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We are alike. I was raised and later worked in a banana republic and know firsthand what it is to live in a real police state repressive country where police brutality is an everyday occurrence, where fear, murder and torture are used to keep the people in line.

Ronald Regan was right when he called the U.S. "The shining city on the hill." The purpose of the Democrat/Communist Party is to use their communist minions, BLM, ANTIFA, Woke, Political Correctness, CRT to destroy us from within.

The left will denigrate what I have just said and call me names. I am not a right-wing nut case. I consider myself to be a right of center conservative. But I am more than that. I am an educated avid reader of history. It is simple for me to justify saying the Democrats are on the road to communism. All you have to do is read a short history of communism and its tactics, to see that I am right.

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Which short history of communism would you recommend?

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Most histories I've read are long, like a biography of Stalin and I read them between 30 and 40 years ago. Many of these histories can be pretty dry and most people read novels not histories. When I said a short history, I meant for the reader to find a short history themselves.

For example, right now I am reading Wiliam Shirer's "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" which is over 1700 pages long. I don't know of many people who will slog through a novel that long, much less a history.

Years ago I read his "Berlin Diary" which was excellent so I decided to try his book on Hitler's Third Reich. So far Shirer is true to form and the book is as good as "Diary".

I'm sorry I can't recommend a short history.

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Neither short, nor the full story of communism, but I'd recommend the following:

- Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder - All the horrors of the 'isms' in between World Wars

- Martyrmade podcast (by Darryl Cooper) - #19 - The Anti-Humans

- Unraveling 31 podcast (Jocko Willink & Darryl Cooper) - Out of the Frying Pan

I found these particularly enlightening... there are so many more resources, I just have these as recent finds.

Full disclosure, particularly with Bloodlands, it is hard to go to sleep after reading it

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Thank you. The Black Book of Communism is what I’ve found, but not completed.

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Absolutely is "The shining city on the hill", and it is SO DARN HARD to get to that shinny city on the hill as an immigrant (especially legally)... it is infuriating that when you arrive, some over-pampered, pseudo-intellectuals with a guilt complex for having it so easy, want to tear it down.

We can all agree that society is perfectible and the West has sins to atone for - but so do every single society on Earth since the beginning of history. We also can all agree that neither extreme (right or left) is good.

But can the West please, please stop this self destruction process? From my side, all sins forgiven and let's move forward to continue with the progress achieved through civilised history.

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MP Badenoch is a remarkable woman - lucky Britain!

Now Commonsense needs to report on the many wonderful rising stars in the GOP. I look to the politicians the brilliant Peter Thiel supports: Sen. Josh Hawley, Senate candidates JD Vance in Ohio & Blake Masters in Arizona. Or how about CA gov candidate Larry Elder. I would love to see Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk run for office. But then I believe all have been endorsed or are liked by Trump, so I won't hold my breath. I dare Commonsense to report on one GOP candidate in a positive way. And please not the ones who will never win again as a Republican, Lynn Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

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Liz. It's Liz Cheney.

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