How does Jack square freedom with free health care? ( which is the most logical interpretation of his use of the term).

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Are you guys following the allegations against Tim Walz? I always want to hear the FP take since everything else seems so extreme either way.


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I sense we are in the middle phases of the old adage that 'strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men.' cycle. A generation of young men with few job prospects and as few prospects for finding a partner in life is a recipe for disaster. Just sayin...

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When they asked Kamala on the View what she would do differently than Biden she STILL didn’t have an answer except “nothing I can think of”. This is NOT a “new way forward”. Kamala is not a step forward on the #MeToo path from Hillary, who was independent, very well educated, and whether you agree with her nor not a clear and cogent speaker. Kamala worked her way up through Willie Brown, her husband is a #MeToo embarrassment, and now Rufo has an October surprise of plagiarism in her one book.

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Men with penises vote Trump.

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Hmmm. So ironic that this election may come down to two genders when the Left is so busy telling us there are infinite genders. On another note, I find the constant hypocrisy exhausting: DJT is a serial woman abuser but Kamala’s husband’s infidelity and violence are completely ignored.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

"This past weekend, Tim Walz went pheasant shooting with a Beretta shotgun in tow, in an apparent effort to win over male voters."

Pheasant hunting, maybe, but I am reasonably sure no pheasants were harmed in this effort unless they died laughing. The "certain sect of young men" (Sect? Guns and religion, eh?) includes anyone with any familiarity with firearms, which is may surprise you to learn is by no means exclusively male. At least he realized it was important to point the end with two holes in it away from himself (or anyone else).

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Relics such as yours truly were subject to a draft and became intimately involved with a variety of firearms. Like we had a choice.

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I would tend to believe that most farmers have toxic masculinity. If they had time to think about it. If women are so against masculine men, they should walk the walk and stop taking advantage of what toxic masculinity provides them so they can survive. Are the building and other trades devoid of masculinity?

Ahh toxic men bad, until you need the toilet unplugged. I should add, farmers and ranchers are some of the most gentlemanly men I have ever met.

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"Today’s young men and women are at odds with each other."

And neither group will show up at the polls.

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"...sending a message that objectifying women is acceptable and undermining the importance of consent,"

Snort....guffaw...snort again..ROFLOL.

Willie Brown and the anonymous state employees who were pushed out of consideration for state jobs could not be reached for comment.

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Women are fighting for abortion. Full stop.

You do not get to tell me it's about bodily autonomy after funnelling billions and billions to Big Pharma over a "vaccine" that was totally unnecessary and forced on people through lies and duress.

Any woman who doesn't care about the atrocities of the COVID lockdowns but cares about "my body" is brainwashed, has no concept of real principles, and is steering the country into oblivion purely for the sake of killing American babies.

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So much of the conversation below is about abortion. It’s almost like it has devolved to women need to have an abortion every month or something. In real life, every women does not have an aborti9n once or four times during her life.

There are what, 1 million or less abortions every year? Some of those, maybe many, are repeat customers. Why on earth are these women not using birth control? Why are they not just saying no? It’s not like every one of those pregnancies was due to forced sex. It’s quite inexplicable.

Remember the Georgetown law student who made such a big deal over free birth control? You have to wonder if she actually uses it or maybe she just uses abortion as birth control.

The saddest thing is these young women are so ignorant, they have multiple abortions and then years later, way past their prime years they will find themselves infertile. And the media and the democrat party and Hollywood just encourages young women to act like rutting young men. It seems like the biggest proponents of abortion anytime anywhere are older women biologically incapable of getting pregnant any longer. It’s truly inexplicable.

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Exactly. Being a woman means understanding your fertility cycle and knowing when you're fertile. You really need to get laid? Hellloooo, you're fertile. To paraphrase Smokey the Bear, Only you can prevent unplanned pregnancies.

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Manipulation by both political parties underlies all of this. While polls, such as on who one might vote for as president, are more horse race entertainment than anything else, there are polls that give us a sense of the real America. While the numbers shift a little over time and with creative phrasing of questions, we know that there are strong commonalities among Americans. By super-majorities (two thirds or more) Americans support: abortion rights in line with Roe; second amendment rights with responsibility; equality of opportunity, not of outcome.

