek out alternative news outlets you wouldn’t have a clue. The mainstream media is morally bankrupt. I was waiting to see at the end of the broadcast if they ran a disclaimer stating “paid for by the Democratic National Committee.”

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Of course trump bothers to bash Newsom rather than attempting any message of unity around shared human suffering.

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So California by default shoots itself in the foot with poor monetary policies although they are the richest state in the nation and we’re supposed to feel sorry for high winds with no hydrant water and fire like every year? North Carolina storm survivors are still waiting for help, and are crying for Cali?

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Yes. That’s exactly what we are supposed to do because if it hasn’t happened already it will be you or me next…there’s no escaping any of this. And, a little bit of empathy, compassion never hurt anyone. These are people’s lives…CA, NC, HI, etc. Finally, the President of the “United” States is supposed to be uniting not name calling and acting like a 5 year old. This isn’t a fucking game show!

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It’s California. It is a f****ing game show.

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Other than here in the comments, where can I request that writers provide links to other articles that do not involve paywalls? Is the Free Press receiving kick backs from subscriptions to these other sources? Sometimes they are really bizarre -- like the New York Times. I thought this rag was created after it deemed the NY Times the enemy. Why are you leading me to the NY Times to find out more about a topic? I'm happy to pay you, Bari, but I'm not giving the NY Times my money. Thanks!

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The Free Press is a cringeworthy op-ed blog devoid of investigative journalism. On the rare occasion something of worth is published, it’s written by Doug Murray who actually is a feet on the ground, first hand factual journalist and extraordinary thinker. And brave.

This is just another bitchy , superficial piece written by a spoiled, opinionated lightweight.

For the record, I somehow doubt anybody outside of the author’s microcosm give a rat’s ass where Katey Sagal attended school and even fewer know who she is.

As per Trump’s impolitic rant about Newsom- he’s correct. Newsom had the opportunity to build water storage and availability output capturing rainwater runoff, snow melt and desalination facilities . Instead. He decreased the water capacity to “ protect” a non endangered fish , off referred to as a “ garbage fish” by professional fishermen. Nor has California done a damn thing to manage the forest dried brush and dead trees.Trump gave Newsom a huge chunk of change to get it done in 2018. Newsom didn’t and California burns. Karen Bass is another piece of work. Karen isn’t a bass. She’s a smelt.

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The dig at Trump for criticizing Cal politicians is sloppy. There were plenty of reasons to criticize the Cal Pols and Trump was right about the fish as others have explained in earlier comments; so I don't think the author worked too hard at trying to understand Trump's reference. In the end, this is about holding people accountable, and Cal Pols don't get a pass because they are in the middle of a disaster. Indeed, this is exactly the time to emphasize their screw-ups so those at fault (accountable remember) don't get elected again. The fires exposed the misguided policies of those in power.

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In 2019, the Trump administration proposed that more water be pumped from Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to supply farms to preserve more water.

However, there are limitations on how much water can be pumped in order to protect a rare species of fish called smelt, according to Cal Matters.

Lack of water=Empty fire hydrants

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Quoting Studs Terkel:”And nobody laughed.” Trump is actually using THAT argument with the Supreme Court?! “Harm to the institution of the presidency and to the operations of the federal government.” He’s kidding, right? Delusional. I can’t think of a president who did even equal harm to the presidency as Trump has through much of his term, climaxing in a wet dream of violent victory on January 6th.

Talk about ‘harm.’ And why should Trump care? His ‘followers’ really would excuse him if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue, even a little old lady living in a rent stabilized apartment.

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Dear Mr Page,

The forest/wild fire damage in California is directly linked to elected leaders who refuse make forestry maintenance a priority. The policies of the past several decades have been a ruinous disaster. My late uncle, Dr Gerald W Anderson, Director of Forestry Research for the Department of the Interior, developed guidelines for effective forestry management several decades ago. He was sent around the world to every continent, except Antarctica, to present this information and collaborate with governments in an attempt to contain/limit the destruction. The states, counties, and countries that have adapted these guidelines have curtailed their forest fire problems significantly. The ‘au natural’ policy, currently in place, designed to ‘save habitat/animal species’, has had disastrous consequences to the very things it purported to help. And then there are the trillions of dollars in property damage and the moral travesty of the lives lost directly due to this stupidity.

I live in Minnesota where Smelt Fries are a common fundraiser among American Legions, Lion’s Clubs, etc. They are a variety of tiny fish and there are hundreds of millions of them. California’s leaders have chosen to prioritize the lives of these common fish over the lives of their constituents. That decision is moronic, and evil. The sickos who support this type of policy must be held accountable.

Eileen Anderson

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I know this isn't as sexy as the fires, or Trump or RFK, Jr, but it's important.

Today’s venture into claimed health effects of microplastics (last news item) is not going to make TFP a trusted source of science information, unlike its well-earned credibility in political and cultural matters. TFP states that “microplastics may be causing a rise in cancer and infertility in young people, according to a new study…”

But a close look at the study itself strongly suggests an ideological intention to limit fossil fuels. The seven authors by their own words are activists as well as scientists. In spite of scientifically meager results, they state emphatically that, “Government at all levels (federal, state, and local) should take immediate action to mitigate exposure from microplastics.” In other words, to limit petroleum products.

The authors carried out only a “rapid review” of 31 previously published studies in order to meet a California legislative deadline. It appears that they didn’t actually read the full texts of the articles. 79% of the studies were from China, and only three were in humans (from China, Turkey and Iran), the rest being mostly in mice. No actual cancers or diseases were found among the animals or humans, only cellular changes of uncertain significance, from which the authors conclude that microplastics are a “suspected” cause of disease. Additional serious problems could be described for those who are interested.

Science reporting has been corrupted to some extent, although not as bad as political reporting. It would be great if TFP could get into this area in a serious way and give us credible scientific reporting, but I know it's tough terrain. But better to not do it at all than to do it poorly, as in today's effort.

(not written by Sher)

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Gleaned from years of listening to these arguments, here's what Trump's "trying to claim":

Newsom has done very little in 5 years as governor and 8 years as lieutenant governor to actually address California's wildfire risk, and a great deal to exacerbate it -- including (but probably not limited to) diverting significant rain/snow runoff into the ocean; supporting the shutdown of safe, sustainable, and carbon-neutral nuclear energy plants; cutting $150 million from the state's wildfire prevention budget in 2021 (while pouring unaccounted-for and unproductive billions into "homelessness"); failing to implement the systemic clearing and controlled burning residents have been begging for for years; failing to meaningfully engage the federal government in its also failing management/controlled burning of federal lands in the sate; allowing excessive and unjustified overregulation that actually prevents creating fire breaks and doing land clearing; and so on.

Oh, and as someone who got non-renewed by State Farm this year and had to go onto the overburdened "FAIR" plan, also playing an unwinnable and unsustainable game of chicken with private insurance companies that foreseeably drove them to stop offering homeowner coverage and leave the state.

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I am lost -- for what possible sinister reason is RFK alleged to have tried to get away with "voter fraud" by voting for Trump in New York? (Is anyone under the impression that ANYONE would be under the impression that a vote for Trump in New York would count for anything?)

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