
The Red Wave should have occurred. Why it didn't is the $64,000 question! If someone revealed to me that the Communist Chinese-made voting computers had a backdoor enabling the Communist Chinese hacking of these voting machines, I just might think it possible!! That makes more sense to me than otherwise! The Red Wave should have occurred.

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Sorry it's taken me weeks to read this piece. Perfect. Gee Gosh Golly...actual journalism! I don't know which "side" Mr. Savodnik is on! He observes, reports, perceives. Bravo. While I weep for my former profession, I'm grateful for Common Sense for pieces such as this.

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The article's purpose was to illustrate the kind of nostalgia behind the poor showing of a Trump-dominated Republican party. Mt 15:14.

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I didn't think the article was that condescending. I never thought there would be a red wave. I understood that the SCOTUS Roe decision would motivate women to stand by the Democrat Party and ignore the deceit their Party has peddled for decades now. Deceit that has led to overwhelming violence and chaos in our cities and Stalin like canceling and silencing within our workplaces and our schools. Deceit that supports our precious children being used as political pawns; telling our brown and black children that they're oppressed by their white peers and filling their precious souls with hopelessness and rage, while instructing our beautiful white children that they are oppressors and riddling them with shame, guilt, self doubt, and eventually, with their own rage. But I also recognized something that many Republicans refuse to acknowledge, which is that Trump must go in order for Republicans to sell their message(s). As a lifelong moderate independent Democrat I voted for the man once, knowing he was a jerk and a bully, because I thought that Republicans needed a fighter to bully back what has become the Party of Big Bullies, the Democrats. But we no longer need his brand of bullying, it's stale and regressive now. What we need is someone like DeSantis who Trump is now attempting to destroy with his ugly name calling and his narcissistic jealousies. I like DeSantis because he's Trump without the nastiness, without the delusions, without the ugly name calling and ugly lies; yes Trump lies, a lot; and did I mention that he's an absolute infant, and, most importantly from a political vantage, HE CAN'T WIN! My fear is that far too many Republicans are willing to bite off their noses to spite their faces and that they will continue to stay on this angry, mean, and dysfunctional Trump ship as it burns and plunges to its and our inevitable doom. God bless All Americans!

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Gonna neee to see that data on "Immigrants with nothing to their name greatly outperform most black Americans."

Maybe it's next to the data that "America is the least racist country in the world."

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I thought I was on the page of Heather Cox Richardson

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"State's rights"

Got it.

Not complicated.

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Uh...not a complicated concept.

"State's Rights"

Got it.

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Apparently, you need to look up the fact that Graham is a major figure in the GOP and wins re-election quite easily. Not signs of unpopularity.

The law in Montana is abortion is legal until the fetus is viable, subject to certain conditions, such as parental notification in the case of a minor. Montana also bans partial birth abortions after a fetus has become viable.

You're quite confidently incorrect. think people are supporting abortion at 8-9 months?

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Lol. Actually, not woke at all. Think diversity trainings are stupid and a waste of time.

Oh, wow the blacks are ."lucky"....had "infinite head start" ...have been "lavished" they're "demonizing"....

You're revealing yourself. By all means, keep going. And you call other people racist? Lol.

Use quotations absoultely perfectly - especially when illustrating hypocrisy.

Bari has documented nothing. Fake, moral panic.

Have lead you perfectly. Right to this point. Now, we'll see if the dumb horse drinks:

1. What is "wokeism"

2. How was wokeism effected your daily life?

3. What quantitative data do you have proving Americ is the "least racist country in the world."

4. Two camps/groups of Trump supporters.

A. Non-racist (but racism/bigotry are not disqualifying)

B. Racist.

What do you think the percentages are?

Look forward to your answer to the above 4 questions.

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Good to know sensibility prevailed, my faith in America restored. Most Americans don't believe it's true because Trump says it and mocking, lying and being crude is not a way to win over people.

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Lol....sorry, dude....still trying to get over you calling Birmingham "dead weight" for the state of AL.

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In Arizona, the Secretary of State has her official employees counting the ballots. In the other provinces, the situation is not as questionable. And yes, I'm not seeing much in the way of campaign promises in Missouri, but for conservatives this is an unusually good country without the leftist misgovernment. That's the one promise the Republican party needed to emphasize.

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"The Trump v. DeSantis talk by the Establishment isn't because one is good and one bad. They tried for 4yrs to split you from Trump & failed. Their new plan is to promote DeSantis in hopes you become suspicious, resulting in infighting, thus splitting the MAGA/America1st/Populist wing."

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This writer sounds a lot like my nephew who recently said to me, "Republicans don't have a plan."

How about this:

Enforce the laws and keep criminals in prison instead of on the streets.

Fund the police.

Enforce the immigration laws and keep foreigners in other countries until their asylum applications are accepted.

Keep voter registration lists accurate and up to date, and have a method of verifying that the people actually casting votes are on that list.

Stop the FBI from interfering with American elections.

Stop collusion between the government, Big Tech and Big Media to suppress the truth.

Remove the regulatory barriers to producing energy in the United States. Stop trying to put a major American industry out of business.

Let parents know what the schools are teaching their children.

The Bill of Rights? Yeah, remember that we have a Bill of Rights, that sounds like a pretty good plan to me.

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