We have two parties that line up on opposite sides of these kinds of issues, where the super-majority of Americans are together, because they each want the power and the wealth that come with political control. The tragedy is that we fall for this garbage and cannot, somehow, cultivate a third party that actually represents that vast majority. This binary party system is trash and we all know it. This is what we see reflected in young people's polarization.

So, why aren't we dumping both of these parties for one that respects all Americans and reflects the will of the people?

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There is one stark difference. Kamala says she can influence the abortion laws as a Fed. that means she is anti law as the SCOTUS has passed the ruling that abortion is a states right. Which is the stance of Trump. One wonders how such educated suburban women can't understand the truth of the situation. Get rid of all the filibusters you want. We saw how that worked out for Reid. It is actually him who shoulders the blame for the three SCOTUS picks Trump got. But for the educated elite it is about feelings and has nothing to do with reality and practicality. Even when on their knees and sucking up to Iran with billions of dollars, the biden/harris/blinken team couldn't get Iran on board with any peace treaty. Trump had two, a third was pretty much ready and he was isolating Iran and it's ;proxies. Something the DC forever full-timers never thought of.

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I think it’s funny that disagreeing with Trump gets you called a loser (or worse) but disagreeing with Obama gets you a sermon.

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The divide between married and unmarried women is pretty stark as well. The single cat ladies vote overwhelmingly for Ds. Married women are more likely to vote for Rs. My wife doesn't like Trump, but she thinks a Kamala Harris presidency would be devastating to the country. She had planned to sit this one out, but feels she must vote against Kamala. I haven't encouraged her one way or another.

But, I'm saddened at the priorities of these women. It seems they get their understanding of the world from the stupidest people on the planet... like the View.

Abortion? Liberal women think they need unlimited abortion so they don't become baby factories, meanwhile beloved democrat Mayor Pete used a woman as a baby factory for his own benefit. They are voting for the people doing the things they fear: elite, powerful men using disposable women as surrogates. Traditional, conservative men are not looking to breed like animals; they are looking for spouses to start families. And, even if they were, women still have autonomy. They can choose not to have sex. They could choose to have protected sex. They could choose an IUD or other birth control means, but they need the satisfaction of knowing they can kill something in their womb if they want to. What a disgusting, destructive desire to take what is beautiful and unique and what should be treasured by women and for women and turn it into such a grotesque, transactional existence.

Guns? What they probably mean here is violence. Violence is bad. Most people are against violence.

Gun violence makes headlines (if you live in the right neighborhood), and I understand and share the revulsion to violence. But gun laws are only obeyed by law-abiding citizens. What are other alternatives to preventing violence? Well, why don't we start by not letting foreign gangs take over private enterprises at gunpoint? Seems like a fairly easy place to start that everyone can agree on, and yet democrats are suggesting that pointing this out is actually racist and xenophobic. Do we hate violence only when certain people do it? I've lost track.

Environment? You mean the anti-science climate scam that's grifting billions from the working class so elites who fly around on their private jets can get government subsidies? I wonder how all the electric cars are doing in hurricane-ravaged parts of the country where they haven't had power in weeks. We should care for the environment, but the climate emergency that's been shoved down our throats for decades is just a scam. The answer to the environment is technological innovation and economic prosperity. Climate scammers want to stop those things. They actually want to make human existence less good because they view humanity itself as the problem with the obvious solution being less humans.

So, go kill a human in the womb for the environment before they grow up to be a man that owns a gun, I guess?

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So well said!

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I do not think I could've summarized this article better. Plain spoken and unfiltered. Nice commentary.

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I can’t vote for Trump because of who he is as a person. The way he so openly grasps at anything that could be good for him at the expense of anyone else means he cannot be president.

I also can’t vote for Kamala because of the Democrats’ push for DEI at the federal level, limiting all white men’s access to jobs they may have earned a place in. These policies are illegal and should be rooted out.

Had the Republicans run nearly anyone else I’d be voting red for the first time in my life.

Instead I’ll be skipping the top of the ballot and voting for the pro-choice amendment my state has on the ballot and splitting the rest of my votes based on person and policy, not party.

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How about voting for peace and no wars? Who someone is, is not as important as what they do. why not vote for the thousands of unaccompanied children who cross the border and become sex slaves the the biden/harris administration, at a minimum, are the enablers.

Did you not read, Inside America’s Fastest-Growing Criminal Enterprise: Sex Trafficking

Biden’s border policies have led to an explosion in the forced prostitution of migrants in the U.S. ‘If I wanted to, I could order a girl within 15 minutes.’

Another FP article lout today?How is it you can't vote for Trump for who he is, a judgemental personal choice, when you can read how much worse harris and biden are? Those stances are irrational when trying to put them together.

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To which of these questions do you most want my reply?

I’m not going to answer to you but I’m more than open to a conversation.

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Your choice. Will this be a fact based discussion or just an I believe conversation?

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How about voting for peace and no wars? - I don’t understand what you have in mind when you say this.

Who someone is, is not as important as what they do. - Agreed; I won’t vote for Trump because of the things he does.

why not vote for the thousands of unaccompanied children who cross the border and become sex slaves the the biden/harris administration, at a minimum, are the enablers. - I don’t have any evidence showing that children crossing the border into the US is what causes them to become sex slaves; do we know that the crossing is what forces them into sex slavery? I assumed it was occurring before crossing; maybe I’m wrong.

Did you not read, Inside America’s Fastest-Growing Criminal Enterprise: Sex Trafficking - I did but it didn’t answer my above question, so I’m not willing to lock in my opinion yet.

Biden’s border policies have led to an explosion in the forced prostitution of migrants in the U.S. ‘If I wanted to, I could order a girl within 15 minutes.’ - See above answer.

Another FP article lout today? - I don’t understand this.

How is it you can't vote for Trump for who he is, a judgemental personal choice, when you can read how much worse harris and biden are? - I disagree with the Dem’s border policy but this isn’t my primary issue.

Those stances are irrational when trying to put them together. - You don’t get to assign values to my beliefs before we discuss them. We aren’t going to argue in bad faith.

Ok, my turn:

What of Trumps policies had the best ROI and makes you most excited for enhanced/expanded versions?

What issue or event did you most disagree with Trump’s handling of?

What is the primary issue you’re voting on this cycle?

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When you show the ability and motivation to research or present factual information that refutes what I posted, we can have a conversation. Like I said, a conversation based on facts. I'm not here to be interrogated by you because you can't or wont' uphold your side of the conversation. When you actually want to have a conversation come on back. Until then, you have to live with your lack of knowledge. Although I must admit, if you don't, already know most of this, your self righteous attitude is not real. Not being snarky, but it is tedious and boorish for us when folks like you can't converse like an intelligent adult. Or, you could prove me wrong. I won't hold my breath. If your not interested in peace and all those physically and sexually abused children, I find little hope for you.

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I answered 5 of the 7 stream-of-consciousness questions you asked and explained I didn’t understand what you meant in 2 of them.

You didn’t clarify and ignored the data-driven question and two softball opinion questions I asked you in reply.

Happy to continue:

“How about voting for peace and no wars?” - What do you mean by this?

“why not vote for the thousands of unaccompanied children who cross the border and become sex slaves the the biden/harris administration, at a minimum, are the enablers.” - I haven’t seen anything that says the sex slavery begins at border crossing; I’m hoping you can just share your source on this.

Waiting for your reply on these:

What of Trumps policies had the best ROI and makes you most excited for enhanced/expanded versions?

What issue or event did you most disagree with Trump’s handling of?

What is the primary issue you’re voting on this cycle?

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I would like to have seen Nikki Haley at the top of the ticket. I think a lot of Trump fans literally would not vote for a woman. I also think Nikki would be 20 points ahead of Harris (as would Trump if he could only keep his mouth shut.)

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As opposed to liberals who will vote for kamala only because she is a woman and "Black"? Wasn't that Obama's point? Nothing to little about qualifications but hey, black men pay attention, she is black and the type of woman you want in charge.

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Nimrata the War Karen? Hard pass.

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I read an X comment during the VP debate asking why we couldn't choose between Vance and Waltz. They both seem much better choices than Trump or Harris . At least more adept at speaking and thinking on their feet which one might argue is an essential skill for a president.

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